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StarDrive 2 is a revolutionary turn-based sequel to the 4X strategy original. Players can build a space empire and command huge fleets turn-by-turn in an immersive, living galaxy filled with nine alien races, pirate factions, galactic lore and mystery. Research hundreds of technologies, including technologies unique to their race, and build ships in the custom ship design mode before taking them into real-time battles packed with stunning visuals and sound effects.

StarDrive 2 is an evolutionary step forward for the StarDrive franchise. The core mechanics have evolved to incorporate a turn-based strategic layer, featuring spectacular real-time battles. As the galactic ruler of a race, gamers will lead their people into a procedurally-generated galaxy, exploring and expanding their space empire to greatness. Players can exploit planets, navigate asteroid belts, and overcome deep space dangers while handling interspecies relations to gain the upper hand. They will conduct diplomacy and espionage, make alien friends that will deliver thriving trade treaties -- or enemies that will seek to exterminate them at all costs. Players will research new technologies and design powerful warships to defend their claims; and they will discover the extensive lore of the StarDrive universe by encountering many dozens of anomalies, heroes, and galactic mysteries that will ensure no two games will ever play the same.




Nisam jos probao, sutra cu. Jel igrao neko?

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Igram ga ja, nije loše. Mislim apsolutno je potpuni rimejk, skoro sve je prekopirano ako se ja sećam originala kako valja. Od novih stvari sam primetio da ima neki veliki galakticki savet gde mozes da glasas koja rasa ce da bude predsednik ali nisam skapirao sta se desava kad neko i postane predsednik, meni jos nije pošlo za rukom, jebene mačke se uzdrzavaju od glasanja, moraću da ih pritisnem ;)

Takodje postoji opcija taktičke borbe u svemiru (ne samo da izračuna na osnovu snaga flota), to deluje malo kao Homeworld, simpa. Doduše sutra cu tek da pokusam da spustim marince na planetu, mozda i to postoji kao real time, dosad sam ih rokao samo niklearkama :)

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Konacno sam skupio vremena da predjem Master of Orion. Sad pokusavam da se prisetim svega iz originalne igre, cini mi se da su diplomatiju malo dodatno razvili, u smislu imas vise stvari o kojima mozes da pregovaras s drugim igracima. I te takticke borbe brodova su super uradjene, mislim ne mozes da napravis bas neki totalni preokret, ali u RTS tipu borbe mozes da izvedes neki manevar tipa da povuces neke njihove brodove pa da resis prvo njih pre nego sto napadnes stanicu, a verovatno bi izginuo skroz da ih napadnes zajedno. 

Sve u svemu jako dobra zabava i verno prebacen utisak originalne igre. Onaj osecaj kada igras x sati i onda nadjes cudoviste koje je kod Oriona, i kao "cek da snimim za slucaj da me odere" :) Bas davno to nisam uradio jer nekako sve novije igre to rade za tebe. Mozda i ova radi, ali je nekako instinkt rekao da treba snimiti pre nego sto mi odere celu flotu. 

Ostalo mi jos multiplayer da probam, to bi moglo biti zabavno. 

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Što ne uze peticu da igraš, kuku meni

Sedmica bi i trebalo da je igriva, ali postoji standalone expanzija Trial by Fire za koju kukaju na Steam forumu kako je puna bagova, ali to ne smeta Ubisoftu da izbaci ovakvu objavu:

Our partnership with Limbic Entertainment is coming to an end and as such no further updates will be provided for the title.

Naravno cena je i dalje 30 evra, pa ko se upeca...

TL;DR Ne treba kupovati ništa od Ubisofta

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igrao sam svojevremeno četvorku, shvatio da je heroj van balansa, pa sam odustao od nastavaka i igrao staru dobru trojku. sad me ženin buraz navukao na sedmicu, pa smo malo pikali. ima nekih dobrih stvari, kao što je flanking, ali brate magije su ugušili. gotovo da nema ofanzivnih magija, sve su uglavmo support magije ili bafovi.


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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