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Koji mobilni telefon


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Da li koristite neke Xposed module? Imate li neki da preporucite?

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Ne mogu da nadjem modul koji omogucava da duzi pritisak na recent apps dugme bude kao alt tab na win.. Paranoid to ima built in a prilicno sam siguran da postoji i xposed modul za to :/

Edit : nasao sam ovo u GravityBox-u..

Edited by Шоми илити SpC

Ћирилизација интернета!

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uzeh juce preko telenora, alcatel idol 2 mini.. medium range telefon, ali u odnosu na moj stari (sony xperia u) kome je ceo ekran prso od pada na beton, preporodio sam se sa ovim alcatelom. pregledan meni, brz (za sada) i ne izgleda lose uzivo. sto kaze longli, telefone gledam samo kad treba da kupim novi, a od sony-a je proslo 2 godine, tako da sam se bas iznenadio koliko je ovaj alcatel bolji po svim paramtetrima u odnosu na stari. :) nadam se da nece biti nepredvidjenih bugova i slicno, jer sam za sad zadovoljan. paket je "prenesi i surfuj xl" 2000din mesecno, telefon za 1din. 


dok ti ne crkne dvaput za 9 meseci kao meni.

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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novi Moto G - http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/5/6107389/the-new-moto-g-motorolas-cheap-smartphone-gets-even-bigger-and-better


One particularly consistent request was for an SD card slot, which is apparently a popular way to share files and information between phones, particularly in developing markets. So the new Moto G has an SD card slot.





novi Moto X - http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/5/6108473/the-new-moto-x-could-be-the-best-android-phone-ever-made

Edited by CheighLee


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One particularly consistent request was for an SD card slot, which is apparently a popular way to share files and information between phones, particularly in developing markets. So the new Moto G has an SD card slot.


Cili, rekli su ti da si nerazvijen, a ti se radujes tome.

Edited by mohican



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