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ne znam u koju temu da stavim, ali ovako nesto bi mozda bilo zanimljivo. samo ne 30 day challenge vec bi svako postovao svoju listu. y/n?


Day 01 - Your favorite movie

Day 02 - The last movie you watched
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of
Day 10 - Your favorite director
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most
Day 19 - Your favorite actor
Day 20 - Your favorite actress
Day 21 - The most overrated movie
Day 22 - The most underrated movie
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie
Day 24 - Favorite documentary
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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Samo da se ogradim i da kažem da nisam neki poznavalac kinematografije.

Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Hero (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299977/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Blue Jasmine

Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - indijana džons bilo koji

Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - nemam

Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - nemam

Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Kako je propao rok end rol

Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - svaki od Ves Andersona

Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - ne bih mogao konkretnog da se setim

Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - kako je propao rok end rol

Day 10 - Your favorite director - Ves Anderson

Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - bmw banditi

Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - Alisa u zemlji čuda

Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - nemam

Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie -

Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - james bond - for your eyes only

Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - hobitsiz 2

Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - e kure...

Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - elizijum

Day 19 - Your favorite actor - brus vilis

Day 20 - Your favorite actress - nemam

Day 21 - The most overrated movie - ne znam

Day 22 - The most underrated movie - ne znam

Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - dart vejdar

Day 24 - Favorite documentary - nemam

Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - ne znam

Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - ne pada mi na pamet

Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - nemam

Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - na vr mi jezika

Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - ne znam

Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - svi horori!

Jebote, koliko sam upućen u filmove ko marica u krivak. Možda dopunim!


nema vise zezanja


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Ja sam odgovarao po principu šta mi prvo padne na pamet (sem ovih pitanja tipa šta si poslednje gledao i tako to), ali sam odgovorio na sve!

Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Pulp fiction

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Kids

Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - LOTR trilogy

Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - From dusk till dawn

Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - The Shawshank redemtion

Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - How high

Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Munje!

Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - Lepa sela, lepo gore

Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Pulp fiction

Day 10 - Your favorite director - Quentin Tarantino

Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Terminator 2: Judgment day

Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - The lion king

Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - EuroTrip

Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie

Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - The jungle book

Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - Reincarnated

Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - Into the wild

Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Robin Hood (2010)

Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Brad Pitt

Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Scarlett Johansson <3

Day 21 - The most overrated movie - The Hangover

Day 22 - The most underrated movie - Super troopers

Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Jules Winnfield (Pulp fiction)

Day 24 - Favorite documentary - Apocalypse: The Second World War

Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Love Actually

Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - Love Actually :D

Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - Once upon a time in the west

Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - How high

Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - Into the wild ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31zleAzh1h4 )

Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - ae taj Robin Hood

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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Cloud atlas

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - The War of The Roses
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - Event Horizon
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - Dogville
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Les visiteurs
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Little Miss Sunshine
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - Било шта од Дизнија
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Маратонци трче почасни круг
Day 10 - Your favorite director - немам, тј. имам више... Куросава, фон Трир, Линч, Вачковски, Тарковски, Спилберг, Тарантино... и неког сам заборавио сигурно
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Чаробна шума
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - Les Triplettes de Bellville

Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - немам
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie -



Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - Star Wars VI - Return of the Jedi
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - The Conjuring
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - Cloud Atlas
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Prometheus
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Кевин Спејси
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Мишел Родригез
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - било који зомби филм
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Индијана Џоунс
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - Видимо се у читуљи
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love -Beautiful Girls

Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - ух, ох...
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - My Fair Lady
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Pulp Fiction
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - немам
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - не могу да се сетим

beautiful girls


ахахахаха али гилти плежр, ахахахахаха

Edited by Debeli


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Oldboy (2003)

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Filth
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Predator
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - The Shining/Angst (1983)
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - uf, Magnolia moguce
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Anchorman
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Anchorman
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - Joint Security Area
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of Fight Club ili Drive
Day 10 - Your favorite director - Paul Thomas Anderson
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Terminator 2
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - Princes Mononoke
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - ne znam
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie - Ima ih puno, ne mogu da biram
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - Mislim da je Dumb and Dumber ili Grease
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - The Wolf of Wall Street
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - ne znam , mozda Joint Security Area ili Prisoners
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Godzilla iz 90 neke
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - ne znam
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Julianne Moore
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Dunno mozda Social Network  , sad ce da me zapali Corey :)
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - O homem do ano
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Daniel Plainview (There will be blood) ili Bronson
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - ne znam
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Love and other drugs
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure -
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Drive :)
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - The Hunt
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - Surf School, The Covenant, Godzilla

Edited by nikita_

sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Reservoir Dogs ? :c
Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Enough Said
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Finding Nemo? :D
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - nemam
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - Hotel Rwanda
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Big Lebowski
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - 
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - The Bridge To Terabithia
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Clerks? :D
Day 10 - Your favorite director - nemam
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Life is Beautiful (1997)
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - How to train your Dragon
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - nemam
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie - Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - de znam
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - neko sranje (resident evil?)
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - Django, The Intouchables
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Avatar - znam da je bio neki hajp veliki i da sam se smorio u bioskopu :D
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - neam
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - neam
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Betmen i ostali filmovi sa jebenim superherojima? :D
Day 22 - The most underrated movie -  Phone Booth
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Walter Sobchak
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - neam
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - neam
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - neki sa dzenifer aniston <3 :D
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie  - neam
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Pulp Fiction, a i Django ima vr soundtrack!
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - Forrest Gump
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - Iron Man neki broj ne secam se (ovo cak ne spada ni u onu kategoriju gde je betmen, koji je dobar film ali se ljudi mnogo loze na superheroje, ali ovo kad sam krenuo da gledam hteo sam da povratim! )

Day 21 - The most overrated movie - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Day 22 - The most underrated movie - било који зомби филм



Edited by rejven
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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Defendor
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Split Second, The Last Boy Scout
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - The Shining
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - United States of Leland
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Life of Brian
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Rocky
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - Dead Poets Society
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - The Goonies, Things to Do in Denver...
Day 10 - Your favorite director - Ridli i Toni Skot, Soderberg, Bojl i ako sam raspoložen Džarmuš
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - The Goonies, Christmas Story
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - ne mogu izabrati
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - ne bih rekao da imam
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie - TtDiDWYD: "As he should be. You glide", Roj Beti i suze, 13th Warrior: "I listened!". 
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - sigurno nisu ti, ali su mi prva sećanja na bioskop TMNT i Terminator 2
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - ne sećam se
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - gledao Django i obnovio gradivo The Warriors

Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Monster
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Hoakin Finiks i Šon Pen
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - ne znam, možda Hilari Svonk
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Eyes Wide Shut
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - Split Second
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Jimmy "The Saint" Tosnia
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - Baraka
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Dogville
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - Brokeback Mountain LOL GEJ
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - ako se ubraja u "klasike" Dog Day Afternoon
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - X Files (film), Spawn, The Goonies i Walk the Line 
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - Kontroll, posle kog sam počeo više da rovarim istočnoevropske "moderne" filmove
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - Monster



I jedan veliki :salute: za braću Stijoviće i svakako najbolji "mali" film svih vremena - Bjutifl grls.

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Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - the last boy scout
Day 02 - The last movie you watched - the counsellor
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - terminator 2
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - dead snow :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - himmel über berlin
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - super troopers
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - trainspotting
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - man on fire
Day 09 - A movie that you know the whole script of - pulp fiction (prvog dana na internetu sam preko yahoo-a našao PF scenario i pročitao ga celog u narednih nekoliko meseci)
Day 10 - Your favorite director - tarantino, ako moram da izaberem jednog
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - terror mašina :D
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - wall-e
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - munje
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie - we'd have to be talkin' 'bout one charming motherfucking pig
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - highlander 3
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - hobbit 2 :c
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - into the wild
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - prometheus
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - 
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - 
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - LOTR i hobit
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - super troopers
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - joe hallenbeck 
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - zeitgeist
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - closer (2004)
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - star trek: the voyage home
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - casablanca
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - pulp fiction
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - closer
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - većina novijih domaćih koje marmeni stalno citiraju
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Јес да не могу нека питања да се одговоре једним именом, ал ево ради игре : )


Day 01 - Your favorite movie The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Day 02 - The last movie you watched Welcome to the Dollhouse
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie Hero
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie The Shining
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie The Talented Mr. Ripley
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie The Big Lebowski
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy Intouchables
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad Life Is Beautiful 
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of In Bruges
Day 10 - Your favorite director Nicolas Winding Refn
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood Edward Scissorhands
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie The Lion King
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate /
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie "Has anything you've done made your life better?" American History X
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters Space Jam
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters Hobbit 2
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year Only God Forgives
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most The Master
Day 19 - Your favorite actor Matthew McConaughey
Day 20 - Your favorite actress Sandra Bullock
Day 21 - The most overrated movie Citizen Kane
Day 22 - The most underrated movie The Room
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie The Dude
Day 24 - Favorite documentary Epizoda iz emisije "Na rubu znanosti", o Viktoru Šaubergeru
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love /
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure /
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie A Clockwork Orange
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack The Fountain
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something American History X
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie /




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Znao sam da ces taj quote :)


Meni je The Master odlican a Only God Forgives mi je malo disappointing iako mi je drago sto je snimljen tako kako jeste :)


Inace mozda sam medju Drame trebao da stavim ovo http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374546/ , al kao sto Dulio ne gleda na Vallhala Rising kao film nego kao umetnicko delo, tako i ja ovo.

sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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aj' posto se 'primilo', da ispostujem sopstvenu temu:


Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Pulp Fiction

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Dallas Buyers Club

Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Saving Private Ryan
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - hmmm. The Shining recimo
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - Shawshank Redemption
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - imam trip da nije fer, ali moram da stavim Monty Python and The Holy Grail :)
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Kad porastem bicu kengur
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - mozda The Pursuit of Happyness zato sto mi je najsveziji, ali nisam 100% siguran
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Pulp Fiction
Day 10 - Your favorite director - Tarantino / Lynch
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Lepa sela lepo gore (:D)
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - /
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - /
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie - 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Yp2L6c2KM / a moze komotno i ivanov citat, tj. ceo taj razgovor

Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - Lepa sela lepo gore
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters -  The Wolf of Walstreet

Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - Django
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Brad Pitt
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Natalie Portman (;;;DD)
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Avatar / Avengers (?) - nisam siguran kako se kotira Avengers osim dobre ocene na imdbu, ali smorio me je jako
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - /
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Jules Winnfield
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - nisam siguran. Through the Wormhole mi je omiljeni serijal recimo.
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Love Actually
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - hm.
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - nemam.
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Pulp Fiction / Amelie
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - nemam ideju
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - gotovo svi superheroj filmovi osim nolanovog betmena

Edited by Vlada_

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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Znao sam da ces taj quote :)


Meni je The Master odlican a Only God Forgives mi je malo disappointing iako mi je drago sto je snimljen tako kako jeste :)


Inace mozda sam medju Drame trebao da stavim ovo http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374546/ , al kao sto Dulio ne gleda na Vallhala Rising kao film nego kao umetnicko delo, tako i ja ovo.

Било је двоумљења између тог и овог из ПФ-а "If Butch goes to Indochina, I want a nigger waiting in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass.", одабрао сам први јер је то филм и цитат детињства! : )


Скоро сам погледао све од ПТА, сви су му одлични, али The Master ми је изгледао као недорастао ономе што је хтео да прикаже. Можда на друго гледање не буде тако, али тренутно ми се не репризира. Ставио сам "Only God Forgives" као најбољи филм из 2013. године који сам гледао, иако питање није тако гласило, јер само прошле године сам погледао вероватно половину онога што сам погледао за живота : ) јако слабо сам гледао филмове, серије су ме размазиле. Мени је Only God Forgives био врхунски доживљај, и то бих рекао да је рецепт за све његове филмове, да се не гледа аналитички, већ да се филм доживи, после другог или трећег гледања закључак се сам наметне : ) Drive ми је толико бруталан филм у том смислу да сам га у врло кратком периоду гледао три пута, а иначе врло ретко репризирам у кратком року. Можда ти ово промени мишљење (Добар му је и ривју Драјва, у ствари цео канал је кул).




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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - A Clockwork Orange, Ravenous

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - The Counselor

Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Mad Max I-III / Indiana Jones I-III
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - The Thing
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - Petrijin Venac
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Zoolander
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Maratonci/Ko to tamo peva/Balkanski špijun
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - The Green Mile
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Aliens
Day 10 - Your favorite director - Kjubrik, Nolan, Spilberg i Ridli Skot (prvih pola karijere ova dvojca)
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Hawk the Slayer iz 1980-e
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - Ninja Scroll/Wonderful Days
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - Ispovest opasnog uma (nije da ga mrzim, ali nisam mogao ni do pola da ga odgledam drugi put).
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie -
Rutger Hauer na kraju Bladerunnera, bilo koji dijalog između Filiona i Eđiofora iz Serenityija, Nikolas Kejdž o AK47 iz Lord Of War.

Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - Tarzan neki, crno beli
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters -  Hobbit 2

Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - The World's End/American Hustle/Oblivion (više zbog atmosfere i tehničkih aspekata).
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Elysium
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Žoakim Finiks, Gaj Pirs, Bata Stojković i ta ekipa
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Ema Tompson
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Kazablanka, Dark Knight, Avatar
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - Starship Troopers
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Malkom Rejnolds (Serenity), Stiv Zisu iz Life Aquatic
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - Rewind This! (o usponu i padu VHS-a)
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Clash of the Titans (novi)
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - Star Wars I-III
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - Abot i Kostelo serijal
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Ravenous, Life Aquatic (oba manje kao standalone, više u kontekstu filma), Tron Legacy
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - Glengari Glen Ros, Office Space, Boiler Room, Changing Lanes
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - slažem se za superherojske filmove, em ubiše u pojam kvantitativno, em traće vreme svih tih kvalitetnih reditelja i glumaca na to. I biće samo još gore, sad kad krenu da bunare za neiskorišćenim likovima ili sa ributovima.

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Lucky Number Slevin

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - Filth
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - Die Hard 3
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - The Shining
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - Dog day afternoon
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - Snatch (nije klasična komedija, ali film koji me ubedljivo najviše zasmejava)
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - The Fifth Element
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - Stranger than fiction
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Trainspotting

Day 10 - Your favorite director - Kjubrik
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Terminator 2
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - The Prince of Egypt

Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - ne znam

Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie - My father used to say: "The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle." - Lucky number Slevin

Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - James Bond - Sutra ne umire nikad
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - Skyfall
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - Killing them softly
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - Die Hard 5
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Edward Norton
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Emma Watson (površan sam)
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Only God Forgives
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - The  Beach, World War Z
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - Tyler Durden
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - Baraka
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Klip

Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - Battleship
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - The good, The bad and The ugly
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Fight Club
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - jedino što mi pada na pamet je Fight Club kad sam ga gledao prvi put kao klinac
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - Ona voli zvezdu, Mala noćna muzika i tako to

žao mi je koliko dobrih filmova nisam mogao da pomenem.


edit: moram da pohvalim shw-a :D

jel to ovde niko ne gleda horore pa nam je the shining omiljeni?

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Nezahvalno podosta, cak i da je "dozvoljeno" nabrajanje, opet bih izostavio veliki broj dragih filmova kod nekih kategorija.

Day 01 - Your favorite movie - Casino 

Day 02 - The last movie you watched - As good as it gets http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119822/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 03 - Your favorite action/adventure movie - LOTR trilogija
Day 04 - Your favorite horror movie - The Shining http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081505/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 05 - Your favorite drama movie - Cinema Paradiso http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095765/?ref_=tt_rec_tt
Day 06 - Your favorite comedy movie - The Return Of Pink Panther http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072081/?ref_=tt_rec_tt
Day 07 - A movie that makes you happy - Groundhog Day http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107048/?ref_=nm_knf_i1
Day 08 - A movie that makes you sad - Being There http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078841/?ref_=nm_knf_t2
Day 09 - A movie that you know practically the whole script of - Goodfellas http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099685/?ref_=nv_sr_2
Day 10 - Your favorite director - ne mogu samo komad
Day 11 - Your favorite movie from your childhood - Robin Hood http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070608/?ref_=nv_sr_3
Day 12 - Your favorite animated movie - Robin Hood http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070608/?ref_=nv_sr_3
Day 13 - A movie that you used to love but now hate - nemam ni sa jednim ljubav pa mrznja odnos (no homo), ima samo koje sam voleo pa prerastao ili koje oduvek mrzim.
Day 14 - Your favorite quote from any movie -  "I think in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do. For instance tomorrow morning I'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to the bank and... walk in and see and, uh... if you don't have my money for me, I'll... crack your fuckin' head wide-open in front of everybody in the bank. And just about the time that I'm comin' out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma. And guess what? I'll split your fuckin' head open again. 'Cause I'm fuckin' stupid. I don't give a fuck about jail. That's my business. That's what I do." Nicki Santoro , Casino 
Day 15 - The first movie you saw in theaters - Space Jam (sigurno je nesto bilo i ranije, al ovoga se secam) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117705/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 16 - The last movie you saw in theaters - The Wolf Of Wall Street http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0993846/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 17 - The best movie you saw during the last year - La Haine http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113247/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 18 - A movie that disappointed you the most - previse ih je :S
Day 19 - Your favorite actor - Brad Pitt
Day 20 - Your favorite actress - Charlize Theron
Day 21 - The most overrated movie - Volim originalnu trilogiju, ali mislim da je Star Wars precenjen.
Day 22 - The most underrated movie - Eyes Wide Shut http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120663/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 23 - Your favorite character from any movie - ne mogu da suzim izbor.
Day 24 - Favorite documentary - -/-
Day 25 - A movie that no one would expect you to love - Scent Of A Woman http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105323/?ref_=nv_sr_2
Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure - Love Actually :S http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0314331/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 27 - Favorite classic movie - (moram dva) Casablanca http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034583/?  

Roman Holiday http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0046250/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Day 28 - Movie with the best soundtrack - Juice http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104573/?ref_=nv_sr_3
Day 29 - A movie that changed your opinion about something - Django http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1853728/?ref_=nv_sr_1 (promenio lose misljenje o Dikapriju kao glumcu :S znam, znam kida on odavno, valjda sam tu probio neku odbojnost premau liku, sada ga obozavam :D)
Day 30 - Your least favorite movie - glupa kategorija nekako, najmanje omiljeni film. Oksimoron ako me pitate.

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moram reći samo da Star wars nije precenjen film (posebno epizode 1,2 i 3 na koje ciljaš) iz prostog razloga što većina ljudi misli da je sranje :D

druga stvar je što se ljudi lože na likove iz filma, to je druga čupri!

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