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Evo malo američkog patriotizma :))


Frank Glick, an amateur photographer, captured this amazing image at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minnesota. He thought that the family of the veteran buried at that gravestone might like to have a copy, and did some research on Sgt. Maurice Ruch.

Ruch, a veteran of World War II, was a US Army marksman who served in the Aleutian Islands and earned a Bronze Star. Then he went home, became an engineer and got married. John Tevlin of the Star Tribute spoke with Ruch’s widow, Vivian, and best friend, Jack Kiefner:

I told Vivian that some cultures believe the eagle is a symbol, not only of patriotism and dignity, but a messenger between heaven and earth. She nodded solemnly.

“I’d say the eagle had a very good eye when he landed on Maurie, and he was respected,” she said.

“I miss him,” said Vivian as she picked up the photo. “He was a good man and a good provider.”

“The eagle couldn’t have picked a better person,” said Kiefner.

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Што ниси ставио у спојлер, бацићу пеглу, што сам чито дијалог што:)

Јој, још се лик зове Моу'риис, сјајно... Моу'риис је био ГУД ПРОВАЈДЕР брате мили:)


brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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