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retardi...btw, sam zemljotres je naneo vrlo malu stetu...lepo se vidi na snimcima kad cunami nailazi da skoro sve zgrade stoje neostecene...al zato ih je cunami sjebao samo tako...jedino resenje je ne graditi nista na nadmorskoj visini ispod 15m:)...btw, nadam se da u nuklearci u fukushimi nece biti meltdowna, ipak su to savremeniji reaktori, valjda su sipke sa gorivom odmah izvucene i do sad pokrenut backup sistem za hladjenje...nisam citao ovaj kalijev link, al na tvu su mi malo konfuzna objasnjenja sa kontrolisanim ispustanjem pare pod pritiskom, pa ne moze valjda to da izazove onolike eksplozije? btw, kaze da su pomerena japanska ostrva za 2.5 metra...inace mene fascinira smirenost ljudi pored takve katastrofe, kako ciste ono sto je ostalo od njihovih kuca ili smireno cekaju u redu za hranu/vodu...kod nas se ljudi svadjaju ko je 1. a ko 2. u redu kod doktora, a u ovakvoj situaciji bi izbila revolucija


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Da, ali u ekstremnim situacijama, kod nas ljudi pevaju i igraju po mostovima dok padaju bombe, i nit su se svadjali u redu kod doktora, nit je izbila revolucija...osim onih pederčića što su se zaglavljivali u vratima skloništa, blokirajući prolaz ženama i deci (ovo mi pade na pamet jedan događaj u NS, pa sam malo popizdeo na to ponovo [:D] )

Ne glorifikujem te događaje, nego napominjem da je u pitanju ekstremna situacija - šta drugo da rade nego da saniraju štetu. Nekako izgleda da samo nesreća istinski zbliži ljude.

Btw, šta je sa tim vulkanima. Negde pročitah da je ovaj gor enavedeni, a koji je već palio i žario u januaru, drugi koji se aktivirao? ima neko više vesti o tome?

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Da, ali u ekstremnim situacijama, kod nas ljudi pevaju i igraju po mostovima dok padaju bombe, i nit su se svadjali u redu kod doktora, nit je izbila revolucija...osim onih pederčića što su se zaglavljivali u vratima skloništa, blokirajući prolaz ženama i deci (ovo mi pade na pamet jedan događaj u NS, pa sam malo popizdeo na to ponovo [:D] )

Ne glorifikujem te događaje, nego napominjem da je u pitanju ekstremna situacija - šta drugo da rade nego da saniraju štetu. Nekako izgleda da samo nesreća istinski zbliži ljude.

Btw, šta je sa tim vulkanima. Negde pročitah da je ovaj gor enavedeni, a koji je već palio i žario u januaru, drugi koji se aktivirao? ima neko više vesti o tome?


covece u kom univerzumu ti zivis ... za pocetak vecina ljudi koji su svirali na tim mostovima za vreme bombardovanja su to radili jer su morali, a ne zato sto su hteli.



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nisam citao ovaj kalijev link, al na tvu su mi malo konfuzna objasnjenja sa kontrolisanim ispustanjem pare pod pritiskom, pa ne moze valjda to da izazove onolike eksplozije?

The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima

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Bez ikakve politike samo si kroz pricu o nasoj ociglednoj neorganizovanosti nasuprot njihovoj ociglednoj organizovanosti provukao pricu kako smo stojicki uz pesmu i rados prkosili nato agresorima ...

Nije se niko svadjao jer je vladalo vanredno stanje, koje je dobrano korisceno za obracunavanje sa problematicnim elementima.

Igralo se na mostovima jer su se znale mete koje ce biti bombardovane i kad ce biti bombardovane jer je drzava organizovala leba i igara za masu sto narodnjacima sto primoravajuci neke druge da sviraju itd itd.

Samo spoj kakve veze imaju drzavno organizovana posela sa ciljem da smire narod u situaciji delimicnog bombardovanja sa poznatim ciljevima i totalno neocekivane prirodne nepogode i spremnost japanaca na iste.



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moderator ce vas banovati obojicu ako nastavite da smarate:)...(srsly, smajli ne znaci da necu)

The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima

aha, znaci ekplozija je nastala zbog vodonika koji je jelte eksplozivna smesa sa kiseonikom...btw, cini mi se da ce biti dosta vise zrtava, celi gradovi su sravnjeni sa zemljom, ne verujem da su ljudi stigli na vreme da se sklone


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Započeo si je u svojoj glavi, tu je problem. Tema je zemljotres.

Brate prvi si krenuo u oftopik i dobio si odgovor na oftopik. Nemoj jebeno smarati vise. Ako hoces da velicas jedinstvo srba uz splavarsku muziku slobodno sam pokreni temu na uptu.

Citao sam temu od pocetka bez ikakvog problema pre nego si ti poceo da kenjas.



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The earthquake that hit Japan on Friday last week has provided additional ammunition to environmental activists who are worried that one of Taiwan’s nuclear power plants lies within an area known for its underwater volcanoes.

Lee Chao-shing (李昭興), a professor of applied geosciences at National Taiwan Ocean University, said last year that as many as 70 underwater volcanoes are located within an 80km radius of the soon-to-be-operational Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in Gongliao District (貢寮), New Taipei City (新北市).

Up to 11 of those volcanoes are active, Lee said.

Although atomic regulatory officials dismissed the risks, activists said the authorities should take another look in light of the nuclear incidents in Japan.

The volcanoes, which have the highest concentration near a nuclear plant in the world, could lead to “a serious disaster” in the event of an earthquake or tsunami on the scale of that that struck Japan last week, Lee said.

The extent of their activity can be seen by the nearby presence of crabs, he said, pointing to video that showed hundreds of the crustaceans crawling at the base of what Lee said was an underwater volcano.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators demanded that the government stop work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant — also known as the Longmen plant — which is expected to come online this year or next year.

DPP Legislator Tien Chiu-chin (田秋堇) said the government should adopt a more cautious approach given the research findings, suggesting it was time it “stopped, looked and listened carefully.”

“The findings support ... the view that a natural disaster off Taiwan would have even more serious consequences than [what is happening] at Fukushima,” she said, referring to fears of two nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan.

Kao Cheng-yan (高成炎) of National Taiwan University, who is actively involved in the environmental movement, said the Longmen plant should not become operational.

“The reactors in the nuclear plant would be more unstable in the event of an earthquake. There are active volcanoes all around it,” he said.

Responding to the concerns, nuclear regulatory officials said the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant is safe, pointing to its location on stable bedrock and multiple backup systems, which officials say exceed those Japan had in place.

“We believe that [construction of] the fourth nuclear plant can continue as planned,” Taiwan Power Co chairman Edward Chen (陳貴明) said.

Ma daj...još im samo i ovo treba.

No, jes truba praviti nuklearke u takvom području, plus tako zajebanom području. Shvatam da su high-tek zemlja itd, treba im energija, ali ovo je kao da sediš na atomci i furaš kao svoju priču.

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Pa ako sam ja dobro skapirao onog strucnjaka teorijski je moguce samo manje kratkotrajno zagadjenje. Sam uranijum, ako je istina sto prica, nikad nece moci da izadje iz dal druge ili trece komore zaboravih vec.

Inace nisam se do sad nikad iscimao da procitam zasto je cernobilj prosao kako je prosao. Znao sam da su rusi pametnice sjebali stvar ali mi je ovaj lik sad lepo objasnio kako.



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