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3 hours ago, cali said:

 BlackRock sve drži i oni ti nadoknađuju štetu ako se nešto desi.

Ameri su poznati po tome da nadoknadjuju stetu. Kod njih drzava brine o "malom" coveku, sve je pravno regulisano i kontrola je rigorozna za sve. 

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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Nadoknadjuje isto kao sto mozes da nadjes pravi domaci paradajz u januaru po pijacama Beograda. Ili isto kao sto su studije o covidu objavljene u lancetu nezavisne. Ili kao sto su BTC i ETH cuvari vrednosti da ih inflacija ne pojede...

  • Haha (+1) 1

prevelik ti avatar m8

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6 hours ago, cali said:

Ovako slušaš nekog randoma koji te ubedi da kredencijale svog exchange naloga uneseš u random sajt, i time im pokloniš pristup svom walletu.. nemam reči koliko je to retardiran phishing 101 😄 


pa dobro nije baš igor rendom, znamo ga neko vreme!

2 hours ago, FATA said:

Nadoknadjuje isto kao sto mozes da nadjes pravi domaci paradajz u januaru po pijacama Beograda. Ili isto kao sto su studije o covidu objavljene u lancetu nezavisne. Ili kao sto su BTC i ETH cuvari vrednosti da ih inflacija ne pojede...

kome smeta jak paradajz!

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5 hours ago, oddball said:

Ameri su poznati po tome da nadoknadjuju stetu. Kod njih drzava brine o "malom" coveku, sve je pravno regulisano i kontrola je rigorozna za sve. 

Promašio si temu, nije ovo Gaza i Levant.

Dok postoji berza i Vol Strit, postojaće i BlekRok. Oni su osigurani od stvari kao što su hakovanje i drainovanje walleta. A država će ih spašavati ako treba, jer pola bogate Amerike ima pare u njihovim fondovima.

Duletu da sutra neko isprazni wallet (i to ne njegovom krivicom, jer je npr. exchange hackovan), neće mu napisati ni "boli nas kurac" poruku, kamoli da mu vrate pare.

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1 hour ago, cali said:

A država će ih spašavati ako treba, jer pola bogate Amerike ima pare u njihovim fondovima.

znam da nije levant ili kojigod topic, ali drzava ce spasiti BR ali nece Duleta i ljude slicne Duletu tj nama. Pa sta je bilo 2008.? Nemanja, nemoj biti naivan.

jedina razlika ce biti sto ce preko CNN-a i ostalih MSM javno svima reci da ih zabole, kao sto su vec uradili.

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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Pa 2008. su spasili najveće banke :) Mislim da Cali ovde ima logiku da iza toga stoji firma koja ima veliki reputacioni rizik ako ispali poverioce. U tom smislu bi teorija bila da će Duleta u slučaju kolapsa da namire američki poreski obveznici...

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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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22 hours ago, Dule_smor said:

Pa dobro, sta koriste, koja je najbolja platforma sto se tice sigurnosti i provizije? I kako uopste ide prebacivanje walleta i sredstava sa platforme na platformu, da ne bude da i tu ima provizija.

Iskreno, ne znam. Ja ne koristim nikakve platforme. Držim kripto u mom ličnom wallet-u i prodajem i kupujem P2P

Edited by Dandy

Dandy [RUR]

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On 3/28/2024 at 5:06 PM, manson said:

nemam pojma šta da mislim o ovome - nisam ispratio detaljno celu priču, ali mi deluje kao da se ipak malo dokazuju na ovom liku, no ne znam, možda je stvarno izvlačio i prao gomilu para, ali onda je trebalo da bude pametniji pa da pobegne na vreme na Madagascar 🙂

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On 3/27/2024 at 9:59 AM, Dule_smor said:

Pa znam, zato i pitam, meni je isto bilo cudno. To znaci da je Igor jos gora nobina od mene ako je to uradio :DDD

nisam mislio sam prvi da uradis da vidim sta ce biti

  • Haha (+1) 2

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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39 minutes ago, cali said:

Najluđa stvar je što mu portfolio ide ka plusu, i što će najverovatnije moći da vrati sve pare poveriocima.

Videćemo kome će sve, i koliko da vrati pare 🙂 prvo se namiri Ujka Sem 🙂 



A federal judge on Thursday ordered Sam Bankman-Fried to repay more than $11 billion as part of his sentence for defrauding customers and investors in his failed crypto exchange FTX.

Experts say this amount will likely financially incapacitate him for the rest of his life.


Do victims get compensation?

Unlike restitution, where the money from seized assets goes directly to victims, the money from forfeiture is taken by the government and absorbed into the US Treasury.

On Thursday, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan said it would be “impractical” to order restitution because the complicated nature of the case and the number of victims involved. But he ruled that the government could compensate victims of the FTX collapse with the forfeited assets.

“In a case like this, the government and court is going to have a pretty good idea of (Bankman-Fried’s) assets and how much they’re worth,” said Anthony Capozzolo, a former assistant US attorney in the Eastern District of New York.

It is unclear how much Bankman-Fried is currently worth, but it’s likely not anywhere near $11 billion.

Determining how much victims will receive is part of an internal process within the Department of Justice’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section. This could delay the amount of time it would take victims to see any sort of payment.

Securing compensation for victims of white collar crimes can drag out for years.


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3 hours ago, manson said:

On Thursday, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan said it would be “impractical” to order restitution because the complicated nature of the case and the number of victims involved. But he ruled that the government could compensate victims of the FTX collapse with the forfeited assets.

hahaha, impractical :))

odlično 🙂

pa brate ako je mogao apple da da po 5 dolara svakom vlasniku iphonea, mogu i ovi da vrate znatno manjem broju njih 🙂

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South Korea seizes crypto from tax ‘delinquents’ – media
Local authorities have reportedly lowered the debt threshold and employed mobile phone tracking to find the digital assets of evaders

A city government in South Korea plans to confiscate crypto assets from citizens who owe the equivalent of several hundred dollars or more in taxes, Korean media have reported. This comes as part of a wider crackdown on evaders. 

The authorities of the city of Pohang, a large municipal center in the country’s east, will seize and freeze the digital assets of those who owe 500,000 won (about $368.76) or more to the local tax office, according to the daily newspaper Kyongbuk Maeil Shinmun.

The value of virtual assets owned by local tax ‘delinquents’ has soared recently, with over $12 million being owed in overdue arrears to the city, the publication writes. Local authorities are investigating whether over 5,200 tax evaders have digital assets on exchanges such as Bithumb, Upbit, Korbit and Coinone, it adds.

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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10 hours ago, oddball said:

South Korea seizes crypto from tax ‘delinquents’ – media
Local authorities have reportedly lowered the debt threshold and employed mobile phone tracking to find the digital assets of evaders

A city government in South Korea plans to confiscate crypto assets from citizens who owe the equivalent of several hundred dollars or more in taxes, Korean media have reported. This comes as part of a wider crackdown on evaders. 

The authorities of the city of Pohang, a large municipal center in the country’s east, will seize and freeze the digital assets of those who owe 500,000 won (about $368.76) or more to the local tax office, according to the daily newspaper Kyongbuk Maeil Shinmun.

The value of virtual assets owned by local tax ‘delinquents’ has soared recently, with over $12 million being owed in overdue arrears to the city, the publication writes. Local authorities are investigating whether over 5,200 tax evaders have digital assets on exchanges such as Bithumb, Upbit, Korbit and Coinone, it adds.

Eto još jednog razloga da se sve drži u sopstvenim wallet-ima

Dandy [RUR]

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20 hours ago, oddball said:

Local authorities have reportedly lowered the debt threshold and employed mobile phone tracking to find the digital assets of evaders

ali kako trekuju, ne razumem?

na koji način povezuju lice sa vlasnikom digitalnih asseta, ako je to sve "anonimno"?

kako tu pomaže mobile phone tracking?

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Kad držiš tokene na centralizovanoj menjačnici, ti si zapravo prebacio tokene u njihov trezor. 

A velika većina centralizovanih menjačnica traži da dokažeš svoj identitet, i sarađuju sa pravosuđem kako ih ne bi ekspresno pohapsili.

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10 hours ago, cali said:

Kad držiš tokene na centralizovanoj menjačnici, ti si zapravo prebacio tokene u njihov trezor. 

A velika većina centralizovanih menjačnica traži da dokažeš svoj identitet, i sarađuju sa pravosuđem kako ih ne bi ekspresno pohapsili.

a da u pravu si, zapravo sam zaboravio potpuno na taj korak. 

onda je jasno sve, fejlovao sam taj momenat identifikacije.

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