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oddball last won the day on July 8

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About oddball

  • Birthday 09/11/1979


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  • Klan/Tim:
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    Jamaica :)))

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  1. ovo je on davno izjavio, ili gresim?
  2. Ček, ček, ja sam mislio da već vladamo svetom?!? Šta je sad ovo????
  3. zanima me samo da li su iz podrske prvo pitali da li su restartovali komp 😄
  4. zar se ne rade upadate-i upravo da do ovoga ne bi doslo? :)
  5. Russian tech infrastructure has not been affected by the global Windows 10 outage, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media has reported. The crisis illustrates the importance of becoming self-sufficient in terms of critical software, the ministry has stressed. Windows 10 users around the world, including airports, banks and broadcasters, suffered serious failures on Friday, triggered by a recent update of the web/cloud-based CrowdStrike antivirus platform. Problems have been reported in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, Germany, Spain, the US, and several other countries. According to the Russian ministry’s press office, “so far, there have been no reports of crashes at Russian airports,” as quoted by TASS.
  6. Prs'o Windows globalno. Na nekim aerodromima ispisuju boarding passes rucno https://x.com/akothari/status/1814202068531552666?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1814202068531552666|twgr^eedddd1020e81eebda95302bd4119a37ce1887c3|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rt.com%2Fnews%2F601308-global-it-outage-live-updates%2F evo i link, sry Dule sto ti ne daju da se informises jbg: https://www.rt.com/news/601308-global-it-outage-live-updates/
  7. Zwerko, Dule ti je rekao da si za Vucica! :D
  8. kopao bi se svakako. Zwerkovi poceli Vucic zavrsio. Jos jedan u nizu primera da su isti. Njihov problem je samo sto Zwerkovi nece uzimati pare od toga vec njegovi suparnici. A posledice kopanja nisu ni na kraj pameti ni jednima ni drugima.
  9. Not available because it is protected account (?)
  10. bio, imam i fotke iz Egipta. 'Si vid'o? 😄
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