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Tradicionalni "Press rally Srbija", koji u sklopu predstojećeg Sajma automobila DDOR BG CAR SHOW organizuju Udruženje novinara Srbije i Beogradski sajam, biće održan na Beogradskom sajmu u subotu, 12. marta.

Početak relija planiran je za 12 časova, а takmičari će učestvovati u kategorijama novinara, sportista, vozila adaptiranih za osobe sa inviliditetom i starovremenskih automobila, starijih od 30 godina.

Početku ovogodišnjeg novinarskog relija prisustvovaće i ministar za rad zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja Aleksandar Vulin.
Press služba Beogradskog sajma

kakvo saopštenje 

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Al sad onaj realni f4ts0 mi sapuce :"brate svako ima pravo na opredeljenje, sto sad hejtovati coveka sto je odabrao neku opciju"

A onda treci f4ts0 kaze :"Lol izgleda da je poslao klinca po zupski vinjak"

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Why is this man on the right, identified as a 26-year-old British hostage named Ben Innes, posing with Seifedeen Mustafa, the man who hijacked an EgyptAir flight today? Nobody knows yet. But if it weren’t for the fake suicide belt, this looks like it’d be a pretty funny buddy comedy.

Mustafa’s “suicide belt” turned out to be a hoax, but he managed to get the Cairo-bound flight diverted to Cyprus. At this point, our best guess about the strange photo is that Innes simply does not give a fuck.

“I have no idea why he took the selfie,” his roommate told the Daily Mail. “But I imagine he probably volunteered to take it as he’s not afraid to shy away from anything.”

“I’m not sure why I did it, I just threw caution to the wind while trying to stay cheerful in the face of adversity,” he told The Sun. “I figured if his bomb was real I’d nothing to lose anyway, so took a chance to get a closer look at it.”

So our assumption was correct. This guy does not give a fuck. He asked someone from the cabin crew to translate for him and a flight attendant took the photo.

“We moved towards the door as he went to the back of the plane — then we ran for it, expecting the aircraft to explode,” he told The Sun. “When we got to a safe distance we laughed out loud with relief.”


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Kafići, hoteli, restorani, barovi i drugi ugostiteljski i smeštajni objekti u nazivu od 15. aprila neće smeti da koriste ove reči, propisuje Zakon o turizmu.

Podsetimo, izmene Zakona usvojene su pre pola godine.

To znači da "Bar Marija" može da se zove samo "Marija", a "Kafe poslastičarnica Una" mora da iz imena izbaci i reči "kafe" i "poslastičarnica". "Hotel Park" može da bude samo "Park", a nije jasno šta će raditi "Kafanica kod Bore" ili ugostiteljski objekat "Bistro".

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