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Ne moras da ulazis u pasivno agresivni odbrambeni stav samo zato sto sam ukazao na mali propust serije i tvoje izjave. 


kao i obično, nisi ništa ukazao, propusta nema, škola je zatvorena, neki random sedi na kosilici, npr



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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kao i obično, nisi ništa ukazao, propusta nema, škola je zatvorena, neki random sedi na kosilici, npr


Propusta "nema" samo ako je Rust oslepeo od droge u tom momentu. Pa nije video oziljke na licu sa metar.


Na slici se lepo vidi da su mu oziljci po sred obraza i ispod usne, a da mu brada pocinje ispod vilice. 


Da ne spominjem cinjenicu da dlake ne mogu da rastu kroz takve oziljke posto je unistena koza. Taj ozivljak bi spazio na deset metara a ne na jedan metar udaljenosti licem u lice.. Mada ko zna mozda mu je sunce bilo u oci. 

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ljudi halo, jesmo se dogovorili da nema rasprave sa spirom, ur doin it wrong



ova slika levo (treca epizoda) je momenat kada je Cohle zatrubio i u istom momentu su se okrenuli i Rust i Errol(kome su jelte oziljci najvidljiviji na desnom obrazu)


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To sam i ja mislio prvo, ali se vidi da kamera gleda sa desne strane iza Rust-a, dok je Rust sa leve blize njemu gledajuci ga lice u lice. Mi cak i sa desne strane vidimo deo obraza i oziljke ispod usne, sto znaci da Rust vidi perfektno.


Znao sam da ce biti mnogo butthurt fanboy-eva  [roflmao] Istina je najveca uvreda.. 

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jesu uopste u toj epizodi znali za lika sa oziljcima?

u svakom slucaju ne vidim kako bi Rust to povezao tek tako

da da, pre toga su imali crtez one klinke


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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neki komentari sa reddita

Early on Hart finds her playing with dolls, posing her male dolls in a circle around a prone, naked female doll -- a clear gang rape re-enactment. Then there are the sexually explicit drawings which got her in trouble at school. Hart asks Maggie how a little girl could possibly know such things. Her response is chilling, "Because they have to." Finally there is Audrey's Goth appearance and promiscuity in her early teen years. But this is not just a young sexual hook up with a boyfriend -- she’s caught naked with two boys.

Then there is the symbolic reference to Audrey's crown (a symbol linked to the yellow king) when she flings it into a tree. This is both a reference for innocence lost and that she is protective, and doesn't want her little sister to wear the crown, thus losing her own innocence.
All of this suggests sexual abuse and if this is true, the question becomes who is the perpetrator? Hart immediately jumps to mind and I discuss, and discount, him here: “Is Hart The Yellow King?” But if it’s not Hart, then it must be Maggie’s father, Audrey’s grandfather.
In the only episode he appears in, he says about present-day kids that they're "All in black, wearing makeup, shit on their faces. Everything's sex." Is he talking about how modern girls behave and think... or is he talking about himself? His rant is so strongly worded and forceful, his anger easily shows, it leaves us wondering why this is such a big deal.
The double murderer (who killed himself in jail after he received a phone call) mentioned there were wealthy and powerful people who did terrible things to kids. Maggie's father is a powerful, wealthy man who I suspect abused Audrey -- and to take it a step further, abused Maggie as well when she was a young girl.
Maggie clearly has a world weary appearance as she ages and her family is the key to the yellow king. Her father’s actions have affected her whole life, from her choice in a husband to raising her children to her hook up with Cohle. She knows more than we think. Note the haunted look as she is interviewed by Papania and Gilbough.

and the actress played young Audrey will be back to the last episode, maybe we've a flashback about Martin's daughter raped.
Here's why I think Maggie is involved. In episode 7 we see Marty at her house, the first part of the dialogue, then we see Marty in Rusts' garage watching the videotape. To me, Marty seemed more disgusted than devastated. Then we see him again in the Maggie's house, he's thinking, same expression, and she says something to him, but he doesn't even listen to her, he just says "thank you". Twice. It just seemed that Marty UNDERSTOOD something about Maggie from that tape. Was it a thank you for letting him go from her life? Like, it just struck me. Why'd they put the first part of the dialogue, then him watching the tape, then the second part? Cmon there must be something behind that. Maybe, just maybe, he recognised her father? Or even her?

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ako nije potvrdjeno, vec nagadjanje, sry nikita.

vec sat i po pokusavam da gledam, ali upao sam u lup spremanja igračaka, dranja, plakanja (ja plačem), kupanja i pokušaja da njanke da mi splasne stomak. kad zavrsim sa timarenjem malog konja, verovatno cu odma pasti. fml

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Натерали сте ме да почнем да гледам. Хвала.

Јежим се како је Метју добар, јбт. Вуди је одличан, али М сабија.


За сада, прве две епизоде само.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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serija je odlicna, ALI!


Moram da izrazim protest prema serijama koje se kao i BB zasnivaju na sitnim detaljima, vezama, crtezima, asocijacijama, i sad ja treba da gledam mikroskopom ili 5 puta da bih pohvatao sve sitnice i detalje :=)


Dajte mi vruć vetar bre dodmorim


A cudno je to, Recimo scena sa krunom i devojcicama mi je odmah dala asocijaciju da se nesto desava (ili ce se desavati) sa decom, dok mi slike karanja i ona užasna scena kada devojčice raspoređuju lutke uopste nije dala neki signal.

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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