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zna li neko koja su ogranicenja za kacenje klipova na jutub ? koliko moze vremena da traje i koja velicina ?:)

Ju lejzi bastard. :)

The 10-minute limit was increased to 15 minutes in July 2010.[44] Partner accounts are permitted to upload longer videos, subject to acceptance by YouTube.[45] File size is limited to 2 GB for uploads from YouTube web page, and to 20 GB if Java-based Advanced Uploader is used. In December 2010, YouTube announced that holders of standard accounts would be allowed to upload videos of unlimited length, provided that they have a good history of following the site's Community Guidelines and policy on copyright.[46][47] YouTube accepts videos uploaded in most container formats, including .AVI, .MKV, .MOV, .MP4, DivX, .FLV, and .ogg and .ogv. These include video formats such as MPEG-4, MPEG, VOB, and .WMV. It also supports 3GP, allowing videos to be uploaded from mobile phones.[48] Videos with progressive scanning or interlaced scanning can be uploaded, but for the best video quality, YouTube prefers interlaced videos to be deinterlaced prior to uploading. All the video formats on YouTube use progressive scanning.


The only light at the end of the tunnel is light of upcoming train.

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klikni dole desno na Google in English

to majstore! Mucio sam se pola sata sa opcijama i sranjima, i slucajno videh da si ti napisao. :D

btw, istekao mi mirc, trazi mi da se registrujem, probao sam da uninstall pa install drugi, ali ista prica. Dajte neku foru!? :)


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' date='08 October 2011 - 14:43' timestamp='1318077806' post='1792581']

Ju lejzi bastard. :)

Na nalogu mi je jedino pisalo da mogu vise od 15 minuta i 20giga :D ali nisam video koliko moze duze od 15 minuta :D verovatno sam preletao trazio cifre po tekstu pa nisam video :D:D

hvala D

Нема  будућности без истине.

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' date='08 October 2011 - 14:43' timestamp='1318077806' post='1792581']

Ju lejzi bastard. :)

The 10-minute limit was increased to 15 minutes in July 2010.[44] Partner accounts are permitted to upload longer videos, subject to acceptance by YouTube.[45] File size is limited to 2 GB for uploads from YouTube web page, and to 20 GB if Java-based Advanced Uploader is used. In December 2010, YouTube announced that holders of standard accounts would be allowed to upload videos of unlimited length, provided that they have a good history of following the site's Community Guidelines and policy on copyright.[46][47] YouTube accepts videos uploaded in most container formats, including .AVI, .MKV, .MOV, .MP4, DivX, .FLV, and .ogg and .ogv. These include video formats such as MPEG-4, MPEG, VOB, and .WMV. It also supports 3GP, allowing videos to be uploaded from mobile phones.[48] Videos with progressive scanning or interlaced scanning can be uploaded, but for the best video quality, YouTube prefers interlaced videos to be deinterlaced prior to uploading. All the video formats on YouTube use progressive scanning.

Леп копипејст човеку који не зна енглески : ))




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Апдејтовао Скајп, смајлији су прерађени и искрено бољи су стари, ал сад има фејспалм смајли, који, реално, често добро дође. :) Има и пар неких нових интересантних.

Mislim da sam frustriran zbog svega od navedenog, kako si me procitao, ciganmala frojdovac.
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*PRENESI I SURFUJ 150 ima 150MB, PRENESI I SURFUJ 500 500MB, PRENESI I SURFUJ 1000 1GB, PRENESI I SURFUJ 2000 2GB, PRENESI I SURFUJ 3000 3GB internet saobraćaja po maksimalnoj brzini pristupa. Nakon ovoga možeš nastaviti da koristiš Internet do kraja meseca bez naknade, sa smanjenom brzinom.

kakva im je to smanjena brzina? :) vredi li cemu taj internet posle potrosenih megabajta?

Bring It

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