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Alcohol Damage Control Guide


Alchohol, contains 7.1 calories per gram.
If you didn’t know this, it’s not because you’re ignorant. It’s never listed on the nutritional label. Think that a low fat, low carb diet coke and vodka has no calories? Think again. But don’t worry, there’s a silver lining. The calories from alcohol don’t actually store as body fat.
You’re body places consumed alcohol high on its metabolic priority list (it is a poison after all) and while this helps sober us up in time for work the next day, it has an unfortunate drawback.
Consuming alcohol shuts down the regular fat burning processes going on in our body. So on the days that we drink, the food that we eat is much more likely to be stored as body fat. Not such a silver lining after all—unless you follow this guide of course.


Follow these 4 steps for the entirety of the days that you drink. That means you should do it even before you start drinking. If you do this, you don’t have to worry whatsoever about the amount of alcohol you consume with regards to weight gain, cause you won’t gain any.
But of course, there are other health risks associated with acute excessive alcohol consumption, so by all means have fun, but know your limits.
1. Eat unlimited lean protein.
Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, so it’ll keep your cravings at bay throughout the day. It also has a TEF of 20-30% meaning that 20-30% of the calories contained in protein are used up just in your body’s processing of them.
You don’t need to hold back here. Eat as much as you like, but it has to be lean! Some good examples are: turkey, grilled chicken, cottage cheese, tuna, and protein powder.
2. Eat unlimited green vegetables.
You’ll need to keep your carbohydrate and fat intake low on the days you drink. But it’s important that you get your micronutrients and fiber in. Green vegetables are the perfect food for this job. They’re low in calories and high in fiber. This will help you stay satiated throughout the day and regulate blood sugar swings.
You don’t want to eat 20 huge plates of veg (who does that?) because the small amount of carbs would add up; instead, just put a big serving alongside each portion of meat/protein you eat and you’ll be good to go.
A few smart, good choices are: spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage and sprouts. Throw some spices on for flavor.
3. Drink low carb alcohol.
If beer is your poison of choice, then things get a little more complicated. There’s about 1,600 calories in 8 pints of beer. That’s about the same as a 14 inch thick crust pizza, but no where near as filling.
You can get away with this if you do weight training earlier that day. But if you’re not actively trying to gain muscle mass, then you’ll have to limit your drinking to once a week and stick to a strict diet for the remainder of it. Of course if you drink a bottle or two here and there, which would be classed as moderate, then you don’t need to worry about it.
The best sources of low carb alcohol are:
Spirits like vodka, gin, and clear rum combined with a zero calorie mixer such as diet coke would be ideal. Dry white wines are also great, but less practical to drink on nights out.
4. Do not eat out!
This should seem obvious, but it’s so important that it needs reminding.
Write this on your hand if you have to: whatever happens do not eat out after you leave the nightclub. Of course, if you buy a chicken salad without the dressing somewhere, that’s fine. But resist the temptation to eat any meals that aren’t part of the alcohol damage control guide!
When we’re drunk we tend to lose sight of consequences and give into short term gratification.
A good solution would be to prepare a midnight meal for when you get home.
Final Note
A little tip if you happen to suffer from hangovers: squeeze one whole lemon into a pint of water when you wake up. This will hydrate you faster than anything.
This guide is a minimalist damage control guide. It will essentially limit the negative side effects of excessive drinking. It’s the one my clients and I follow, and it really works.

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Stigla mi 2 elite wheya upravo od Dende-ovog lika i ni jedan nema exp date. Oba su sa deklaracijom na srpskom(X-Group Beograd uvoznik).





Dal moze na osnovu bar code-a da se zakljuci kad je napravljeno? Barem okvirno..


Ukus je inace bolesno dobar.




Nasao... Jedva se vidi sa strane :D Sve je ok

Edited by primo
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