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Al Bundy

The X
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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Meni Alice: Madness Returns
  2. Shadowrun.Dragonfall-RELOADED 1.15 GB
  3. Al Bundy


    Thief-RELOADED 19.72 GB
  4. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/torment-tides-of-numenera/posts/686723 TL;DR: Combat vote results completed – statistically it was a tie! Torment: Tides of Numenera’s combat (and Crises) will be turn-based combat. We’ll address concerns expressed by Real-Time with Pause fans in our design.
  5. Mozda ih je Blizard naterao da menjaju modele i imena ? Izgleda da se menja i Skeleton King
  6. +1 Trebala mi je jedna pobeda da udjem u onih 5 partija koje igras da predjes u gold, na kraju sam zavrsio u silver 2... Svaka partija 1 dc + 1 feeder. Jednu vec dobijenu partiju smo izgubili jer je ceo tim iz nekog razloga poginuo kao leminzi 1 po 1 i na kraju nam uniste bazu...
  7. Enslaved_Odyssey_to_the_West_Premium_Edition-FLT 11.8 GB
  8. Da sam pri parama uzeo bih ovo http://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Bad-Complete-UltraViolet-Digital/dp/B00EEDNA4M/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1380523811&sr=8-4&keywords=breaking+bad
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