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Al Bundy

The X
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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Al Bundy

    DOOM 3

    Doom.3.BFG.Edition-SKIDROW Features: A Classic Remastered: Developed by id Software, the original team responsible for the franchise legacy, DOOM 3 BFG Edition features Steam Achievements, improved rendering and lighting, and a new checkpoint save system allowing for smoother progression through the game. id has fine-tuned the controls to bringing even more intensity to the DOOM single and multiplayer experience and all DOOM 3 games now feature the new armor-mounted flashlight, allowing players to illuminate dark corners and blast enemies at the same time. Stunning 3D Visuals: DOOM 3, Resurrection of Evil and the all-new Lost Mission have all been optimized in stereoscopic 3D (on supported hardware), further immersing the player in the demonic world of this terrifying horror masterpiece. The Lost Mission: DOOM 3 BFG Edition includes an all-new chapter in the DOOM 3 experience “The Lost Mission”, featuring eight heart-pounding single player levels and a completely new storyline that will have players once again on the edge of their seats. The Ultimate Collection: As a special bonus, DOOM 3 BFG Edition will also include the original DOOM and DOOM II games, making it the definitive collection of the revolutionary games developed by id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFwLZ8jVkd0 NBA.2K13-RELOADED
  3. Torchlight.II-RELOADED
  4. Al Bundy

    Borderlands 2

    Borderlands.2-SKIDROW 7885 MB
  5. Batman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition-SKIDROW
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcxZOj6lAbg&list=PLE196726F02565118&index=2&feature=plcp Transformers.Fall.of.Cybertron-SKIDROW
  7. A zasto Guild Wars 2 mora da svrgne WoW da bi se smatrao uspesnim ? Jedini koji pominju Guild Wars 2 kao "WoW killer" su WoW fanovi i njihovo "GW2 cant kill WoW ! GW2 SUX LOLOLOLO" koje vidjam po raznim forumima.
  8. Al Bundy

    Darksiders 2

    Darksiders 2 Limited Edition Cracked-P2P
  9. Al Bundy

    Sleeping Dogs

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH950oHYLFE Za par dana izlazi PC verzija
  10. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Update v1. Incl. Dawnguard DLC Cracked-ALI213
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShQz68Zkb3Y
  12. Paprene kazne za ulazak na pogrešna vrata lol 75 000 kazna za ulazak ili izlazak na pogresna vrata.
  13. Odigrao 10 partija - 1 je bila dobra, ostalih 9 su bile pune leavera, feedera i rusa.
  14. Ubacena su oruzja iz "Meet the Pyro", mogu da se vide samo ako nosite Pyrovision Googles :D
  15. + ubacen je novi ending ako Evo i youtube linkova
  16. http://www.teamfortress.com/pyromania/ Pyromania: Day One June 25, 2012 - TF2 Team You read that right (presumably): the long-awaited final Meet the Team short, Meet the Pyro, is dropping in less than three days, and we decided to assemble a massive update to celebrate it. That only left the issue of what to call the update. Luckily, at the very moment we were thinking about it, someone turned on the radio. Guess what song was on? That's right: 'Safety Dance'. "That's a pretty catchy song," we said. "Who sings that?" Well, we don't want to upset you, so we won't type it here, but suffice it to say the band that wrote 'Safety Dance' has the most unthinkably offensive name we've ever heard. Then 'Rock of Ages' came on, off Def Leppard's album Pyromania, so we turned off the radio because it wasn't helping. Suddenly, no thanks at all to music, we came up with the name on our own: The Pyromania Update. Day One of Pyromania reveals Doomsday, a new map with a brand new game mode that lets you relive one of the darkest days in TF history. It's all pretty heartwrenching, until you discover you'll get achievements, which are also detailed in today's update. Keep your eyes open, folks. We'll be announcing a bunch of new stuff this week, right up until the premiere of Meet the Pyro this Wednesday.
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