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Everything posted by Al Bundy
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim v1. Update 9 CRACKED-P2P NEW FEATURES Mounted Combat - Skyrim now allows you to do melee and ranged combat while riding a horse BUG FIXES General stability and memory optimizations General AI pathfinding optimizations and bug fixes Optimizations and crash fixes for data leaks Fixed rare crash with lighting Fixed crashes related to loading and saving games Fixed crash with summoned creatures/NPCs Fixed rare issue where saves would be corrupted Improved logic for when ranged kill cams are played Fixed issue with ranged kill cams while killing a dragon Fixed rare issue with certain ranged kill cams not playing properly Fixed issue with nirnroot lighting not properly cleaning up Fixed issue where bow damage was being calculated incorrectly Fixed rare problem with werewolf kill moves would not finish animating properly In "The Break of Dawn" fixed rare issue where Meridia's Beacon would disappear from player's inventory Fixed occasional issue where followers would disappear after player pays off a bounty after committing a crime Fixed issue where certain creatures and NPCs would fail to respawn properly Fixed rare issue with dialogue subtitles not displaying properly Fixed issue with water appearing blurry when loading a saved game after creating a save underwater Fixed issue where map cursor would occasionally disappear after closing a message box with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360) Fixed rare issue with shouts only performing the first level and not other unlocked levels with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360) Fixed issue where the shout buttons would stop working properly if users mashed LB and RB during cooldown with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
Moze meni jedan key ? Hteo bih da probam igru :)
I ja sam prekinuo pre par meseci, jedini razlog sto sam igrao je skupljanje mounta i sto sam hteo da vidim kraj ekspanzije + free gametime preko raf-a. Ubio sam Deathwinga, skupio 116 mounta, pao mi Ashes of Al'ar i rolovao 100 . Dosta je bilo, ceka se Guild Wars 2, treba mi promena.
Ovaj ga je presisao
Al Bundy replied to junacina's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Strana verzija "Kurira" http://me.ign.com/en/news/1057/Man-Dies-After-Playing-Diablo-III-for-72-Hours However, two of Shirley's friends have debunked the story, saying he died due his long term suffering with apnea.They describe Shirley as a normal 32-year old man who was "charitable" and a "peerless friend", but who had trouble managing his weight due to his health problems. -
Ponovo se snima serija "Otvorena vrata" \o/
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Azijati vec ubili Diabla -
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Diablo 3 Bosses -
Alcatraz Cancelled by FOX
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Da to je to, zato sam i stavio u spoiler, bolje da editujem post sa upozorenjem -
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Leaked Diablo III Cinematic Screenshots !!! OGROMNI SPOILERI !!! -
Street Fighter X Tekken-SKIDROW
Legend of Grimrock v1.1.4 update-THETA Changes: - vsync is enabled by default - borderless windows are no longer topmost - pressing ESC closes character sheet - fixed unlimited frost arrow exploit - improved display resolution auto-detection at first launch - fixed a couple of typos and broken english - removed check that disables high texture resolution setting when running low on video memory (some graphics drivers seem to report available video memory incorrectly) - quick save/load - volume sliders - to avoid confusion autosave & quicksave slots can’t be renamed anymore - adjusted gui layout and camera fov so that user interface elements do not overlap with important screen areas on non-widescreen displays - invert horizontal mouse option - camera bobbing option (only available by editing the config file manually) - configurable tooltip delay (only available by editing the config file manually) - frame rate limiter (set to 120fps but can be changed by editing the config file) - custom character portraits - bug fix: very long map marker notes without spaces in them causes the automap to crash - bug fix: editing a map marker that is on the same exact spot as a marker on the other map page edits them both at the same time - bug fix: map labels are sometimes drawn partially underneath map symbols - bug fix: topmost menu item doesn’t work reliably in high resolutions such as 2560×1440 - bug fix: wall text translations are not dismissed when right-clicking - bug fix: inanimate objects can be backstabbed - bug fix: projectiles go through doors in some very rare cases - bug fix: saving the game crashes if all save game slots are full and the autosave slot is deleted or unused - bug fix: Fighter’s Challenge doesn’t open if there’s an item in front of the door (only applies to new games, existing save games still have this bug) - bug fix: saving the game just after the end fight creates a corrupted save that can lead to crashes and the end sequence not getting triggered correctly - bug fix: auto pickup doesn’t pick up the correct amount of ammo in some rare circumstances - bug fix: standing on stairs and turning with the mouse, followed by a turn using q/e keys is buggy - bug fix: when a monster is damaged, experience point text sometimes (very rarely) flash in a square where a monster has been killed - bug fix: trying to load a save game that has just been deleted manually from the file system (e.g. in Windows explorer) crashes the game
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Nije bukvalno poredjenje, samo sam hteo da kazem da su previse uprostili igru i da Titan Quest i Diablo 2 izgledaju uberkompleksno u poredjenju sa Diablo 3. @voodoo_ Mislim da sam video wow na popustu 50 % krajem prosle godine. -
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
Titan Quest je Baldurs Gate za ovo... Jel moguce da su ovoliko uprostili stat poene i skilove. Diablo 2 nije bio savrsen ali sam bar mogao da igram jednu klasu na vise nacina. Jeste Diablo 3 zabavan ali su ga mnooogo uprostili. Mozda cu ga uzeti kada bude bio na nekom popustu. -
DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija
Al Bundy replied to support's topic in Blizzard - Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo IV
I meni isto stoji "Pre-purchase Diablo III now" i nemogu da skinem klijent -
100k xp Thumper za Tehnician -.-