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Al Bundy

The X
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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. http://www.kickstart...d-dragons-death
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4XSeW4B5Rg&feature=player_embedded
  3. Kao dete sam obozavao da citam Choose Your Own Adventure knjige, stalno sam pretrazivao police u biblioteci kako bih pronasao neku koju nisam citao. To su ove knjige ako se neko seca Slucajno sam naleteo na nesto slicno http://www.projectao...id/download.php Kombinacija ovakvih knjiga sa RPG elementima, verujem da ce nekima biti interesantno P.S: Preporucite mi neke dobre tekstualne avanture, nikada ih nisam igrao (jbg vise sam voleo da trosim zetone na Cadillacs & Dinosaurs :P) ali sam dobio zelju kada sam ponovo video ove knjige.
  4. Mass.Effect.3.Ultimate.Collectors.Edition-3DM 22.7 gb Game Version is v1.5.5427.124. Incl All DLCs: 1 From Ashes 2 N7 Collector's Edition Materials 3 M55 Argus Assault Rifle 4 Resurgence 5 Rebellion 6 Extended Cut 7 Earth 8 Firefight Pack 9 Leviathan 10 Retaliation 11 Groundside Resistance Pack 12 Omega 13 Alternate Appearance Packs 1 14 Reckoning 15 Citadel
  5. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/torment-tides-of-numenera?ref=users
  6. Al Bundy

    Wasteland 2

    http://vimeo.com/59292662# WL2 First Look 720 This is the first look at the current state of development for Wasteland 2. The first part of the video is a collection of some of the radio broadcasts from our favorite cults of the Wasteland. After that Development Director Chris Keenan will give you a tour of the Agricultural Center and show off some of the features of the game including the combat system, the HUD, the skill system, and the keyword dialog system. All of the game-play footage was captured directly from Unity. With the exception of the not implemented yet Mini Map and some placeholder sounds and portraits, this demo shows you what you can expect to see in Wasteland 2.
  7. The.Elder.Scrolls.V.Skyrim.Dragonborn.Addon.DLC-RELOADED
  8. Al Bundy

    Dead Space 3

    Dead.Space.3.Limited.Edition.Cracked-P2P 12.3GB
  9. Odigrao sam jedno pola sata, podseca me malo na film Cube.
  10. DmC.Devil.may.Cry-RELOADED 7.7 GB
  11. Dajem Mega-Kills: Storm Spirit Announcer za 1 unusual essence
  12. Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition free on GOG http://www.gog.com/g..._atomic_edition
  13. Alan Ford Superstrip Biblioteka [425] [Vjesnik], kompletirana edicija [425/425] http://www.stripzona...showtopic=14562 Sve je okaceno na Mediafire, samo se registruj da bi video linkove. Rezolucija skeniranih stranica je 1280 x 1924. Svi stripovi su u CBR formatu.
  14. Al Bundy

    Far Cry 3

    Release Date - 29 November 2012
  15. Al Bundy

    GTA 5

    Grand Theft Auto V Details Revealed http://www.ign.com/a...etails-revealed Los Santos will be the biggest open world in Rockstar's history, "bigger than Read Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto IV and San Andreas combined."
  16. Painkiller.Hell.and.Damnation-SKIDROW
  17. Izasao Dungeon Editor http://www.grimrock.net/
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