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jebo mater guglam guglam,ali ne uspevam da nadjem fotku.

Sve u svemu

Zhele zeka.

Zbog nedostatka tog slatkisha su nam ovakve nove generacije.


Imba candy... Pokojni deda mi je to swaki dan kupowao...

Edited by HSIwaN
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Rock N' Roll Racing is a battle-racing video game developed by Silicon & Synapse (now known as Blizzard Entertainment) and published by Interplay for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993.

jbt kolko sam ja lomio ovo ko klinac [:D] mega zarazno i extra muzika [:D]

Edited by Junkie
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Rock N' Roll Racing is a battle-racing video game developed by Silicon & Synapse (now known as Blizzard Entertainment) and published by Interplay for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993.

jbt kolko sam ja lomio ovo ko klinac [:D] mega zarazno i extra muzika [:D]

jbt danas sam presao igru preko sega emulatora;)))))

edesi.org :)

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uh kako imba topic :D nice nice

ja na prvo mesto moram da stavim Mikiz, ko je bio znace zashto, majka starcrafta u srbiji :D

a od ostalih u glavnom je sve pomenuto, commander keen, sc, duke nukem, red alert onaj prvi, tad sam ja pochinjao :) 96. :D

a pre toga ovaj redak primerak sinclair-spectrum_plus3-large.jpg

mislim vidjao sam spectruma i spectruma ali ovaj sinclair retko, ne znam ni odakle mi ga je cale doneo

i da dodam neke koje po meni fale :)



za one koji ne znaju shta je evo vam :D


Edited by chegster


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au jebote!!! Jebeni Sokoban! :))))

e ja to stalno na poslu igram...odem u magacin, a tamo sokoban sa kutijama, moras da pomeris jednu da bi stavio drugu...

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Babl Bobl covece. Sad u pola noci da me probudish znam da "otpevam" onu naslovnu numeru :))

A nekima od nas telefon zvoni, u zavisnosti od toga ko zove naslovnim numerama Bubble Bobblea, Monkey Islanda, Jet Set Willya, i Ryuovom temom iz SF2. ;)

I u to ime:


Edited by fushi.ryuu

.: l@w
.: co-founder of kouteki

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