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The Witcher.


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Inace, ako vam se igra svidela preporucujem da procitate i Witcher Sagu (ukoliko to niste vec uradili)

The Saga

* Blood of Elves (Krew elfów) (1994)

* Time of Disdain (Czas pogardy) (1995)

* Baptism of Fire (Chrzest ognia) (1996)

* The Swallow's Tower (Wieża Jaskółki) (1997)

* Lady of the Lake (Pani Jeziora) (1999)

Jedna od boljih fantasy nameta ... brdo kurvi, pijancenja, klanja i naravno magije :) Oh boy oh boy.

sex, drugs and bio food!

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juse sam presao prvi chepter. ijoj koliko sam se namucio sa onom crvenom dzumarom

posto do tada ne postoji izazov skoro, a onda skapiras da u borbi ima vise od mlacenja kad se kursor zapali :)

Batali bilo šta osim hard difikultija, onda se stvarno treba pomučiti i oko fajta i oko alhemije i mućkanja napitaka (za bolji fajt, jel).

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Realno, to "Ja igram na Hard, ko igra na Normal je sonja" je jos jedan vid merenja e-penisa. Ja igram na Easy, jer borba je totalno sekundarna stvar u ovoj igri. Vise me zanima da obrnem pricu iz drugog ugla nego da jurim Swallow Albedo u jos prvom chapter-u.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Bez kompleksa, nisam to ni mislio, ni rekao. Jednostavno, kada se Witcher igra na hard, borba se ne svodi samo na puko jačanje neprijatelja na uštrb Geraltove snage, već u igru ulaze i drugi aspekti gameplaya (pravljenje napitaka, podmazivanje mačeva, spravljanje bombi i slično, koji postaju krucijalni ako igrač hoće da preživi). I ja većinu igara igram na normal, ali u Witcheru na samom ekranu za biranje težine je objašnjeno da je iskustvo igranja bogatije ako se odabere hard (koji i nije toliko težak, ali ne može samo da se zaleće u neprijatelje, mora malo i da se planira unapred) što mene kao igrača privlači, bez ikakvog podcenjivanja nekog ko ne želi previše da se bakće sa tim (COD5 sam igrao na hard i pokajao sam se, jer sam se većinu vremena nervirao i čupao kosu na glavi zbog kombinacije bizarne težine i tupavog AI-ja protivnika, koji ti ne daju često ni šansu da odmakneš par metara nakon respawna). Red Alert 3 npr. mi ne pada na pamet da odigram nijednu misiju na hard, jer me je komp oprao na normalu u misiji u kojoj te izda onaj general Buzda (totalno nisam očekivao, sve sam snage usmerio u jurišanje za amerikanskim bazama, ostavljajući njemu da me zguzi bez problema), i nemam živaca ni previše strateške volje da ponavljam potencijalne nivoe više puta. Kroz RA3 hoću da prođem bez većih problema, da uživam u jedinicama i razaranju i da overim sve kempi sinematike, pa da sve to lijepo obrišem sa harda jer zauzima preko potreban prostor.

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Plaknuli bi te ko dete zvecku brze i efikasnije? :) Hard ti je samo mod gde neprijatelj udara jace, ima vise zivotne energije i otporniji/osetljiviji je na neke napade. Nije kao da ce neprijatelj da ostavi neki item koji pre nije ostavljao ili kao da ce kraj da bude drugaciji ili da ces mozda igranjem neke odredjene tezine da otvoris neki novi mod. Jok, samo izazov i prava da se hvalis kako si igrao na Hard.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Inace, ako vam se igra svidela preporucujem da procitate i Witcher Sagu (ukoliko to niste vec uradili)

The Saga

* Blood of Elves (Krew elfów) (1994)

* Time of Disdain (Czas pogardy) (1995)

* Baptism of Fire (Chrzest ognia) (1996)

* The Swallow's Tower (Wieża Jaskółki) (1997)

* Lady of the Lake (Pani Jeziora) (1999)

Jedna od boljih fantasy nameta ... brdo kurvi, pijancenja, klanja i naravno magije :) Oh boy oh boy.

Citao sam knjigu "The last wish" i dopada mi se. Kao pripovetke je pisana. Ima motiva iz te knjige u igri dosta.

Ima li to na engleskom sto si napisao i , ako ima, imali neki link :)

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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ceo taj difficulty story bi bio zanimljiviji da je neke sastojke teze pronaci.. ovako vec u trecem chapteru mozes da pravis sta hoces i koliko god hoces.. i time ulja i bombe padaju potpuno u drugi plan.. jbt bombe su strava stvar a koristio sam ih mozda dvaput jer mi vise nije ni trebalo.. a nisam ni zeleo.. misim, kad sam se klao u 4. chapteru sa onim witcherom zaboravih mu ime , bacio sam stun bombu i ubio ga iz jednog poteza .. jebes to :) mozda bi i ulja bila zanimljivija da diamond dust nije na svakom cosku i da se ona mast na a sto daje +60% na dmg silver sworda ne pravi tako lako..

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Iz readmea:


6. New Features in The Witcher: Enhanced Edition


1) New additional adventure titled “Side Effects” - as often occurs in the long history of their relationship, Dandelion finds himself in trouble and needs Geralt to save his neck.

2) Complete set of language packs

- On-screen information/voice overs can be installed in any or all available language versions

- Users can select any combination of on-screen information/ voice overs for in-game display/play-back from among installed language packs

3) Enhanced dialogue/voice overs

- German dialogue/voice overs re-recorded in their entirety

- English language pack featuring significant dialogue/ voice over enhancements

- Numerous improvements in dialogue/voice overs in remaining language packs

4) Enhanced gestures and look-at system

- Hand/finger animations

- Sub-states providing for more fluid transition between emotional animations

- In dialogue sequences, characters look at each other independent of relative positions

5) Corrected animations

- Body structure of NPCs with atypical builds (e.g. heavy-set characters) taken into account resulting in improved animations

6) Enhanced Inventory

- Satchel for general items reduced from 4x14 to 3x14 slots

- Alchemy Sack featuring 3x14 slots added

- Contents of Satchel and Alchemy Sack sortable by item type

- Ingredients in Alchemy Sack filterable by base substance content

7) Enhanced formula list in Alchemy Panel

- Formulae which player is incapable of brewing are grayed out

- For formulae that player is capable of brewing but cannot create due to lack of ingredients, ingredient icons are grayed out and an 'X' appears over missing ingredients

- Relevant tooltip message appears if player possesses all ingredients needed for a formula but lacks an appropriate alchemical base

8) Character differentiation system

- Greater NPC variety due to color/ tonal differentiation on clothing. Greater skin color variety among monsters

9) GUI enhancements

- Auto-save can be enabled/disabled

- All creatures now have visible Vitality bars

- Animated background in Main Menu

10) Auto-loot option

- Ctrl + left-click on containers (furniture, chests, corpses, etc.) to auto-loot without opening Loot panel (provided Inventory can accommodate all container contents)

- Auto-looted items appear as animated icons at center of screen

- If Satchel and Alchemy Sack are full, auto-loot opens Loot panel with all auto-looted items (recently added to Inventory) grayed out

11) Eye-tracking system

- NPCs not engaged in specific tasks take an interest in Geralt and track him with their sight

- Chance of NPCs noticing Geralt increases the longer he remains in their line of sight

- NPCs concentrating on specific tasks do not track Geralt

- NPCs positioned at acute angles to Geralt do not twist their heads unnaturally

12) Enhanced dice poker AI

- Skilled opponents no longer make basic errors (e.g. dismantling winning hands between rolls)

- Improved matching of opponent skill level to player skills

13) Voiceless dialogue and the forward arrow

- If a dialogue line lacks a corresponding voice recording (e.g. dialogues in adv modules under development) or if sound is disabled, an arrow appears in the lower right corner of the screen indicating that users must left-click to advance dialogue

14) Enhanced music transitions

- Smoother cross-fades between ambient music and musicians' music and between music of individual musicians

15) LightFX support

- On machines featuring LightFX (such as the Dell XPS series - e.g. XPS M17x0, XPS720), LED lights of different colors flash on various events, including entering locations, time of day transitions, entering/ending combat. To operate correctly, the system requires the relevant Quickset drivers (downloadable from http://support.dell.com/support/downloads)


6. Key Fixes


1) Stability/Performance

- Significantly enhanced game stability on Windows XP and Windows Vista systems

- Improved performance in urban areas (Trade and Temple quarters), where reduced game smoothness occurred occasionally

2) Gameplay

- All new features of Enhanced Edition are compatible with saved games from previous versions (in some cases, new features will appear when a new location is loaded)

- While fighting Golem, Geralt is no longer struck by lightning outside the circle of pylons after he activates them

- Character animations improved during combat at Night House

- During final confrontation with Azar in Catacombs, game freezing on blackout eliminated

- Drastically reduced game performance eliminated when player exceeds a certain level of intoxication at Shani's party and is thrown out onto street

- Alchemist at Factory no longer accepts Red Meteorite multiple times

- Game clock stops during dice poker rounds

- Localization issues in selected dialogues fixed

- Numerous minor bugs fixed

3) Quests

- Saved games from version 1.3 and previous versions may generate unexpected results in certain quests if loaded in Enhanced Edition. Players are advised to start game from the beginning

- Dice Poker - Novice quest can be completed in Chapter III

- Shani no longer disappears while leading Geralt to city gates in Chapter I if player enters different location along the way

- Kalkstein no longer encountered at inn in Chapter I after Geralt has defeated the Beast

- Zoltan accompanies Geralt throughout assault on barricades in Chapter V

- Mason Harn stays away from giant centipedes, enabling completion of Small Problems quest

- Lost child in cave in swamp no longer disappears when Geralt speaks to rescued brickmakers, fails to speak to child and exits location

- Numerous minor bugs fixed in various quests

4) Graphics/Visuals

- Drowners are no longer headless in cast shadows and after Geralt imbibes De Vries' Extract

- Tree shader improved

- Corpses and weapons of bandits killed in Salamandra base in Chapter III no longer levitate

- Items discarded near bodies of water no longer levitate

- Loading bar for powered-up blows and Signs no longer visible after their use

- Numerous minor bugs fixed on objects in various locations

5) D'jinni Adventure Editor

- Application should exhibit significantly greater stability, numerous causes of Editor instability eliminated

- Virtual animation editor operating flawlessly

- Resources no longer duplicated subsequent to data recovery following sudden application shutdown

- Numerous minor improvements in functionality of individual Editor elements

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nego recite ljudi koliko bi dobar bio fazon napraviti zidni kalendar od slika kurvi u witcheru

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ribu ne pitam ribi naredim (olololo)

razmisljao sam pred kraj prosle godine, ali nisam mogao naci slike dovoljno velike rezolucije, a nije mi palo na pamet ko bi mogao to da stampa

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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