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Znači, 600.000 times ~40e equals 24mil. evra!!! Jebote, mogu da drže seminar iz ekonomije kompletnoj srpskoj privredi.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Da, a s obzirom da su engine već dobili gotov (samo su ga "malo") nabudžili i da su već imali razvijen svet i glavnog lika, prilično dobra računica.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Pa sad... Aurora iz Neverwintera veze nema sa Aurorom u Witcheru. Video sam rane screenshotove (od pre tri godine), to je bukvalno tada izgledalo kao mod za NWN. A pogledaj sad. Možda sam ovo i pričao, ali ne verujem da ovde ima 10, maksimalno 20% koda iz originalne Aurore. Ono je bio OpenGL, ovo je Direct3D (samo tu treba da padne golem rewrite), mape su u NWN-u bile tile-based, ovde su nivoi free-formed, animacija likova je totalno drugačija, upravljanje, sve... verujem da se razvoj igre toliko otegao dobrim delom zbog debelih modifikacija na endžinu. Realno, pre bi završili da su pravili svoj od nule.

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al mozda bi ih skuplje izaslo. u svakom slucaju, nisu oni tad bili sigurni u neki trzisni uspeh, sad ako izdaju novog witchera ili neki drugi rpg bar mogu uci malo ambicioznije zbog uspeha njihovog prvenca.

aaa, carevi, izdaju witcher enhanced edition na prolece:

"The Witcher: Enhanced Edition will be a completely polished product. A product that is rarely found on the PC market. Of course, it would be best if the premiere edition could look that way. For different reasons that was not achieved, now we're trying to make up for it. It should be easier for the fact that there aren't that many elements in the game which need improvement. Work is being done on two levels. One concerns the removal of technical obstacles that hinder the player from properly using the game and thus gaining enjoyment from it. By that I mean level loading times, which will be reduced by 80%, the stability of the game on different configurations, as well as a whole array of smaller fixes that will increase interactivity and precision in combat. The other level consists of very important changes that are not usually found in patches. First and foremost, the English language version will be, for the most part, completely re-done. The amount of text in that version was reduced compared to other language versions and that was said to cause a significant decrease in immersion and atmosphere. Now the English version will be as polished and atmospheric as the other language versions. Speaking of language versions, most of them will be more or less improved. Significant changes will also be made in the German version, where we are planning to re-record the voices for many of the characters. The most important improvements concern those elements of the game that the players criticized the most. So for example, over 50 new supporting character models will be added, so that the player won't run into the same person too often. The inventory panel will be re-designed and improved, and some elements of the main game screen will be polished. However, one of the biggest changes that will greatly increase the player's immersion in the game world will be improvements concerning dialogue scenes. Both Geralt and the NPCs will get over 100 new animated gestures which will make their "body language" during a conversation much more natural. Additionally, the face animation and lip-sync system will be re-created, making the faces of the speakers now even more natural as well. Of course, I've mentioned only the most important changes, and that's still a lot. There will be many smaller changes that will make the game more fun. I'm convinced that, thanks to them, The Witcher will be an almost ideal game."

spotted at: http://www.thewitcher.com/forum/index.php?...41937#msg241937

jebeni kraljevi, reworkuju ceo engleski dijalog. OMG

takodje, u vidu pdf fajla.

jebote, ostatak industrije ne izdaje ovako poboljsane sequele svojih igara, a ovi sve to rade bukvalno ZA DZABE, jer je maltene sve downloadable for free za ljude koji vec imaju originalnu igru.

btw, PDF fajl http://www.thewitcher.com/resources/upload...act%20sheet.pdf

Edited by viljuska
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Znači, 600.000 times ~40e equals 24mil. evra!!! Jebote, mogu da drže seminar iz ekonomije kompletnoj srpskoj privredi. >>> vidi se da si bas upucen u kompletnu mehaniku takve jedne industrije.

dacu ti jednu paralelu.

domaci pisac, izda knjigu koja kosta 400 dinara. od tih 400 dinara pisac vidi 40 po knjizi...

do the maths...

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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CD Projekt announced at a press conference today that on May 16 this year the company will release The Witcher Enhanced Edition worldwide.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition will be a completely polished product. A product that is rarely found on the PC market. Of course, it would be best if the premiere edition could look that way. For different reasons that was not achieved, now we're trying to make up for it. It should be easier for the fact that there aren't that many elements in the game which need improvement. Work is being done on two levels. One concerns the removal of technical obstacles that hinder the player from properly using the game and thus gaining enjoyment from it. By that I mean level loading times, which will be reduced by 80%, the stability of the game on different configurations, as well as a whole array of smaller fixes that will increase interactivity and precision in combat. The other level consists of very important changes that are not usually found in patches. First and foremost, the English language version will be, for the most part, completely re-done. The amount of text in that version was reduced compared to other language versions and that was said to cause a significant decrease in immersion and atmosphere. Now the English version will be as polished and atmospheric as the other language versions. Speaking of language versions, most of them will be more or less improved. Significant changes will also be made in the German version, where we are planning to re-record the voices for many of the characters. The most important improvements concern those elements of the game that the players criticized the most. So for example, over 50 new supporting character models will be added, so that the player won't run into the same person too often. The inventory panel will be re-designed and improved, and some elements of the main game screen will be polished. However, one of the biggest changes that will greatly increase the player's immersion in the game world will be improvements concerning dialogue scenes. Both Geralt and the NPCs will get over 100 new animated gestures which will make their "body language" during a conversation much more natural. Additionally, the face animation and lip-sync system will be re-created, making the faces of the speakers now even more natural as well. Of course, I've mentioned only the most important changes, and that's still a lot. There will be many smaller changes that will make the game more fun. I'm convinced that, thanks to them, The Witcher will be an almost ideal game.





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At last my revenge will be unlished [:D]

preterana igra..skinuo sam je (NAKON 15 DANA PROPALOG I 2 DANA NORMALNOG torenta) i instalirao i prezadovoljan sam,podseca na blade of darkness i ima mnogo dobra pricha!

btw najkul mi je kad menjash nachine borbe u zavisnosti kakav je protivnik (vuk,machka ili shta vec) [:D]

Granice mogućeg možemo odrediti samo onda, ako ih pređemo odlaskom u nemoguće.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ma igra je fenomenalna,nema onih "ili su svi zli ili su svi dobri" budalastina!Totalno realno prikazane naravi!Odlicno uradjena tehnika borbe,dokrajcivanje neprijatelja je klasicno slovenski brutalno,hehehe!Zene koje se daju za lovu,politicko krljanje i mrznja prema manjinama!Kao da si kod kuce! [:)]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nervira me sto crashuje stalno, majku mu. Ne ide mi u glavu kako nisu lepo istestirali. No igra je superiska :) Imamo opasnog baju i zle momke koji u stvari nisu zli i dobre koji nisu dobri i ove leve sto su desni itd. Jos jedan deo smaracki je taj sto nema mnostvo opreme, nego par macheva i 3 1/2 oklopa x.X Sve u svemu, mozda sam se uzeleo rpga pa mi je toliko dobar, pored svih ovih gluposti sto izlaze u poslednje vreme.

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Takođe. Ja imam original i sve radi kao podmazano, sa uključenim torrentom u pozadini.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Čekajući enhanced verziju...



The Witcher 1.3 Module Edition

ReadMe File

February 22, 2008


The Module Edition Upgrade package updates the Witcher to version 1.3 and adds the functionality of running a user editable module. The sample module has been provided, offering a couple of hours of additional gameplay, which can be altered by the user using the Module Editor. The New Game main menu offers two options now: starting the regular game, or starting new adventure (new module).

WARNING! The Witcher 1.3 Module Edition is only partially compatible with saved games from previous versions (1.0, 1.1a, 1.2). Loading older saved games is still possible but may lead to unexpected behavior and other problems. The players are advised to restart the game from the beginning using The Witcher 1.3 Module Edition.

Gameplay and text bugs fixed:

- Fixed various localization issues for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish languages,

- Fixed combat abilities 'Patinado' and 'Sinister' issue when proper modifier has not been applied correctly under given circumstances,

Code bugs fixed:

- Fixed a few random crashes in Prologue and Chapters 1, 2 and 3,

- Fixed crash in Act 4 when running near exit to lakeside from village to inn,

- Fixed game crash when using Alt+Tab, especially while loading location or game,

- Fixed dialogue camera shots on standing up characters,

- Fixed issue with 'Game Paused' text disappear occasionally after exiting game panel when game was paused during opening of a panel,

- Fixed issue with disabled attack when player holds block for a long time and then immediately tries to strike,

- Fixed various issues regarding mousedrive steering and pathfinding,

- Fixed weapon enchants not updating properly when switching weapon slots or dropping weapon from inventory panel,

- Fixed issue with Geralt not attacking immobile creatures or not approaching objects from a certain distance,

- Fixed issue with blocking middle mouse button during some cutscenes and when fistfight starts,

- Fixed occasional issues with sheathing weapon after combat and on Alt+Tab,

- Fixed issue with breaking meditation mode if Geralt is attacked when entering meditation

Još jedna korisna informacija - ako nećete da arčite svoj originalni DVD, kao na primer ja i Pipboy :) , možete lagano igrati sa mini imidžem koristeći običan besplatni Daemon Tools. Rešenje je u skidanju apdejtovanog launchera direktno sa sajta (LINK) i raspakivanje u folder igre. Igra onda radi bez obzira da li je imidž mountovan na IDE ili SCSI drajv (probano).

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