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@Srba, ajde malo elaboriraj kako je to 3D doprineo u tom filmu kom si pomenuo, pošto teško da ću da gledam "Učenik lekara" u 3D-u u Beogradu.

Dakle, da nema veze sa time da li je film dobar sam po sebi, to nije poenta; ti si nagovestio da su 3D efekti igrali neku značajniju ulogu u tvom utisku dok si gledao to, pa, ako nije problem, samo to objasni malčice podrobnije, jer ja ovako napamet nemam pojma kako bi to meni povećalo užitak da li je neka scena u 3D-u ili 2D-u dok se neka drama dešava na ekranu.

Ideja je u tome da stereo efekat nije samo "jeftino" izletanje objekata iz ekrana u hororima ili akcionim/SF filmovima - u drami i komediji, to je efekat prisustva, tj. ako je film dobro odradjen po scenariju i kadriranju, imate osecaj da se nalazite u istoj sobi sa likovima na ekranu. Da ne pricham shto je montaza u dramama i komedijama mnogo laksha za gledanje od montaze koja je popularna u poslednje vreme u filmovima sa akcionim scenama. A kada su kadrovi duzi, vidi se vishe detalja u 3D.

Pokushacu da napravim kopiju "Uchenika lekara" i da vam okachim bar anaglif da vidite kakav je 3D bio pre 30 godina u SSSR-u.

BTW. da li znate da je IMAX postao stereo 3D tek posle posete Moskve vlasnika istog krajem 60-ih? Stereo 3D je toliko bio razvijen u SSSR-u, da neke stvari koje su Rusi napravili pre 50 godina josh uvek niko nije uspeo da iskopira na zapadu, naprimer kameru sa sdvojenim objektivom. Moj uchitelj i mentor, Sergej Nikolajevich Rozhkov je dobio tehnichkog Oskara za svoju ulogu u istrazivanju stereo optike.

edit: evo korisnog linka (nazalost samo na ruskom):


Edited by ZerBah

А в чем сила, брат?

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Gad demn, šta je bre ovo? :)))))

300 meets Wild Wild West meets ninjas, can't go wrong there.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Rubber, apsolutni pobednik ovogodišnjeg Fantastic Festa:


Full movie je u pitanju, ne neka zajebancija, režiser je Mr. Oizo, better known for this:


"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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The Television Gods are working on a small screen adaptation of Martin Scorsese’s Mafia movie classic, Goodfellas.

In a move snatched straight from a Sopranos fan’s dreams, The Web World went abuzz Thursday with reports that the real-life story of Mob Rat Henry Hill’s 25 year courtship with the Lucchese Crime Family may be getting a new lease on life just in time for the 20th anniversary of the film’s release.

Why eff with a classic? We’re not sure how Goodfellas would translate to TV? It’s still tough to look at Joe Pesci without waiting for him to knock someone’s block off to the pulse of the chilling phrase: “Do I amuse you?” Let’s face it, TV series’ based on movies have had a spotty history at best. My Big Fat Greek Life, anyone? Castmember for the proposed Goodfellas series will have tough shoes to fill: Pesci — who won an Oscar for his portrayal of Tommy DeVito — Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro, and, Paul Sorvino, set the bar remarkably high.

Then again, writers could always pick up where the film left off and offer us a glimpse at Henry and Karen’s life after their entry into (and subsequent ousting from) the Federal Witness Protection Program. We’ve always wanted to know where to pick up a good plate of “Egg Noodles and Ketchup…”


ovo može biti teško vnogo.




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shta se deshava sa kejdzom? Otishao je u kurac pre dosta godina i taman kada sam pomislio da je dostigao dno, uzeo je lopatu i krenuo da kopa shto bi rekli ameri.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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