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Russian hacker Andrey Kirsanov has reportedly admitted to being guilty of creating cheats and bots for the popular Warthunder games ‘World of Tanks’ and ‘World of Warships’, according to media reports from his trial hearing in Ekaterinburg on Tuesday. 

According to the TASS News agency, state prosecutors are demanding the hacker face one and a half years in prison for allegedly costing the gaming company over 670 million rubles (around $12 million) since he first started selling the exploits.


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On 5/7/2022 at 12:48 PM, Lucky said:

Embracer je pokupovao sve šta je moglo da se pokupuje a da nije AAA studio tj. baš najveći igrači, što su ćapili Microsoft, Sony i tako te puniše.

Onda odmah sledeći "lejer" je uzeo Embracer. 

Oni su između ostalog kupili i Mad Head Games iz NS naš, kroz Saber, koji je takođe deo Embracera.

Ova poslednja akvizicija im je zapravo jedna od najpametnijih jer su ih prvo kupili za mnogo male pare imho, a drugo konačno su u portfolio ubacili neki brend koji ima brend vrednost. Ovo sve do sada su bile dobre akvizicije sa strane finansija jer su igre koje imaju zaradu, ali nijedna nije zapravo opšte poznata da njom mogu da se "pohvale", kao što će sad moći ofc sa Tomb Raiderom, Deus Exom itd.

Ovi Embracer likovi ne miruju 🙂




Embracer Group AB (”Embracer”), through its wholly owned subsidiary Freemode[1], has entered into an agreement to acquire Middle-earth Enterprises, a division of The Saul Zaentz Company, which owns a vast intellectual property catalogue and worldwide rights to motion pictures, video games, board games, merchandising, theme parks and stage productions relating to the iconic fantasy literary works The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as matching rights in other Middle-earth-related literary works authorized by the Tolkien Estate and HarperCollins, which have yet to be explored.



Earlier this year, the Saul Zaentz Company, which owned Middle-earth Enterprises announced that it would for the first time offer the rights up for purchase for $2 billion. However, Embracer’s public statement revealed that it spent only $6 billion Swedish Kronas for all its purchases on Thursday, which is roughly equivalent to $575 million. 


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Opa, glasine da navodno Amazon kupuje EA, ali ipak ništa od toga, za sada 🙂



Reports that Amazon is planning to offer to buy EA are inaccurate, according to new information.

Speaking on CNBC, reporter David Faber said that "I have talked to some people who would actually know if there's something going on, and they say there's nothing going on." That was in response to a surge in EA's stock price following a USA Today's For the Win report earlier today, which claimed earlier today that Amazon will formally announce its offer to acquire EA at some point later today, having actually  made the offer at a previous time.

EA's stock climbed 15% in the wake of that report, with Axios' Sara Fischer suggesting to CNBC that there was "a little bit of fire" to the rumour.  The stock price has begun to fall again since then, however, as more details emerge.


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15 hours ago, manson said:

Opa, glasine da navodno Amazon kupuje EA, ali ipak ništa od toga, za sada 🙂


Čitah ovo juče, to bi bila dobra vest :)) Mislim, voleo bih da vidim u kom smeru to ide. Ili je prosto neko hteo malo da obrne pare na konto lažne vesti 🙂

On 8/25/2022 at 5:29 PM, manson said:

Još jedna igra naših likova, uskoro, deluje sasvim dobro


Igrao malo, mislim da će se više dopasti onima koji očekuju priču i šta se događa u igri itd, nego ovi koji bi da samo pucaju okolo, njih će možda da smori. Nije baš takav vid igre, što nije loše samo po sebi nego prosto zahteva da neko pogleda malo gameplaya pre nego što zaključi dal je to to što hoće 🙂

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Kada smo kod Ubisofta



Tencent acquires a 49.9% economic stake with 5% voting rights in Guillemot Brothers Limited

Tencent's investment in Guillemot Brothers Limited amounts to €300 million (€200 million share acquisition and €100 million capital increase), at an implied valuation for Ubisoft of 80€ per share 1.

In addition, Tencent is providing Guillemot Brothers Limited with a long-term unsecured loan to refinance its debt2 and provide additional financial resources that can be used to acquire equity in Ubisoft.

Guillemot Brothers Limited remains exclusively controlled by the Guillemot family. Tencent will not be represented on its Board of Directors and will not obtain any consent or veto rights over the business.


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1 hour ago, manson said:

Naleteo na ovaj tekst na B92 https://www.b92.net/tehnopolis/vesti/sve-igre-domacih-gejming-kompanija-sada-su-dostupne-na-jednom-sajtu-2214651

Asocijacija industrije video igara Srbije (SGA), ovo mu dodje kao neki sindikat? 🙂 http://sga.rs/games/

Nisam znao da imamo ovoliko studija, pogotovu za ovaj Ubisoft Belgrade nisam znao.

Haha, da, nije sindikat nego kao domaća asocijacija game developera. 

malo je upitna lista kao i sama asocijacija, ali može da bude ok polazna tačka za to da znaš koje se otprilike igre prave kod nas.

Za ubisoft da nisi znao da je u bgdu je više kako bih rekao tvoj propust jer je baš bila vest jedno vreme aktuelna 🙂

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