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2 hours ago, dovlagsi said:



pa to je klotara, znaci 100k kao sto kaze kili

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Nećemo EU sertifikate :)

Btw, opet neke glasine oko nasledika Mazda6 sa i6 turbo motorom i pogonom pozadi :)

Mazda revives dreams of new six-cylinder, rear-wheel-drive Mazda 6 sedan

Want the on-again, off-again Mazda 6 successor – with a six-cylinder engine and rear-wheel drive – to come to showrooms? Start buying sedans, according to a top executive.

Mazda revives dreams of new six-cylinder, rear-wheel-drive Mazda 6 sedan

"In addition [to CX-60, CX-70, CX-80 and CX-90], if there are any possibilities then, of course, we would like to consider that as well," Kohei Shibata, Mazda program manager of the CX-60, CX-80 and broader Large Product Group, told Drive through a translator.

"Personally, a FR [front-engined, rear-wheel drive] sedan would be a good dream for everyone.

"Journalists always tell me that you should make a sedan, but the marketplace is so small. So if ... the people start to buy that kind of vehicle, then that will let us make that vehicle."

Čuješ Kili? Ti si problem :)

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17 hours ago, manson said:

"Journalists always tell me that you should make a sedan, but the marketplace is so small. So if ... the people start to buy that kind of vehicle, then that will let us make that vehicle."

ovo je ključ generalno u svemu pa i trenutno ovde - niko ne kupuje sedane 🙂 tj. kupuje ih jako malo ljudi u odnosu na pre.

dok ne dođe opet neki trend sedana, neće se tu ništa pametno dogovoriti niti veliko promeniti.

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46 minutes ago, dovlagsi said:

A kako ne dođe nikad neki trend običnih, skromnih, jeftinih automobila? Ne, više od 10 godina se apsolutno gura ovaj SUV trend, gde sve mora da je malo izdignuto i generalno veće. Iako to prosečnom vozaču nije neophodno, standard pneumatika nije lupam 19555R16 nego 22550R18, evo ja sad za Avenger mali gradski auto treba da nalupam pare da mu stavim zimske gume. Dalje, automobili moraju da imaju gomilu sistema aktivne bezbednosti kako bi neskladnu i opterećenu šasiju držali na putu, Bosch trlja ruke samo tako. Još konkretnije, Brake Assist sistem je predstavljen na S klasi pre 20ak godina pod izgovorom da pomaže ABS sistemu kočenja jer je velik auto ... Danas apsolutno svaki auto ima BA. 

Hoću da kažem da su nam, zbog zarade, proizvođači nametnuli velike automobile pod raznoraznim izgovorima, pa eto čak su i zelenu agendu uspeli da proguraju u priču. Koliko glupo zvuči ono što sam u drugom topiku kačio, onaj VW ID.Buzz što ima 3200 kila sa aerodinamikom cigle jbt, to je duplo više no što bi trebalo. 

Ljudi su danas prosto ubeđeni da im treba SUV, gde nažalost nove generacije čak prihvataju ovaj neki nakaradan new age dizajn za lep... 😞 a proizvođači su u fazonu da bi pre prodavali auto za 40k nego za 30k jelte... Čuj mene, 40k! 🙄

Mislim da veličina automobila kao klase (u ovom slučaju SUV) ne igra tu baš ključnu ulogu tj. da se ti tu malo projektuješ 🙂 što je ok, to je drugi vid "problema" zašto je sada trend SUV itd itd.

Ovo sve drugo stoji ali je primenjivo na bilo koji tip vozila. Možda malo teže da baš nakarikaš najogromnije cene na mali auto, ali sami smo ovde konstatovali već odavno da automobil koji je bio 10k pre x godina je sad 20k a tih x godina nije bilo pre tri decenije nego ono, 2018-2019 što nije tako daleko.

Sve što se danas radi je koncept što skupljeg proizvoda koji je što jeftiniji da se napravi i ako može da mu još nešto fali idealno bi bilo. Gledaj bilo šta. Hejtovali smo apple što je izbacio slušalice i punjač, pa su sada to svi usvojili. I što je najgore, nisu oni prvi - Nintendo je prestao da isporučuje punjače uz Nintendo DS pod pričom da su im kupci verni fanovi koji sigurno imaju starije DS-ove pa imaju već i punjače 🙂 🙂 Ja se često setim kako su izgledala pakovanja laptopova pre 10-15 godina. Ono kutija pa u njoj gomila nekih prospekata, pa cd-ovi, vaučeri neretko i torba za laptop, dodaci ... sad kad bi mogli dali bi goli laptop u ruke nego prosto ne može tako da se transportuje pa moraju da stave kartonsku kutiju i stiropor da ga obezbede.

Onda povrh svega imaš i "ekologiju" kao izgovor za sve (pa i za to izbacivanje punjača i slušalica) ali i za kvalitet izrade a zadržavanje cene. "Naši materijali su od reciklirane plastike iz mora spasili smo kornjače" - cena ista kao da imaš kožna sedišta a kvalitet naravno neuporediv 🙂 


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Proizvodjaci "najvise gube" (citaj: najmanje zaradjuju) na malim automobilima, a koji se najvise prodaju.
Suv je prirodan nastavak truck-ova/pickup-ova koje su SADisti furali dugo pre.

Spoj ove dve stvari i dobices forsiranje skupih izdignutih automobila cije terenske sposobnosti su goli pevac, ali se kupac oseca mocno u urbanoj dzungli, cak kad je ustvari kupio mali gradski auto.

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21 minutes ago, Dick Warlock said:

Proizvodjaci "najvise gube" (citaj: najmanje zaradjuju) na malim automobilima, a koji se najvise prodaju.
Suv je prirodan nastavak truck-ova/pickup-ova koje su SADisti furali dugo pre.

Spoj ove dve stvari i dobices forsiranje skupih izdignutih automobila cije terenske sposobnosti su goli pevac, ali se kupac oseca mocno u urbanoj dzungli, cak kad je ustvari kupio mali gradski auto.

ali zašto bi najmanje zaradili na malim automobilima? 🙂 nemam naravno podatke o troškovima ali postoji dobra šansa da mogu da zarade solidno i na malim (dizvineš!) jer mali auto je 20k, suv je 30k (pričam o nekim osnovnim brendovima), trebalo bi videti koje su tu ulazne cene.

ako gledamo premium brendove, lagano bmw 1 je 40-45k, zanima me tu koji je trošak 🙂

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Toyota is one of the most popular car brands on the planet. In 2018, the Toyota Corolla was the best-selling car globally — and that's no accident. When it comes to many Japanese car manufacturers, the companies rely on huge production volumes to lower their costs. For a car that sells for about $15,000, the manufacturer can make about $2,500 in profits, leaving the cost of manufacturing at about $12,500.

Most Porsche cars sell for between $50,000 and $150,000. In 2017, Bloomberg found that the luxury car dealer makes about $17,250 for every sports car sold. This makes the cost of manufacturing a Porsche about $33,000 to $133,000 — depending on the model.

For a base-model F-150, Ford makes about $13,000 from the $40,000 price tag. The iconic Ford Mustang, however, makes the popular American car manufacturer almost nothing — about $2,500 for a $27,000 sports car.

*Updated August 2024: What is Ford's strategy for electric vehicles?

The leader in electric vehicles allegedly spends about $28,000 on every Tesla Model 3. That leaves a mere $9,000 in profit for the EV manufacturer's low-end model. 

One of the extra costs Tesla faces is the more powerful battery. Luckily, the battery costs have decreased from $230 per kilowatt-hour in 2016 to $127 in 2019. In fact, Tesla's battery costs are about 20% lower than the industry average because of their high-volume manufacturing. 

*Updated August 2024: Tesla Cybertruck details

These luxury Italian sports cars can cost a whopping $300,000. However, a 2018 German study showed that Ferrari makes about $80,000 per car sold — enough to buy a whole new car! This is allegedly one of the highest profits in the car industry, too.

In the same German study, luxury automakers Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz make about $10,500 for every car they sell, and Maserati closes the luxury car group with just $5,800.

Just as with Ferrari, other high-end cars such as McLaren and Lamborghini cost a lot to produce. While their price tags may be $200,000, the manufacturing costs are almost as high.



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Da skupimo pare za novi Ruromobil. Warner Bros prodaju 10 nolanovih betmobila 🙂 https://fictionhorizon.com/warner-bros-is-selling-10-fully-functional-but-not-street-legal-tumbler-batmobiles-from-christopher-nolans-dark-knight-movies-they-have-an-insane-price-tag/


This limited release of only 10 Tumblers is the latest from the Wayne Enterprises Experience, a luxury brand inspired by Batman and managed by WBDGCP since 2022.

The Tumbler is built around a custom steel tube frame, housing a 6.2-liter LS3 V-8 engine that pumps out 525 hp and 486 lb-ft of torque. Power goes through a four-speed 4L85E automatic transmission, with paddle shifters for added control. The body is crafted from a mix of carbon, Kevlar, fiberglass, and metal, all finished in a dark black.

While not road-legal, the Tumbler has features like a smoke screen and a jet engine (without flames) for effect. Inside, the setup matches the movie’s look as closely as possible, and buyers can customize the interior to their liking — including the option for a right-hand drive.

This level of detail comes at a price: $2.99 million. It’s safe to say you might need a Wayne Enterprises budget to bring one home.


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5 hours ago, manson said:

da sačekamo da milanče i dule zarade još malo na doge-u pa da se učipe!

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