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Wasteland 2


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Fargo je odlucio da zapocne projekat finansiranja na Kickstarteru

Okupio je jos nekolicinu programera/producenata koji su radili na originalnom Wastelandu, cak je angazovao i Mark Morgana da radi muziku (ko ne zna ko je, nek gugla)

InXile has a variety of properties that could use funding and 15 employees. Fargo shopped Wasteland around to publishers, but they were risk averse and really wanted to games that had a chance to rake in $1 billion in sales. If he does the project on his own, Fargo can make the game edgier, with a gritty world full of moral dilemmas for the players.The game industry has separated itself into the huge blockbuster companies and the independent developers in their garages,” Fargo said. “But it’s pretty hard to be in the middle. Is there any business model left standing for the mid-size developers?The important thing about crowd-funding is that it gives game companies in the middle an option that can preserve their creative freedom. Indie game developers might also turn to Kickstarter, but it could prove tough raising a ton of money for a game project if the developer is a relative unknown

- Reading your tweets and social media correspondence, it sounds like you will be creatively involved in the project. To what extent will this be? Will we see you as creative director?

I am almost always involved in the creative aspects of the projects. My role in games is often very strong in the front and back end of production. At the start I make sure we have the right team and stay true to the tenets of why the game should exist. Once everyone starts clicking on the sensibilities then the game takes a life of its own and I give it the room to fly. A good example of this was when we were making the first Fallout and Steve Jackson objected HEAVILY to the opening scene of the guy being shot in the back of the head with the soft music playing. I called him up and said "if you don't like that then you haven't seen anything yet" so we parted ways to use GURPS and I told the guys to use a different game system. A good producer will step up in the key moments and make sure the vision stays true. I will be heavily involved in this project from every step of the way to art design, writing, audio, story arc, etc. But my favorite moments in production are when the team come up with brilliant ideas that I had nothing to do with because that means the game has achieved that magical tipping point of gameplay production.

Intervju 1 - http://venturebeat.c...ame-developers/

Intervju 2 - http://www.nma-fallo...le.php?id=60856


It's been years since the old Wasteland so no one is expecting a carbon copy. What would you say are elements in design or setting from the original that absolutely must make it back in, and what elements would you say are most likely to change? >Party and turn based combat is an absolute critical requirement for me. I like finding the right mix of Desert Rangers combined with NPC's and I enjoy the tactics that come from that dynamic. Players will spend more time doing combat than most anything in an RPG so it needs to be deep and rewarding. The skill based system is another must have to me as it opens up the world to be explored in ways that the player wants to do. You can have someone picklock the door, use demolitions on it, sneak over the back wall or try and let a rocket loose to blow the door off. A good RPG always offers many options for the player to move forward and with some of their choices may open or close off entire areas. I think the 3rd element is the way NPC's had a mind of their own within combat or game mechanics. The best storytelling often comes from the moments that happen from within the system. Almost everyone remembers when Angela Deth would empty an entire Uzi clip into a rat and completely waste hard earned ammo. Things that will have big changes will be the use of audio and how you communicate and receive missions from the Desert Rangers HQ. I won't go into detail yet but we have some innovative ideas that will make that whole aspect of the game become more entertaining and meaningful. We also plan to dial up the things that NPC's can do or cause affect the party. We will have some NPC's that you will love in combat but be looking forward to snuffing out once you get the chance. We will also have a more cohesive story thanks to all the efforts that Jason and Mike have already put in. We have learned a lot more about storytelling than we did back in the day.

E sad, nije da je nemoguce ovako napraviti igru, Double fine studio je skupio 2 milke za njihovu point and click avanturu, upravo preko kickstartera...





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Eh, propustih topic pa sam okačio ovde - http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=49085&st=260

Wasteland 2 skupio preko 900.000 dolara u Kickstarteru:







Tako da kreću sa razvojem:

One friend of mine who worked with me there said recently he felt that in the beginning of the industry all the nerds were in charge, but then as the industry grew it changed, and now the guys that picked on the nerds got back on top. I think there was some great truth to that. We all hope this movement is bigger than just Tim Schafer or Brian Fargo as we want to get power back into the developers hands again. And the unbelievable Indie scene shows that there is momentum in that direction. The development community continues to pull itself together to ensure their success. They share tools, they share statistics, they share ideas, and the biggest donators in Kickstarter are always developers. All of this reminds me of the freshness the industry had in the late 80′s through mid 90′s in which creativity was being directed only by the gamers. The gamers will always rule at the end of the day.

Ovde imate još detalja:



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kickstarter deluje kao moguca ideja za izlazak iz ucmalosit, ali nece niko da pise nista na veliko o toj ideji dok se ne pojave bar ova dva zvucnija naslova i vidi se kako ce to funkcionisati

dok je double fine studio i dobio neku paznju u mejnstrim medijima, wasteland se tek ponegde spominje i to sada kada je pebacio dobro preko milion $





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Ovaj Fargo mrda guzove sa svojim intervjuima

Prvo je pljunuo po izdavacima i pojasnio u kakvoj se situaciji zapravo developeri nalaze i koliku kontrolu imaju nad onim sto rade


A onda razmisljanja da li je moguce okupiti bivsi Black Isle Studios


In the other news, Obisianov neobjavljeni veliki projekat , ciji je izdavac trebao biti Microsfot, je otkazan sto je poprilicno uzdrmalo ovu ekipu, pa se sve vise spominju price da ce i oni startovati projekat na Kickstarteru





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Fora je u tome što neće taj kickstarter tako doveka. trenutno je on "novo crno" :) ali još par meseci i onda više neće biti zanimljiv toliko, kao i sve drugo, pa će onda morati da dođe nešto novo ... pa novo ... itd. Tako da ko se sad nakači "na taj voz" može i da ima neke koristi od svega.

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