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klizaliste zamak (na zemunskom keju, izmedju hotela jugoslavija i luna parka) radi svaki dan od 11-23, vikendom od 10-23, cena celodnevne karte je 250din ako imate svoje klizaljke, ako uzimate nase, cena je 400din.

zagrejati se mozete i u kaficu u sklopu klizalista uz toplu cokoladu, caj ili mozda kuvano vino.

a kuvana rakija? :tf:

btw, pola radnog vremena ftw, odoh da spavam:)


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klizaliste zamak (na zemunskom keju, izmedju hotela jugoslavija i luna parka) radi svaki dan od 11-23, vikendom od 10-23, cena celodnevne karte je 250din ako imate svoje klizaljke, ako uzimate nase, cena je 400din.

zagrejati se mozete i u kaficu u sklopu klizalista uz toplu cokoladu, caj ili mozda kuvano vino.

hmm, meni sve ovo bas super zvuci!

Jel si ti jos uvek tamo? Aj baci broj moba na pm, ako vec budem dolazio, da probam da nabodem tvoju smenu.


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Gde nam je onaj "the end is near" topic? Bliži nam se 2012. godina a po uzoru na jedan drugi SF film koji ima "problema" sa jezgrom planete Zemlje, ide sledeća vest:

2,000 birds fall dead from the sky

Environmental service workers in the US have been picking up the carcasses of about 2,000 red-winged blackbirds that fell dead from the sky in a central Arkansas town.

The birds had fallen on Friday night over a one-mile area of Beebe, 40 miles from Little Rock, and an aerial survey indicated that no other dead birds were found outside of that area.

The workers from US Environmental Services started the clean-up on Saturday, and confirmed the last dead bird was removed at 11am on Sunday morning.

Beebe mayor Mike Robertson said workers wore protective suits for the removal as a matter of routine and not out of fear that the birds might be contaminated.

He said speculation on the cause of the birds' deaths is not focusing on disease or poisoning.

Several hundred thousand red-winged blackbirds have used a wooded area in the town as a roost for the past several years, he said. The mayor and other officials went to the roost area over the weekend and found no dead birds on the ground.

"That pretty much rules out an illness" or poisoning, the mayor said.

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission ornithologist Karen Rowe said the birds showed signs of physical trauma, and speculated that "the flock could have been hit by lightning or high-altitude hail".

The commission said that New Year's Eve revellers launching fireworks could have startled the birds from their roost and caused them to die from stress.

Robby King, a wildlife officer for the commission, collected about 65 dead birds, which will be sent for testing to the state Livestock and Poultry Commission lab and the National Wildlife Health Centre.

Podsećam samo da su u Jezgru golubovi popadali mrtvi u sekundi na sred Trafalgara ili gde već :)

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Da, bre, mendzi trebalo bi i ja moju sestricinu da vodim na klizanje ovih dana posto joj je keva u bolnici pa nema ko drugi.

Samo sto su ta deca nezasita, povedes ih na klizanje, a ona odmah traze i milion stvari pored toga...mala cudovista :)

Salji i meni mob. na pm. :)

Vidi sto bi Lesko da nabada i po mendzijevoj smeni :o

Edited by absolute

QUOTE (Kojot @ Apr 21 2009, 03:24)

relnao pametna devojka se ili iskenaj pre sexa ili se izklistira tusem i namaze pomadom

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Taman citam ovde kako je u cetvrtak skraceno vreme na pola i sve cekam da stigne mail od shefa za skraceno radno vreme i stigne... I ne radi se do 5, nego do 4. Awesome.

U zepter balonu kod Piramide je najvece klizaliste sa najmanjom guzvom, tako da je tamo najbolje. :D

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hahahahaha jbt,koji kraj slagalice :)))))))

lik uzeo i demonstrativno napustio studio,jos onako cuje se milka u pozadini zbunjena:))))


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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