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Kad smo već kod FS - u svetlu svih događaja sa krajem Mass Effecta 3, oni koji pređu singlplejer Frozen Synapsea ovih dana imaju alternate ending:


"In preparation for the alternate ending, Paul went and asked the Frozen Synapse community what they would like to see in this new undertaking via the various social media to hand. The result was suggestions including ponies, dinosaurs, “moist”, “dolphinproof” and “BORK BORK BORK”. Make of that what you will. Paul did and he has now filtered all of these ideas into a brand new ending for Frozen Synapse."

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Probao EVO Scavanger, odlicno, steta sto mora jos dosta da se radi na igri, ali je ideja super, kao i izvodjenje. Kada bi poboljsali combat system i jos x stvari, bila bi vrhunska.

koji hardkor, mislim da sam deset puta pocinjao i ginuo, prava je!

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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"The Hardcore Mode is our thanks to our most hardcore fans, and a throwback to the good old days," Frozenbyte CEO Lauri Hyvärinen says, and continues: "This is for the fans who thought the Tower of Sarek level in the first game was just right in its pre-patches state, for those who really want an extra challenge from the game. The Hardcore Mode adds a big value to replayability, especially in online and offline co-op, and really means you have to work together or face game over."

"P.S. We take no responsibility for broken relationships attributed to the Hardcore Mode."

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Ja ga kupio na steamu, nesto malo sam igrao jer se zaludjujem Grimrockom za sada.Meni je grafika bas kul. :)

Svidelo mi se, bar onoliko malo koliko sam ga igrao.Ne mogu da kazem nista o prici i humoru, jer nisam toliko presao, ali mi se svidja kako izgleda igra i atmosfera, generalno.

Koliko sam primetio, combat je malo na foru fallout-a (1 / 2) i ume da bude tezak nekada.

Edited by k0baya
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aham, i onda se smoriš posle 5 minuta ... izuzev brzinskog čekiranja emaila i eventualno gledanja filmova na moru sa laptopa, nisam pronašao nijednu stvar koju na laptopu ili tabletu možeš da radiš u krevetu i da se osećaš kao oni na reklamama što su mnogo srećni što surfuju u svom francuskom ležaju :) Ne samo da sporije radiš jer je neudobnije već se i brzo zamoriš.

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Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet stigao na PC. Ima na Steamu, doduše za 13e i uz jebeni GfWL.

U glavnoj ulozi leteći tanjir, metroidvanija, posle prvih pola sata 9/10.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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