bolkonski Posted December 7, 2007 Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 Stvarno je vrhunska serija i ova epizoda bi bila najbolja ove sezone (mada mozda i ovako jeste), da nije kraja, koji mi je onako malo, sta ja znam. Vazno je da se serija nastavlja, cim pisci prestanu sa shtajkom, naravno. Lewis je maestralan. I da ne zaboravim, ne znam Kole (posto izgleda ti jedini jos gledas ovu seriju) da li si primetio da su ribe u ovoj seriji sve bas mnogo dobre, koja god da se pojavi, koliko god da je mala uloga. To odavno nisam video. Quote ----------------- nema vise zezanja A.B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 gleda josh i ivan jer ceni prave vrednosti kad ne glumi konformisanje okolini ;o)) za kraj - zavisi na koji mislish - poslednjih 5-6 min i ono sto mislish u tom trenutku...psolednjih 2-3 min i smer koji se tad deshava ili zadnja scena (za koju sam bio ubedjen da ce da bude kraj epizode (mada nije bilo veceg ludila izmedju kom sam se nadao...)) za zhene...i dalje mislim da je to krajnje subjektivno...2.5men i sheenova "egrela" (+burazerova druga zhena ;o)) su i dalje bez premca...u ovoj seriji ovde imash brooke koja je vrh, sara za mladju publiku i od ovih sto se pojave s vremena na vreme po koja simpatichna (mlada ruskinja i charlijeva matjeha padaju na pamet) ali nista da se zaprepashtjavam al zato momant na zhurci u prvom delu za sve fanove l-worda....naaajs =o)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolkonski Posted December 7, 2007 Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 Kapiram sta kazes za cushi, ali ovde je nivo jako visok i nema slucajno da upadne neka ruzna. Hocu da kazem, potpuno je nerealno i zato je vrhunski. Quote ----------------- nema vise zezanja A.B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 7, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2007 ne slazhem se da je nerealno...jedna nerealna stvar u celoj seriji se samo damein lewis i to je dobro tako =o) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
plovak Posted December 9, 2007 Report Share Posted December 9, 2007 Odakle skidate Life? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 9, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 9, 2007 torrenti mahom i rapidshare i news za one u kontaktu sa zhenskom stranom svoje lichnosti... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 10, 2007 Report Share Posted December 10, 2007 konstans grifit je toliko dobra riba da ja nemam reči. a to što kole čarlijevu maćehu zove čarlijeva maćeha znači da još uvek nije pogledao mad men, iako sam jedno pet puta rekao da je to serija za ne propustititititi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 10, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 10, 2007 a ti sto brooke langton zovesh po njenoj ulozi u lifeu? =o))) mad men je skinut kao josh par letnjih serija i cheka kad sve presushi da imam dzhebane =o) mada istina je da sam je skinuo tek kad sam video da se kristina hgendriks pojavljuje u 9 epizoda =o) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 18, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 18, 2007 interesantno (ali nama serioaddictima ne znachi mnogo): Leno & O'Brien To Start Shows Again in January Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien will restart their television talk shows on January 2, regardless of whether the ongoing Hollywood writers' strike has finished or not. Both Leno and O'Brien have been providing their laid-off staff with financial compensation since the strike began in early November. But the presenters have now announced their decision to start airing The Tonight Show With Jay Leno and Late Night With Conan O'Brien again, so as to avoid having to make non-writing staff redundant. In a statement, Leno says, "I was, like most people, hoping for a quick resolution when this began... I feel it's my responsibility to get my 100 non-writing staff, which was laid off, back to work." In his own statement, O'Brien adds, "Unfortunately, now with the new year upon us, I am left with a difficult decision - either go back to work and keep my staff employed, or stay dark, and allow 80 people, many of whom have worked for me for 14 years, to lose their jobs. An unwritten version of Late Night, though not desirable, is possible - and no one has to be fired." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Posted December 18, 2007 Report Share Posted December 18, 2007 A cekaj, kakav je sad "okvirni" plan? Znaci ovi likovi stajkuju i nema ko da pishe serije, pa su sve serije na holdu? Ako neke nisu, koje nisu? Da li to znachi da ce onda "uzhurbano" da ih pustaju ako se strajk prekine u jednom trenutku da bi serije bile okonachane na vreme, ili one nisu josh ni snimljene pa nema ni sta da bude pusteno itd? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 18, 2007 Report Share Posted December 18, 2007 šta je snimljeno se pušta, šta nije snimljeno ali je napisano se snima... kada se konačno dogovore, napraviće novu programsku šemu, mada je iluzorno očekivati da će se bilo koja serija završiti onako kako su početkom sezone planirali. in other news, journeyman pred otkazivanjem, nevezano za wga štrajk. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolkonski Posted December 18, 2007 Report Share Posted December 18, 2007 Apsolutno sve sto se snima u Americi je na holdu, tv i film, sve. Relativno dobra strana je sto ce neke serije koje nisu prezivele november sweep biti pustene do kraja (odnosno ono sta je snimljeno 11-12 epizoda), jer nemaju cime da popune program. Takodje, bice puno repriza. Kada se pogleda ovo je prilicno zajebana situacija, jer se sad sve pomera za vreme koje ovi strajkuju. Na zvanicnom sajtu strajkaca ima counter koliko su novca izgubili strajkaci, a postoje i procene koliko je izgubila industrija. Sto ide dalje, mislim da su na vecem gubitku strajkaci. Vidim da se Murdok preterano ne tangira, sto je jos jedan pokazatelj da sindikat nece jos dugo. Edit: Link Quote ----------------- nema vise zezanja A.B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 19, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 19, 2007 aaah...odgledao danashnji BL...nije dobar kao poslednja dva ali i dalje tako vedra serija bash mi je milo sto je pratim....ovo je inache poslednja epizoda u ovoj godini sad je pauza do 9 januara u principu od 21. dec do 7. jan nema nista sto bi iko pratio (sem odredjene guilty pleasure serije chiji naslov necemo iznositi u javnosti ;o)) tako da je pravi trenutak za vadjenje iz shteka neke od dobrih letnjih serija od 13 epizoda...gledam u pravcu mad men, john from cincinnati i saving grace, samo josh da odluchim koja je prva na tapetu =o) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 19, 2007 Report Share Posted December 19, 2007 krenuo sam da skidam i gledam seriju the unit -- zasnovana na knjizi o delta jedinicama, hbo produkcija, u jednoj od glavnih uloga lik koji je u 24 igrao dejvida palmera. ne bih baš rekao da je sjajna, ali ima kul momenata a delove u kojima prikazuju kako je ženama teško dok su im muževi na zadatku elegantno premotavam. u prvih 3-4 epizode nema centralne zavere, ali se nadam da će se ona uskoro pojaviti, jer će ove TOTW (terrorist otw ;)) epizode smoriti brzo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted December 22, 2007 Author Report Share Posted December 22, 2007 na zhalost, serija 4400 je otkazana, takodje zaginuo je i Dead Zone iako ne kachi nikog sem mene - Stewart i Colbert se vracaju on the air 7. januara bez obzira na strajk i odlichan intervju/piece sa glumcima iz Chucka i za kraj link na galeriju slika iz hronka sare konor...jes da se skoro nikome od nas ko je video preair pilot ne svidja ali slike/promo posteri summer glau (koja je novi terminator) su imba also pojavio se preair pilot za seriju Eli Stone (manje vishe za boleta - to ime se chita Ilaj) - mada, dal' ima smisla gledati josh jednu advokatsku seriju sa ludim protagonistima pored BLa? =o) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted January 1, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 1, 2008 yay za Davea - od sutra nove epizode late showa i late late showa, sa sve piscima \o/ Letterman Gets Striking Writers Back Beloved TV chat show host David Letterman has won a major break in the ongoing writer's strike - his entire staff has been given a waiver to return to work. Letterman was among the late night hosts who shelved his show when the strike began on 5 November . He continued to pay his staff out of his own pocket. And his generosity appears to have won him favour among Writers Guild of America union bosses, who have given his writing staff permission to cross picket lines when his show returns on 2 January . In a statement released on Friday, Letterman says, "I am grateful to the WGA for granting us this agreement. We're happy to be going back to work, and particularly pleased to be doing it with our writers." The new deal will also mean writers for Craig Ferguson's show, which follows The Late Show - and is produced by Letterman, will also be able to return to work next week. hnTVy everybody =o) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolkonski Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Nesto ne deluje da ce ovo na dobro da izadje. Can 'Dexter' Be a Killer on Broadcast TV? Dexter, Showtime's popular series about a cop, played by Michael C. Hall, who "channels" his compulsive killer instincts into a secret life as a vigilante, will make its debut on CBS Television on Feb. 17. The corporate parent of both CBS TV and Showtime is CBS Corp. The cable TV series, which employs graphic sex and violence, will require heavy editing to comply with FCC rules for broadcast network television. It will mark the first time that an entire season of a cable TV series will be rerun on a broadcast network. On Monday Writers Guild of America officials observed that the show's writers will not be able to contribute to the editing and that the episodes will therefore have to be edited by production personnel who have little understanding of story development and exposition. Quote ----------------- nema vise zezanja A.B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Bilo ;) Ja kacio mislim mozhda bash na Dexter topicu. Nadam se samo da nece da ispadne kao kad u arapskim zemljama iseku akcioni film i izbace sve scene akcije ;) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 šta nas briga, mi smo poskidali verziju sa showtime-a, a treća sezona, ako je bude, ima da ide tamo. dexter je prebačen na nacionalnu mrežu zbog onog štrajka. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolkonski Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Znam da je bilo, ali je sada zvanicno. Quote ----------------- nema vise zezanja A.B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted January 15, 2008 Report Share Posted January 15, 2008 Čujem da uskoro kreće "Nadreality šou" (pogađate o čemu je reč), zna li neko kada otprilike? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted January 15, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 15, 2008 ne znam kad ce ta domaca/sakata verzija nadrealista, ne zvuchi mi da ce da valja.... uglavnom, premesteno ti pitanje ovde gde mu je mesto vudu od mene - Star wars TV Show news - za 21 mesec kretje! ;o) Star Wars TV Show: Boba Fett Confirmed Producer says Fett is "instrumental" to the live-action series. January 14, 2008 - Like most projects developed under the Star Wars name, hard facts about the plotline for the upcoming Star Wars live-action TV series have been hard to come by. However, in a new interview with the Star Wars Insider magazine, producer Rick McCallum reveals one big detail: Boba Fett will be a part of the series. It had already been revealed that the show will take place within the 20 year gap in-between Revenge of the Sith and the original Star Wars (A New Hope), but as to what characters would be featured in it, all George Lucas had said was that it would not star any of the main characters from the films. However, as it had been revealed that it could feature peripheral characters from the film series, many fans had speculated that the ever-popular Boba Fett would be a prime candidate. Then last year, the first (and to this point only) promotional image from the series, shown at Toy Fair, displayed Fett's iconic helmet, which of course only fueled rumors he would be on the show. McCallum clears up the rumors, telling Star Wars insider "The series will be about brand new characters, a group of people we haven't seen yet, except Boba Fett, who will be an instrumental part of it. The series will also showcase other bounty hunters." McCallum says the series is about "what happens to an empire. It's a much darker, much more character-based thing. It's not as plot-driven [as the movies]." McCallum notes that the challenge they're facing at Lucasfilm is making the show "look like a feature on a television budget, with all new characters, new environments, new planets, and trying to keep the storyline alive for a lot of people." Also revealed in the interview is that four artists have been working on designs for the show, including Erik Tiemens, who worked on Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. McCallum also says "We have two great writers from England, one from Australia, and three from the United States," but doesn't name who they are. A planned writers' meeting in November had to be scrapped due to the writers' strike but McCallum says that when it does occur it will be "in order to develop the 'bible' for the characters, in other words who they are and where they're going to go, along with some of the story ideas. We're going to try and hash out the first three or four episodes." McCallum says they hope to have the first scripts by February, but with no idea when the writers' strike will end, that seems highly questionable. However, it's worth noting that Lucasfilm is said to be considering making an independent deal with the Writers Guild of America in the same manner that David Letterman's Worldwide Pants, United Artists and The Weinstein Company have all done. If that occurs, it would almost certainly allow scripts to progress on Star Wars, even if the strike continues. McCallum tells Star Wars Insider they hope to be shooting by the end of 2008 or early in 2009. The live-action series is expected to premiere by the end of 2009, following this fall's debut of the new animated Clone Wars series. The Boba Fett confirmation will now of course lead to the next round of speculation: Who will play him? An actor new to the role or someone we've seen before? Considering the series spans 20 years -- and no one knows if stories will be told chronologically, or leap back and forward in time-- it's certainly possible for either Daniel Logan (Attack of the Clones' young Boba) or Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett) to play the character, or in fact for both of them to, if the show follows the character through two different periods in his life, a la George Lucas' Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted January 15, 2008 Report Share Posted January 15, 2008 od mene - Star wars TV Show news - za 21 mesec kretje! ;o) omfg :( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted January 18, 2008 Report Share Posted January 18, 2008 Nadrealiti Šou subotom u 21:00 na B92. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veljok Posted January 18, 2008 Report Share Posted January 18, 2008 govno... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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