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Sheryl Lee, who played both Laura Palmer and Maddy Ferguson, made the announcement that she and Dana Ashbook, who played Bobby Briggs, will be back for more fantastic weirdness. 
You can watch the two actors announce their return in the video below.

During the Q&A it’s suggested that Sherilyn Fenn is also set to return as Audrey.

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Ja mislim da je to vise zbog marketinga i hajpa nego zbog potrebe za parama.

Ovako ce vec imati brda publike koji ce nestrpljivo cekati da pocne i pratiti svaku glasinu i siriti glas o celoj prici

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Naletim pre neki dan na epizodu emisije Star Talk na National Geographicu i odusevim se. Inicijalno mi je crnja koji prica o kosmosu bio poprilicno simpatican ali me realno ta tema nije toliko interesovala. Ova epizoda na koju sam naleteo je bila sa Arianom Huffington iz  The Huffington Posta i generalna tema emisije je bila Internet, kako je promenio vidjenje drustva i nauke, kako i ko sve moze da kreira sadrzaj na netu, kakve sve ljudi gluposti mogu da pisu i kako se od toga zastititi i slicno. Preporucujem za gledanje svakako, posle sam pogledao i epizode sa Kris Nolanom (pre svega na temu Interstellara) i Dzordzom Takeiem (Sulu iz Zvezdanih staza) i moram reci da je ceo serijal odlican. 


Daje se na National Geographics kanalu, ali je kod njih komplikovano gledati na sajtu ako nisi iz US. Zato moze da se prati besplatno na Hulu s tim da treba imati u vidu da ne dozvoljava gledanje van US pa treba upotrebiti neku ekstenziju za browser, npr Hola.

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Onaj car iz misfitsa glumi Cassadija, po meni sve ovo obecava!

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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previše moze da krene naopako, počevši od rogena i onog njegovog partnera (evan goldberg?) što su showrunneri...takođe kad čuješ za nove likove koji su amalgam više postojećih radi lakše naracije (primer mini serija the stand) tu se odma pale crvene lampice...videćemo, ali isto nema razloga za optimizam


cast je solidan, ali dosta zavisi od kombinacije showrunneri-pisci-reziseri epizoda (idealno je, kao sto pokazuje true detective s1, da 1 covek rezira sve epizode na osnovu scenarija na kojima je radilo malo ljudi, al to je retkost)

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One of the more unexpected rumors in the past year or so was that of a live-action TV series in the works at Netflix based on the popular Nintendo video game franchise "The Legend of Zelda". The news was quickly shot down by none other than Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata himself who said it was not based on current facts.

Today though, Season Zero reports that the project has resurfaced again - this time being developed as a potential pilot for Amazon. It adds that if the project is to go ahead, it will shoot in August in New York and Savannah, Georgia.

What the plot of such a potential series could be is unclear at this point, though will likely involve Link traveling across Hyrule to rescue Princess Zelda.

If the report is true, the project would join the batch of other high profile pilots in the works at the service that will be released and voted on by consumers in early 2016. Others include Guillermo del Toro's steampunk fantasy "Carnival Row", Jean-Pierre Jeunet's "Casanova," David E. Kelley’s legal drama "Trial," Shane Black's violent western "Edge," and potentially Bryan Cranston and David Shore's "Sneaky Pete".

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Actor Patrick Macnee, star of The Avengers TV series, has died in California at the age of 93.

The Briton, best known for playing John Steed in the 1960s television spy show, died at home with his family at his bedside, his son Rupert said.

Macnee, who served in the Royal Navy during World War Two, also played roles in theatre, appearing on Broadway.

A statement on the actor's website read: "Wherever he went, he left behind a trove of memories."

He died peacefully at his home in California's Rancho Mirage on Thursday, Rupert said.




Eh to su bili dani uz Avendžerse na TV-u :)

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