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shame on u, spammujes strategy forum sa platformskim igrama ;) :P

Little Big Planet : genre-platform

According to the on-stage demonstration at GDC 2007, each character can jump, move, and grab objects. Grabbing allows a character to pull an object (or another character) in whatever direction they are currently moving. This allows, for example, a chain of players to hang off of a rope when only one character is actually grabbing the rope. Also, it allows a jetpack-equipped player to carry the other players through the sky.

Objects are also made of many different, selectable materials, such as felt, wood, metal or sponge. The materials act realistically, where wood doesn't change shape when you stand on it or grab it, felt "squishes" and deforms. For example, at GDC 2007[5], the designers pull up a felt tree, a football (supposedly made of leather), an orange and stickers from the selectable menu, nicknamed "Pop-It"[6] in a later interview.

So far, public exhibits of the game haven't shown any enemies, preferring to derive challenge from the stage itself, which the player must navigate by jumping, pushing, grabbing, running and flying through it to overcome numerous puzzles provided by the game's robust physics engine. However, according to senior producer Pete Wilson, the game will, in fact, have enemies, ranging from small to big and complex

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Theatre of War

RTS fans love these games because they give us the commander’s seat during real and fictional wars, letting us make decisions and call the shots. Most of these games take little time to learn and are all pretty much the same. Right clicking moves units here, left clicking choose specific units, click dragging selects groups of units, etc.


Now imagine if each one of these units had a personality, a motive, a code of conduct. Imagine if they had morale. In Theatre of War, units not only perform specific tasks you order them to do along with what they were trained to do, but all of them will perform these tasks differently depending on things such as (but not limited to); morale, training, field experience, leadership abilities, driving abilities, and other attributes that translate into military fortitude.

One thing that is in abundance is realism. This game excels in the area of realism above all other RTS games that have seemed to water down the WWII genre over the past few years. Where most games take a more arcade approach in terms of appealing to the masses, ToW specializes in making the game as realistic as possible without actually getting your face shot off. Imagine Company of Heroes but with an RPG twist. All of the units (and I mean ALL of the units) are customizable. They gain experience with their trial by fire and continue to as long as they stay alive.


With incredible realism comes incredible frustration. Nothing is overlooked in this game. An example is assigning a unit to a vehicle. In a standard RTS when the unit approaches the vehicle, they ‘snap’ into the tank. In ToW it shows the actual animation of the unit climbing into the tank and sliding through the hatch. You can see Howitzer crews loading their guns and firing. The detail is mind boggling. In one case, my attacking tanks were attacked and some of them lost mobility from hits to the tracks or engines, but still managed to fire from a fixed position.


Like other games that command this kind of patience and experience, it will exclude the more casual gamers. With a campaign that covers 5 different factions (German, French, Russian, Polish and Allied armies); the game covers 40 missions based on real world battles. There are 30+ maps that are completely destructible and can become ever more hazardous from weather and how the battlefield is used.


Even with all of this information being processed through your computer at any given moment, the visuals of the game are fantastic. From a distance you get a good picture of the battlefield, but if you zoom in you can see the individual soldiers and their weapons firing. It seems that no stone is left unturned.


Each mission starts as any other would, with a historical battle and accurate settings. From there it only follows the script you write. You can reinforce squads, capture enemy weapons and vehicles and make choices that can take you on to glory, or to utter destruction.


With multiplayer as an option, even beating the game means that there is still plenty of playability left in the game. Although some of the more casual RTS fans will be overwhelmed by the complexity of the game, those who have grown bored with the same-old same-old RTS games will have something new brought to their table.


jel probao ovo neko?

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odgovoricu ti kad budem imao vremena, ali bash si mi rekao! :D

Slazem se u svemu ali moram da ti pokazem gde lezi čar u Napoleonskoj Vrsti borbe :). A sad nemam vremena za to, moram da ucim !!

/emote runs

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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bwahaha evo citam moj post i umirem od smeha, bas sam se isprimao da ti sto puta kazem jednu istu stvar:)))

al dobro, to je zato da ne mislis da kontam da je sam period nezahvalan/nezanimljiv/glup nego da me ne privlaci uopste ceo taj trip (opet sam poceo):)))

ja bih voleo kad bi to tvoje pokazivanje cari napoleonske borbe uspelo na meni, ali to ko da ubedjujes lika koji ne voli recimo kiso kupus da je to najjace jelo, a on ti kaze 'ma mozda i jeste, ali meni se ne svidja':)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Boze ja bacio glupu foru a vi odmah poceli da razglabate o nekim tripovima ... ostavite to za fallout topicx . Jbt lol.

And for the record ... i am right !

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Jos samo kad bi neko hteo da napravi remake od History Line-a pa da mogu da umrem :P

Podrzavam. Igram je i dan danas. Kad me smori wow, odigram mapu-dve. Hvala bogu pa sam nasho na netu lepo spakovano. Radi ko zmaj na golom XP-u, jedino shto zvuk ne fercera, ali to popravi jedan winamp u pozadini :)))

... ukusi su razlichiti... reche djavo i sede u trnje...

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Stigao je Theatre of War samo nema jos cracka..damn

a Fantasy Wars je valjda vec stigao u Srbiju? Jel probao neko?

fantasy wars nema nigde po onlajn prodavnicama kolko sam ja skapirao, svi kazu release date 18 septembar, ali sam posle na nekom sajtu video da je pomereno za prvi oktobar, a za amere je trinaesti novembar lol, lud zbunjenog...

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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jbt ovaj spore je trebao pre zilion godina da izadje...

sins of a solar empire izgleda fino, klon homeworlda :)

evo gameplay videa:

a za endwar ne znam sta da mislim, uvodna spica mi nista ne znaci, a slike mi ne deluju kao da su iz igre :)

lepo, lepo bice sta da se igra ^_^

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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waaaa, ocu spooooreeee odmasadaodma:)

discipline 3 su me zbunile, kako bre moja polovina i neprijateljska polovina battlefielda, pa glavni trip je da se niko ne pomera i da zaklanjas likove i da gledas s kim ces da sacekas, a s kim ces da igras, kad ces da se defend i sl. necu da pomeram disajplse u fajtu:)

fantasy wars datum je izgleda TBA, nesto su se smorili:) ali kao sigurno u oktobru, mozda cak i 1-2, ne znam, nisam pametan:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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E igrao sam nocas ovaj Galactic Assault: Prisoner of War.

Nije toliko lose, potezna strategijica, poput pocetaka Battle Isle serijala. Dakle, stancovanje trupa (ne endless kao u CoHu), nema gradnje objekata vec nadogradnja baze, trupe se prebacuju iz misije u misiju u vidu Core-a, plus dolaze nove. Sve trupe sticu exp i chinove. Sto se tice "zapleta", klasicno "mi protiv njih", stim da su stavili kao dnevnik koji vodi glavni baja tja igrac.

Ko je voleo Battle Isle, preporucujem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sudden Strike III: Arms for Victory

The game will simulate joint operation of ground, naval and air forces on vast areas. New user interface paradigm will allow player to control these forces avoiding unnecessary micro-management, while allowing controlling individual units, if player would so desire. It will be convenient for both a beginner and for an experienced player. The player will choose the best way of controlling a game situation himself, thus it will be interesting to play same company several times using different tactics or control level.


Gameplay will include land and sea operations, with aviation acting as a support force for both. Sea forces will also be supported by submarines that can for example hunt down an enemy supply convoy. Carrier-based aviation will support both naval and land operation when possible. It will be possible to develop in depth coastal defence, thus, careful control of player naval and air forces will be the key to successful land operations. Harbors and airfields will play an important role in the gameplay, as gates for transports providing supplies and reinforcement. Land operations will cover vast areas, making reconnaissance an essential part of gameplay.



* State-of-the-art 3D engine with real-time dynamic lighting effects

* Thousands of units, hundreds of prototypes

* Large maps (up to 8x8 km)

* Friendly interface (less complicated, more powerful!)

* Smart AI

* Naval operations

* The original Sudden Strike spirit is ultimately retained. This is the military game you always wanted!



* Battle of Normandy - fight for the Germans

* Battle of Normandy - fight for the Allies

* The invasion of the Crimea - fight for the USSR

* Battle of Guadalcanal - fight for the Americans

* Battle of Guadalcanal - fight for the Japanese


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