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POgledah Rescue Down (2006) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462504/ i film na prvi pogled je solidan i lepo odradjen ali ja jednostavno nisam mogao da prihvatim da je baziran na istinitoj prici jer sam primetio par rupa u filmu i onda sam poceo da pretrazujem po net-u i ...... naletim na ovaj sajt http://www.rescuedawnthetruth.com/ (za one koji su vec pogledali film).

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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zar je moguce da je pored toliko love tesko snimiti vanila film koji je na nivou Resident Evila 2... kako je moguce da snime nesto onako lose kao sto je treci deo... ni mila ne pomaze ni malo kada je sve sve SVE na pogresnom mestu kamera dijalozi akcija miline male sisice bez brusa prica muzika ama bas sve ... i gomila klonova mile jovovic koja lezi iskasapljena!!!!! idioti!





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Ne secam se kada sam gledao takav film. Jednostavno nema se utisak da postoji neka radnja. Film traje kratko, sto je plus, Mile ima malo, jer je ceo film podeljen na tri dela - Mila, negativac, grupa frilensera. Vise deluje kao strip, nego kao film. Mada ona scena kada Mila sece napredne zombije je bas dobra. Ako nista, opusteno moze da se premotava, a ima nekoliko lepih scena vizuleno.


nema vise zezanja


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dobar onaj rescue down, bas bas dobar... mada ono prica oko americkog pilota koji je rodjen u nemackoj tokom ww2 i koji se zaljubljuje u avione tako sto je video kako mu americki pilot namiguje a sekund pre toga je pucao u brisucem letu u njegovom pravcu... meh





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Lol Futurama Benders big score je bash dobro uradjena. Kraj je previse napakovan humorom, dok je sredina filma sporija i kvazi emo. Ima dosta dobrih parodija tokom filma tipa "We're hopelessly outgunned! The force is with us, but that's about it." Bender i dalje nosilac kvalitetnog crnog humora. A must za fanove futurame.

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Na svakom jebenom koraku sam nailazio na komentare tipa "I laughed my ass off" "best movie eva" "omg omg i'm going to cum" "best comedy ever", tako da je moje razočarenje sasvim opravdano : ) na pola filma sam jedva čekao da se završi, i da uradim shift+del. Više sam se smejao na American Pie 5.

Edited by Corey




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Razor, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0991178/

odgledao sam verziju od sat i 30 minuta (proletelo je kao 15 minuta) bez onih mini epizoda ubachenih i sad kapiram koliko je kole bio u pravu :) verzija od dva sata je mnogo kompletnija kazu na netu... ovako nemam pojma kao da samo zapocheo ponovo gledanje serije i opet onaj filing "hocu jos jednu epizodu"... tja :) ima par interesantnih obrta u filma mada nista nije previse dinamicno, nekako je sve umereno... od propusta nekako mis e chini da flashbekovi nisu odradjeni valjano, mada ne mogu da odredim tacno sta tu fali

jesam li i ja sajlonac ako se ponasam i razmishljam kao oni? wtf?





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  G!!! said:
ja sam ga odgledao i ne razumem zasto si ga obrisao, zapravo ne razumem nikog ko obrise dobar film :)

upravo zato shto je preterano dobar film...da se zapitash posle njega!

dovoljno mi je shto sam ga jednom odgledao...ne zelim vishe...neeee [:D]

Granice mogućeg možemo odrediti samo onda, ako ih pređemo odlaskom u nemoguće.


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Here's a joke, boy. One day this man walks out of his house to go to work. He sees this snail on his porch. So he picks it up and chucks it over his roof, into the back yard. Snail bounces off a rock, cracks its shell all to shit, and lands in the grass. Snail lies there dying. But it doesn't die. It eats some grass. Slowly heals. Grows a new shell. And after a while it can crawl again. One day the snail up and heads back to the front of the house. Finally, after a year, the little guy crawls back on the porch. Right then, the man walks out to go to work and sees this snail again. So he says to it, 'What the fuck's your problem?'

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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Zzaboravih da kazem da sam gledao Die Hard 4 i bas sam uzivao, bas bas. Cak sam prijatno iznenadjen ultra visokom produkcijom i nekim veoma, veoma lepim, mozda cak i inovativnim kadrovima. O Brusu ne treba trositi reci, ne postoji toliko kul covek na planeti.


nema vise zezanja


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