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ja ne znam koju bi pre, divota

u stvari, blejk i kejra mogu kući, ajde, al' to ovako, čisto subjektivno

Rejcel > talia al gul provereno, mark my words :)

Natali > Vicky Vale provereno, mark my words :)

Znaci kad jebeno zlo lice na ove likove, ako nisu ludi moraju biti njih dve bas u tim ulogama :)

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Nije to sto lice nego to sto kao da su crtali te likove sa njima kao modelima. Mada opet to nista ne mora da znaci jer je heath ledger svojevremeno procitao samo dva batman stripa spremajuci se za svoju ulogu, i ovaj novi tmenbe nema bas nikakve veze sa stripom tako da tko zna.

Ali u svakom slucaju uveren sam da ce jedan od aktera biti vicky vale i da ce biti talia,

jel se zna jel planira ikada da ubaci robina u filmove?

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Battle Los Angeles tizer, fak jea!


Prvi trejler za neki nagruvani holivudski film da ima ovako carski odrađenu muziku, btw.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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bogami, obećava :D

no, sad sam malo gledao i izgleda da između ovoga i skajlajna (koji je sad već izvesno shit) postoji određena istorija:

Li'l story about Skyline.    

See, there's this movie called Battle Los Angeles. It's being put out by a little mom'n'pop company called Sony, and they've sunk a couple-three nickels and dimes into this here movie; about enough nickels and dimes to fill Staples Center, in fact. And as we have learned from Watchmen, if there's one thing studios like more than pissing on audiences it's pissing on each other.    

Enter a little SFX studio called Hydraulx. Hydraulx has been working on SFX for Battle Los Angeles since the get-go - but they neglected to mention to Sony that in addition to making shinyprettyshit for BLA, they were also making shinyprettyshit for, well, their own little film called Skyline.    Which is not to say they didn't tell another little mom'n'pop operation called Universal they were working on it.    So Universal, through Relativity, buys this little shitbucket not because they think it's good, but because they think they can cause Sony to push Battle Los Angeles out and steal their thunder (a la Deep Impact/Armageddon) if they launch a massive print'n'advertising campaign for a movie that everyone acknowledges isn't very good.     The whole thing is rather tawdry.

The bottom line, however, is they didn't release Skyline because they actually wanted you to watch it. They released it because they didn't want you to watch Battle Los Angeles. Which you didn't, because BLA pushed until March some time just so they could re-fuck all the SFX done by Hydraulx so that you won't think BLA is ripping of Skyline (when the exact opposite is probably true).    

So. Not even the movie heads that thought you wanted to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua thought they'd get you to see Skyline. I'm sure they're thankful you did, however.

in other news, sneak peak za green lanterna

izgleda mi previše... šašavo i lucidno, šta znam. nadam se da su ove deliče izvojili samo da navlaže cice na rejnoldsa, a da film zapravo sadrži i drugi, mračniji, grittier ton. ne gleda mi se komedija sa green lanternom, pa iako je i rejnolds (<3) u njoj.

onaj fejk trejler za green lanterna sa nathanom fillianom je i dalje najbolja stvar koju sam skoro gledao od superhero trejlera :D

Edited by Mr. Nobody


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OMG moje dve najomiljenije glumice u istom filmu!! Jos samo da je Parker Posey u njemu i to bi bio film koji bih ja snimio! Pricam o Your Higness trejleru.

P.S. Na sta lici ovaj Daniel Craig, majko mila. I ljudi jos uvek misle da on moze da bude James Bond. Svasta.


nema vise zezanja


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Znam da nije film nego serija, u pitanju je Spartacus nova sezona trejler:


Ocigledno je ovo pre dolaska Spartaka, posto je glumac bolestan. Naravno trejler je jos predrkaniji nego sto je bila prosla sezona, vise krvi i seksa. Mozda je bolje bilo da su takvu seriju pravili od starta, a ne sto su se vezivali za istorijske licnosti, ali sta sad...


nema vise zezanja


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Uff, can't wait. Super što je prequel, pa nisu morali da čekaju da se lik oporavi, važno da krv teče. Plus što ćemo opet da vidimo ovog glumca što igra Batijatusa i njegovu kučkoženu, i izgleda mi da je jedan od glavnih baja sada Stilios iz 300 ako se ne varam:


Plus št sve deluje manje veštački nego prva sezona, i što će i ovaj crnja aktivno da se šiba sada.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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ja tog statama nikako da shvatim kao ozbiljnog tabadziju, vise mi je smesan i kao parodija na prave junake akcionih filmova :P

s druge stane ben foster mi je psihodelicni mofo, ali opet nikako nije za tabadzijske filmove koje statam uporno forsira... sitni su mrsavi niski mnjeeeh... nije to to :) hocu zamenu za svarciku!





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