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To više zbog toga što Gilijam retko radi, dok Barton stalno nešto tu zuji sa nekim filmovima (bilo kao režiser, producent ili ono "Tim Burton presents...")

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Pocinje spremanj za snimanje Mad Max 4 :D


Aussie film director George Miller says pre-productionwork will start next week on the latest Mad Max film, which is to beproduced in New South Wales.

Thirty years after the release of the original Mad Max, Miller ispreparing to head out west for Fury Road - the fourth instalment of thepopular franchise.

Filming on Fury Road will begin in NSW in August 2010.






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Evo nečega dok ne stigne Pobješnjeli Meks:


Deluje ne kao kul postapokalipsa, već kao sumorna postapokalipsa (kao iz Stalkera), što je opet kul :))))

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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