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sa jedne strane, ovo nije serlok holms. ovo je dzejms bond.

sa druge strane, jedva cekam, bice ultra fun film.

sto se tice hobita. uopste mi se ne svidjaju patuljci. dunno, drugacije sam ih zamisljao.

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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ne svidjaju mi se patuljci, fili i kili su mi interesantni i mogu da ih zamislim u tripu nekako, al ovi drugi su mi bas nekako neadekvatni. al dobro, to je moj licni trip, gotivim vise nordijski trip patuljka (recimo gimli u lotru mi je okej) od ovog, rekao bih, germanskog. u sustini sam gej, jer je taj moj trip patuljka najpopkulturskiji ikad, al dobro, nekad stvarno volim kad se uzme neki stereotip i jos plus se nadrka do maksimuma (recimo, gotivno mi je i sto je gandalf stereotipan odinovski carobnjak sa siljatim sesirom)... tako da sam malo zatecen ovim patuljcima, ocekivao sam nesto ovako


a i nesto su mi mnogo iskarikirani ono kao lol vidi sto smo patuljci, ovaj je ovakav, a ovaj drugi je ovakav ghiii ghiii, ko ljutko, uca, mutko i kompanija:)

al ko zna, mozda naprave gotivnu celinu, pa bude sve okej.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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The truth of the matter is that this 2011 version of The Thing is actually a prequel to Carpenter’s 1982 version, which was itself a remake of the 1951 film The Thing from Another World, which was itself an adaptation of the 1938 novella “Who Goes There?” by John W. Campbell, Jr. For those paying attention: that makes this new film a prequel to a remake of an adaptation.

And who says Hollywood isn’t original anymore: where else can you find the backstory of a copy of an interpretation?

BTW ako je verovati IMDB Universal Studios je hteo rimejk Karpenterovog klasika, i producenti su ih jedva nabedili da umesto toga naprave prequel. Rimejka. Adaptacije.

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Low-Quality Teaser Trailer For The Avengers Finally Hits The Net!

News broke only yesterday that during the post-credits scene of next week's Captain America: The First Avenger movie, the first official teaser for Marvel and Joss Whedon's superhero extravaganza The Avengers would play out. And while it's been said an official version will be released during next week's San Diego Comic-Con, low-quality vids have already hit the net!

koga mrzi da čeka još nedelju dana, evo


edit: ima i bootleg za dark knight rises, al je baš užasan, bolje sačekati normalan tizer

Edited by Mr. Nobody


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Smešan je ovaj Karl sa tim loncem na glavi, mnogo mu visi nekako. I lawmastera su usrali jako

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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a u samom tizeru sem novog logo-a i face bane-a na sec sve je uzeto iz ranijih filmova.. :/

sta ce posle toga? oce ponovo reset fransize?

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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pa sigurno, ali ne ocekujem neke nove filmove narednih 10ak godina

kapiram da nolan nece raditi vise na betmenu, a onaj ko preuzme baklju imace ogroman posao da odradi ako hoce da prismrdi ovom ubici :)

iako u ovom teaseru skoro i da nema akcije iz novog filma, bane mi izgleda zajebano u onih 5 sekundi





Edited by Koma3
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