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Warcraft Movie (mart 2016.)

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pa dobro.. realno ni ne nih da gledam nesto vec vidjeno ingame

sto se mene tice ne mora ni slican lore da bude, samo da oni smisle pricu i rade animaciju

kad su krenuli da outsorsuju... ranije je valjda jedno "krilo" radilo samo animacije/grafiku

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to "ranije" je d2 period...sumnjam da su radili i LoD, a kamoli ista nakon...

inache i ja sam za to da ne prati film prichu iz igara naravno, jer bi to bio pokusaj da se previshe natrpa u prekratku formu...ovako neka grupica likova koja radi nesto zajebano tokom nekog od ratova...dobar losh zao style =o)

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al vidish da u istom tom intervjuu kazhe da kako sve vishe moraju da se oslanjaju sami na sebe i da ne mogu vishe da autsorsuju jer rade prekomplexne stvari sa vlastitim custom toolovima a ne sa postojecim programima =o))

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Kole, ajde sad budi chovek i priznaj da nisi prochitao ceo text! :)

Uopshte nije bilo nishta spominjano u vezi autsorsinga, vec je chovek objasnio da ne mogu vishe da se oslanjaju na "out-of-the box" softverska reshenja poshto im to jednostavno vishe nije dovoljno....

А в чем сила, брат?

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never doubt the antiquites ;oP

prochitao sam ga chim je osnvanuo

a chisto da potkrepim svoje rezonovanje

"Now we're looking at other solutions, and one solution is to switch over to RenderMan, a renderer that was developed by Pixar. Doing so means a lot of in-house development, which is fairly unusual for a computer games company, but it's really just the next logical step for us. "

e sad ako im je in house development sledeci logichan korak sta je bilo pre toga hm? ;o)

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A bre Kole:

"With every game we do, we try to take the cinematics to the next level. The cinematics of Diablo II were a huge step forward from Warcraft II, and Warcraft III raised the bar even higher. The cinematics for World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade pushed the limits even further, so there are a lot of expectations for StarCraft II. We're improving our cinematics' quality by taking full advantage of the latest video rendering technologies, but at the end of the day the main goal still is to put all that technology toward crafting an epic story with a terrific cast of characters."

i ceo taj deo o in-house development govori o 3D software development-u:

"Traditionally, we've used off-the-shelf software to create our cinematics, but as I said previously, we're reaching the outer limits of what that is capable of. For example, the 3D models used in the cinematic teaser are the most complex and detailed models we've ever done. I think the polygon count on the marine ended up being well above five million. So when we tried to render the cinematic teaser, we actually broke our renderer. It refused to render the scene; it was just too much. In the end, we had to do separate passes to render the cinematic, but this experience showed us that we're approaching a point where our current software might not be able to help us in all rendering tasks.

Now we're looking at other solutions, and one solution is to switch over to RenderMan, a renderer that was developed by Pixar. Doing so means a lot of in-house development, which is fairly unusual for a computer games company, but it's really just the next logical step for us. We have a lot of extremely talented people on the cinematics team, and all that skill and professionalism is being put toward making sure that the cinematics of StarCraft II will meet the players' expectations."

Tako da ono... Nisu nikada nishta outsource-ovali. Da jesu nashao bi se bar jedan link na kompaniju koja im je radila sinematike, zar ne? :)

P.S. Ovaj prvi pasus me je ubio u pojam - ili je novinar loshe zapisao odgovor ili Nick nije bash "potkovan" u 3D grafici kada kaze:

"So when we tried to render the cinematic teaser, we actually broke our renderer. It refused to render the scene; it was just too much. In the end, we had to do separate passes to render the cinematic, but this experience showed us that we're approaching a point where our current software might not be able to help us in all rendering tasks."

Za one sa jeftinijim ulaznicama - rendati "ono" (mislim na trailer) sve u jednom (znachi uzmesh otvorish scenu sa 50-ak miliona poligona i pritisnesh dugme "Render") je apsolutno suludo i to niko ne radi vec decenijama. Sve se renda u "pasovima" (odnosno slojevima) i posle se radi postprodukcija u After Effects/Shake/Nuke-u... Kada bi rendao svaku reklamu kao shto je ovaj lik rekao, sada bi umesto stotine reklama za sobom imao jedno 5 [:D]

Edited by ZerBah

А в чем сила, брат?

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hmm..znachi da sam ga ja krivo shvatio...aj dobro...mada ubedjen sam da sam pre x godina josh chitao da oni imaju likove koji rade 3d modele/koncepte, ali da animaciju/breute power radi neko napolju...moram da nadjem taj tekstitj...

a ovo za "broken renderer" - jebote ako stvarno sami rade i pojma nemaju kako se radi i prave TAKVE filmove....sta ce da bude kad nauche =o))))

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Mohi, naravno da nisu mogli ceo trejler da odrendaju iz jednog cuga i da su svaku scenu rendali odvojeno... Nijedna scena u modernoj 3D animaciji se ne renda u jedan fajl, vec se odvojeno rendaju slojevi (background, foreground, shadows, specular, smoke & particles itd.) i posle se to sve sabira u postproduction programima i rade se postproduction efekti i korekcija boja...

А в чем сила, брат?

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shta cesh ti ovde kada sve to znash?! [;)][:p]

josh samo par meseci i nadam se da nece ispasti loshe kada je u pitanju cela pricha(u sluchaju da se oslone na game story) a shto se tiche grafike i tehnichkih pojedinosti...jbte pa koliko godina od izlaska warcraft III-ke i sinematiksi i dalje mogu komotno da pariraju nekim novijim naslovima!!! Ne smem da pomislim na shta ce film ondak da lichi...

zivi bili videli!

"Ja uvek vidim greh i uvek prvi,ma koliko bio oprezan i mali,ja ga vidim jer ja sam uvek tu..."I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see,I'm cold,forgiven all because of my beliefs,I'm nobody that you ever wanna be cause,I know that the world is afraid of me!

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Bliyardovi sinematici su remek dela, bez premca u igrackoj industriji. ne samo sto su tehnicki gotovo savrseni u trenutku kad izlaze, vec je njihov scenario i rezija daleko bolji od proseka u posustaloj filmskoj industriji.

zato ne sumnjam da od bilo koje njihove igre moze da se napravi vrh vrhova od filma...


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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* They are currently working on the script

* The film is expected to be released in 2009

* They want the film to be an Epic movie, one that people remember, not just another "game movie"

* Legendary Pictures, the company who is making the film, want to make it a huge production, and it is a very important project for them

* Thrall will be in the movie

* It will be told primarily from the Alliance point of view

* The time of the movie is set about 1 year before World of Warcraft begins

* The film is mainly about cultures in conflict

* It won't be an adventure movie like LoTR, more of a war film

* There will be plenty of humour in the film, but as yet, no plans for any gnomes...

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