jasamnepismen Posted September 24, 2008 Report Share Posted September 24, 2008 Zabranjeno Pushenje - Balada o Pishonji i Zugi Pišonja i Žuga su pamtili dobro Šta im je te večeri govorio Lepi "More je provod, more su koke" "More je izvor života" je li tako Moke Moke je još dod'o i to Da se strankinje praskaju pravo I da je u Zaostrogu u kampu Svaku noć drugu jebavo Pišonja i Žuga mogli su ih slušati I noć cijelu Pišonja i Žuga imali su krv Sedamnaest godina vrelu Pišonja i Žuga Još istu noć su Pišonja i Žuga Maznuli kasetaš iz Doma invalida A malo zatim i autobus "Auto-prevoza" sa Hrida Pišonja ubaci u brzinu To vrelo ljetno veče oko dvaest i dva časa "A sada, pravac more" Viknu Žuga iz sveg glasa Pišonja je vozio i pušio duhan Žuga voli crne, a Pišonja plave A poslije mora dalje u svijet Samo se hrabri dokopaju slave A onda zbogom barake na Breci Viknu Žuga i kasetaš odvrnu jače Dobit ćete razglednicu iz afričke zemlje Safari Zbogom žohari Pišonja i Žuga, dva vjerna druga Krote opasne krivine Molim te čuvaj ih, Kraljice brzine Murija je blokirala cestu Negdje kod Bradine oko dva'es tri i pet U autobusu je svirao boogie-woogie Vidjevši drotove pri brzini Od osamdeset na sat "Vežite se, polećemo", Pišonja reče Žugi Strahovit tresak zapara zrak Čak i iskre poletješe u mrak Pričali su ujutru i kleli se u majku Da su auspuh i retrovizor našli čak Pedeset metara dalje u jarku Pišonja i Žuga, dva vjerna druga Krote opasne krivine Molim te čuvaj ih, Kraljice brzine I dok su Pišonju unosili u hitnu On ugleda Mjesec iznad sebe i reče "Bože, kako neki mogu gore, A ja i Žuga ni na more" Poslije toga je pao u nesvijest I više nije mogao čuti Kako se još dugo na nebu Smijao Mjesec žuti Pišonja i Žuga Quote . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Јаша Томић Posted September 26, 2008 Report Share Posted September 26, 2008 Deicide - Repent to Die Pathetic lives, every second someone dies Delightful is the sight of repention No destiny, just a certainty of death In pain inducing lies of salvation Never repent..... Born to be dead Repent to die Ignorance looms in the unconscious mind Born to be dead Repent to die Waste your last breath on the lord Jesus Christ Repent to die Afraid of what lies after death Your screams are unheard to Him Resisting your wake of adorn Your pleading falls deaf on your lord "Go fuck your god" will be my final words To die is just the concept of living To be Forgave, salvation blessed with pain Endeavored is the blame of creation Pathetic lives, every second someone dies Delightful is the sight of repention No destiny, just a certainty of death In pain inducing lies of salvation Never repent..... Quote Eye of the Beholder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dovlagsi Posted October 18, 2008 Report Share Posted October 18, 2008 Oliver Mandic Odlazim, a volim te Jedan od nas uvek gubi jedan vise da kad se ljubav muci, gasi jedan uvek zna Jednom sam to bio ja drugi put si bila ti oba puta znali smo da cemo se rastati Dodjavola sve, dodjavola sa mnom odlazim, a volim te ljubavi, jedina na svetu ne krivi me, ne krivi me kako lepa-tuzna pesma... Quote facebook.com/speed.rs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
togFU Posted October 19, 2008 Report Share Posted October 19, 2008 ima neshto u tvojim ochima shto mi ne da mira nocima kad gitara na liniji zasvira to te moja pesma doziva otvori prozore nocas je najtezhe biti bez tebe <3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted October 19, 2008 Report Share Posted October 19, 2008 Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards Mightiest am I but I am not alone in this cosmos of mine For the black hills consists of black souls souls that already dies one thousand deaths Behind the stone walls (of centuries) they breed their black art Boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold Far up in the mountains where the rain fall not far yet the Sun cannot reach The wizards, my servants summon the souls of macrocosm No age will escape my wrath I travel through time and I return to the future I gather wisdom now lost I visit again the eternally ancient caves before a mighty Emperor thereupon came Watching the mortals "discovering" my chronicles, guarded by the old demons, even unknown to me Once destroyed their souls are being summoned to my timeless prison of hate It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls that were destroyed in my future How many wizards that serve me with evil, I know not My empires has no limits From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes I am the ruler and has been for eternities long I am them From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes I am the ruler and has been for eternities long My wizards are many, but their essence is mine Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief Because I am the spirit of their existence I am them Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VoOdoO_MaN Posted October 20, 2008 Report Share Posted October 20, 2008 Juan Magan - Que Levante Yo soy el señor de la noche, me encanta sembrar el derroche, derroche de fiesta y mujeres, exceso de amor y placeres, quiero que bailes desnuda y caliente, que roces tu cuerpo con mi piel ardiente, Quote Got some minuses for free? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twisted system Posted October 21, 2008 Report Share Posted October 21, 2008 Draconian - Death,Come near me By day I sleep, at night I weep! O Death, come near me! Be the one, for me, be the one, the one, who stays. My rivers, are frozen, and mischosen, and the shadows, around me, sickens my heart. O Death, come near me, and stay, by my side. Hear my silent, my silent cry! In sadness, I'm veiled, to the cross, I am nailed, and the pain, around me, freezes my world. My cold world... In life, I've failed, for years, I've wailed. Frozen in time... left behind... The rapture, of grief, is all, to find... The rapture, of grief, is all! Behind the shadow of life, the lost hopes are grieving. I seek the night, and hope to find love. So I drown in the silence of life's short eternity. The tears fills the void in my heart, astray... Embrace me now, delightful ease! Give me a world of wondrous peace! Calm the desperate scream in my heart! O Death, come near me, save me... from this empty, cold, world! O Life, you have killed me, so spare me, from, this cauldron, of misery! In life, I cry, away, I fly. Chosen, to fall, within, these walls. The rapture, of grief, is all, to find... The rapture, of grief, is all! Oh, shed a tear for the loss, of innocence, for the forsaken spirits who aches... in us. Cry for the heart who surrenders to pain, for the solitude of those, left, behind! Behold the pain and sorrow of the world, dream of a place away from this nightmare. Give us love and unity, under the heart of night. O Death, come near us, and give us life! Quote Granice mogućeg možemo odrediti samo onda, ako ih pređemo odlaskom u nemoguće. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
medolinka Posted October 21, 2008 Report Share Posted October 21, 2008 Generacija 5 - Sta cemo sad nas dvoje Sta cemo sad nas dvoje u sobi sasvim sami kad tela nam se boje strasti sto nas mami I sta cemo pored case sto um ce da nam satre kad prsti nam se plase od dodira k'o od vatre I svako pita sebe ko prvi treba da krene ja gledam i cekam tebe ti cutis i cekas mene Sta bi mi, sta bi drugo u osecanju i u stidu daj da se ljubimo dugo, dugo ne skreci pogled ka zidu Sta cemo sad nas dvoje u sobi sasvim sami kad tela nam se boje Quote For what I’ve done I start again And whatever pain may come Today this ends I’m forgiving what I’ve done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mIRA Posted October 25, 2008 Report Share Posted October 25, 2008 Today was the worst day I went through hell I wish I could remove it from my mind Two months away from you but I couldn't tell I thought that everything was gonna be just fine The post card that you wrote with the stupid little note Something wasn't quite right about it It smelt like cheap perfume And it didnt smell like you There is no way you can get around it Because you wrote [chorus:] I wish you were her You left out the 'E' You left without me And now you're somewhere out there With a bitch, slut, psycho babe I hate you, why are guys so lame Everything I gave you I want everything back but you My friends tried to tell me all along That you werent the right one for me My friends tried to tell me to be strong I bet you didnt think that I would see The postcard that you wrote With the stupid little note Something wasn't quite right about it I wanna see you cry Like I did a thousand times Now you're losing me, you're losing me now Because you wrote [chorus:] I wish you were her You left out the 'E' You left without me And now you're somewhere out there With a bitch, slut, psycho babe I hate you, why are guys so lame Everything I gave you I want everything back but you The postcard that you wrote With the stupid little note Something wasn't quite right about it It smelled like cheap perfume And it didnt smell like you There is no way you can get around it Because you wrote [chorus:] I wish you were her You left out the 'E' You left without me And now you're somewhere out there With a bitch, slut, psycho babe I hate you, why are guys so lame Everything I gave you I want everything back but you Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doolio Posted October 26, 2008 Report Share Posted October 26, 2008 znaci, ovo je najlepsa hajskul mekani pank pesmica koju sam ja cuo:) ko dusko radovic i mika antic da su uzeli dzitre:) Dugo sam disao sam glumeci uvek da znam pravi razlog mog prokletog cutanja zaspalih ljubavi dah,pluskvamperfekat Tog petka pao je mrak moj korak-sve osim lak bas je gubio nadu kad se desio taj aperkat citav svemir skriven ispod njenih obrva Delfinu prelepi moj,sta god da pomislis ovako blesav i lud vec te godinama trazim svud sledjen pri pomisli da mozda i ne postojis kiše dosadni ples, samo golica zedj da ti pomerim sa cela tvrdoglavi taj pramen smedj pa naslonim usne ko balon od sapunice.. Znam,znam mislis "tuzan je dan" kada semafor je crven a ti zuris u stan vest za tebe glasi "ima ko da te spasi?" pogledom gladnim oslobodi moj telefon gubi smisao ne znam zasto sam uopste i pisao sve te brojeve kupole bojeve prosto prorade u glavi kad se pojavi na njemu tvoj broj Cesto uzdahnem sam i sasvim sigurno znam pravi razlog mog prokletog cutanja Daleko blizu daleko sanjas isti san... covek bez sluha - daleko blizu daleko Quote brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grdja Posted October 27, 2008 Report Share Posted October 27, 2008 znaci, ovo je najlepsa hajskul mekani pank pesmica koju sam ja cuo:) ko dusko radovic i mika antic da su uzeli dzitre:) Najbolji opis ovog novog stila CBSa koji sam cuo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crno-Sunce Posted October 28, 2008 Report Share Posted October 28, 2008 Cat Stivens - Wild World Lalalalalala... Now that I've lost everything to you You say you wanna start something new And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin' Baby, I'm grievin' But if you wanna leave, take good care Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there CHORUS: Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world and I'll always remember you like a child, girl You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do And it's breakin' my heart in two Because I never wanna see you sad, girl Don't be a bad girl But if you wanna leave, take good care Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware CHORUS Lalalalala.... Baby, I love you But if you wanna leave, take good care Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware CHORUS (x2) Quote If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
millanče Posted October 28, 2008 Report Share Posted October 28, 2008 It's time now to go traveling in Stygiaaaaaaaaan! Through the flames I watch As you plead on your knees The reaper awaits The ride that you take Through the lake, lake of flames Will decide your fate Was all of it worth eternal pain The path you chose to live in vain The river Styx is calling your number The hot winds of Hell breathe your name Bridge: On the night that it came to me It was like nothing I'd ever seen A vision darker than death itself A violent cloud straight from the depths of hell And that's when I saw my destiny As it approached I was frozen still I couldn't move, couldn't scream for help Out of the darkness it reached for me And that's when it planted the evil seed And that's when I saw my destiny Chorus: Travel in Stygian The damned scream my name Travel in Stygian I can't repent it's too late Travel in Stygian Hot winds blow upon me Travel in Stygian No remorse it's too late Bridge The henchman awaits you Yes that's right, step aboard We have a very long journey You owe us You got what you wanted In your mortal life Now your soul is in our grasp It's time Riding on the hot winds of hell Traveling down in the ship of pain I chose this fate no turning back The river Styx has called for me Quote OPTIMIZADO PARA EL NERVIO ÓPTICO HUMANO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doolio Posted November 8, 2008 Report Share Posted November 8, 2008 Žena se iz birtije vratila kući Nervozna i ljuta, sa visokim tlakom Stariju kćerku je počela tući A mlađu je samo opizdila šakom Otac je skočio da brani kćeri "Nećeš tući ni stariju ni mlađu!" Oštrim glasom ona mu reče: "Ne seri!" U čelo ga pljune i započnu svađu scream deo: "Šta jeeee?" - "Ništaaaa!" "Šta jeeee?" - "Začepiiii!" "Šta jeeee?" - "Odjebiiiii!" "Šta jeeee?" - "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Quote brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sinister Posted November 28, 2008 Report Share Posted November 28, 2008 [Fred:] Who can be the boss? Look up to the cross Stranded in the land of the lost Standin up, I'm sideways I'm blazin' up the path Runnin on the highways of rap Choked up by the smoke and the charcoal Lava stamps and brands me like a barcode I'm Dashin all the meteor strikes Keep the media dykes As re-enforcements for the fight And that alone with keep John Ghotti on the phone Tangled in his own I got the bees on the track Where the fuck you at? [Method Man] Tical Let me hear you pigeons run your mouth now [Method Man] Shut the fuck up! I'm pluggin in them social skills That keep my total bills over a million The last time I checked it Thank God I'm blessed with the mind that I wreck it Wait until the second round, I'll knock him out ....... [Fred:] Mic check So what's it all about? Where we gonna run? Maybe we can meet up on the sun Discretion is advised For the blood of virgin eyes Limpin on the track with Method So get the sunblock You get your one shot Until you dissolve I revolve around everything you got From outta nowhere prepare You'll be blinded by the glare I told you not to stare Now you're turned into stone Without a microphone But don't you forget you're in the zone [Method Man] So shut the fuck up! And take that shit back Cause all your shit's whack [Method Man] Doodoo is doodoo When it's way down like that Burnin up your brain like a piston So all those who didn't listen Never even knew what they were missin And never even knew that the sky was fallin down Wu-Tang Clan for the crown jeeeeeeeeeeee-boooooooooooo-teeeeeeeeeeee [8D] [8D] [8D] [8D] It was over your head all day every day S-I-N-Y 1-0-3-0-4 Wu-Tang, Killa Bees, and the Limp B-I-Z-K-I-T Gotta know the time Gotta know to rhyme It ain't easy bein greezy In a world of cleanliness and you know all that other madness We gone Peace Quote Bring It Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doolio Posted November 29, 2008 Report Share Posted November 29, 2008 eto, da se izbaci fred i ostane metodmen, super:) Quote brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sinister Posted November 29, 2008 Report Share Posted November 29, 2008 jao kad se setim osnovne i paljenja jaooooo :))))))))) tad su svi slusali LB :D Quote Bring It Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 wall of text does crit Biohazard - Punishment Come on God, answer Me. For years I'm asking you Why? Why are the innocent dead and the guilty alive? Where is Justice? Where is Punishment? Or have you already answered? Have you already said to the world: "Here is Justice! Here is Punishment! Here, in Me?" I question not me, it only happens to others I can't deny reality as life gets smothered If the lines can be read between Maybe you can tell me then what it all means Cause he who paints the big picture runs the whole scene Locked down, I gotta get it out Impending doom, a cloud above my head Why me? My faith has been devout Blasphemous? Am I better off dead? Pusishment, for all my sins A burning thought inside my mind Has me full of pity for all of human kind As we move forth, we fall further behind Fear of death, will my life go on? Controlled fate? On the corner rolling dice Punishment, but I've done nothing wrong In my eyes, who really pays the price My lament, for the human race Guilty, punishment for all my sins, yeah, yeah Dread the day that brings the truth Punishment for what I've done Sentence me for all my sins Bound in fear for what I've got Though not much it seems a lot Life is death and no one wins Bustin' my ass, another day another dollar, as I kneel down and I Confress to the father that I'm suffering a burning question of The truth, wether or not to pull the trigger or to jump right Off the roof, 'cause I did things normal and just like all my friends But now I'm positive and life it all ends Punishment, for all my sins, I repent In reality, we all must face the facts that the majority Of the people are out there smoking crack, getting doped up, Shooting that shit into their veins, the question must be asked if We have any brains left, or right or wrong in this son, a Question we all ask and must answer before long, 'cause no one Is safe in this world, what's the deal, the sentence is death and to What court do I appeal? Punishment, for all my sins, I repent Punishment Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vlada92 Posted December 24, 2008 Report Share Posted December 24, 2008 Coldplay - Viva La Vida I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes Listen as the crowd would sing "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain Once you go there was never Never an honest word And that was when I ruled the world It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world Quote -Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube) ▲ ▲ ▲ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VoOdoO_MaN Posted December 26, 2008 Report Share Posted December 26, 2008 Voodoo Popeye - Karantin Oprostite molim, mnogo je volim kao odmor u skoli, sediste u troli, ta ra ri ra ra, kao Kristinu Zdravko Colic. Izgleda da dobijam Alchajmerovu bolest gledajuci tvoju sliku. Jos jedan dan, oduran k'o Duran Duran, treba mi gromobran, nista na vidiku. Hiljadu mu gromova i CD romova, secanje na tebe me kosta kao Petra kajgana. Ja sam mornar Palilulac sto je ostao bez kormila i broda. I prezivam svoju krv kao mali zeleni crv, o da li cu preziveti. Postajem komican, moj zivot je koma, imam nemiran stomak. Ni pivo vise nije kao sto je bilo, i ono je pobesnelo i zapenilo. Muvaju me drolje, jeftine kraljice noci, al' ja ih ne bih pipnuo makar trljale sise na moje oci. Koriste me dame da ne bi bile same, mogu da domamim i njihove mame, ali curim da nadjem curu kao ti, vracam se pusaka, nemam ni za taxi. Postao sa vutric, vopic, dopic, kao sto Karpova zovu Dado Topic, ja sam dao sve ali nije mi se vratilo, samo secanje na tebe me pratilo. Ref:Ova soba je moj karantin, moram brzo da te zaboravim, da se u mom zivotu bar, desi jos neka lepa stvar. Eeej kako smo stopirali do Tivta, i kako sam te nosio na sedmi sprat u zgradi bez lifta. I rekla si ljubav je ujutru vaznija od sinoc, dok sam ti skidao sminku izjutra. Imao sam gusterov osmeh, to sam doneo iz Ankare, i nisam mario, ako me ribe zanemare. Ja nisam promi curan, ja sam promicuran, ali znam da bez tebe bicu sam. Ref:Ova soba je moj karantin, moram brzo da te zaboravim, da se u mom zivotu bar, desi jos neka lepa stvar. I sinoc, i sinoc sam sanjao kako si skoknula na soljicu caja kod mene. Ceo servis smo slomili, dok smo se dojili i obuceni u trikoe trikove vezbali Take me to the bridge, Take me to the bridge. Bila si happy kad si me varala na kartama. Lose drustvo kvari dobre navike pored mene jos svasta si naucila. Ti i ja, u tramvaju broj dva, otkucavamo karte, automat se smeje, zemlja plese. Ulazi kondukter, i ne pita za kartu, zna da je zalutao tu. Grlim te i ljubim, na trgu republike, u gomili lazne, pozorisne publike. Neki ti narkoman dobacuje, ja izlazim na crtu provokatoru sto izlazi na crtu heroinu. Jeste, hteli su svi da te setaju, cvetici i cvetovi sto vise ne cvetaju. Misleci da kosulja tvoja ima mesta za sve koji hoce da te ljube i imaju. Bila si tajanstvena k'o sveti gral. Kao iz filma sto si gledala i shvatila stvari. Moje umrlo lice jos me zali, dok zivim u Celibatskoj pescari. Kad sam na kuci udarao plocu bolela me glava, ti si bila dibi dus moja cava. Bila si ekstaza, moja bivsa staza, sto mi se vraca kao Dunavu Sava. Ref:Ova soba je moj karantin, moram brzo da te zaboravim, da se u mom zivotu bar, desi jos neka lepa stvar. Quote Got some minuses for free? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gruja Posted January 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2009 dok zivim u Celibatskoj pescari. Deliblatskoj.Bas mi ubolo oko :) Quote gruja novi alenko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rev Posted January 12, 2009 Report Share Posted January 12, 2009 ahahhaha grujo glupane :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peja_ Posted January 12, 2009 Report Share Posted January 12, 2009 Gruja knows no celibacy. Quote The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted January 13, 2009 Report Share Posted January 13, 2009 Vešto skrivam tvoj lik od ljudi pomalo zlih k'o trn u oku sreća je za njih Nije mi teško jer znam sa tvog su mi lica dar suze i smeh za dušu su lek oduvek Prste sklopim u dlan pred novi dan željo jedina dobro znaj dobro znaj da Čuvam te ne dam nikom da te dira na dlanu si moja tajna urezana Čuvam te gde god krenem imam te na dlanu si ti moja linija života ljubavi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaveN Posted January 13, 2009 Report Share Posted January 13, 2009 Voodoo Popeye - Karantin vrhunska stvar :) vudu popaj je car :D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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