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Drale osvaja Kosmos!


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pa realno nikakvo iznenađenje. šta je sve radio i brenson i ostali u međuvremenu, obrok na nebu ne deluje kao nikakvo iznenađenje, posebno što tu možeš da lupiš price tag koji god hoćeš i ljudi će da kupuju. mogao je da stavi i 220.000 evra ili 330.000 evra, nije da će napraviti razliku onima koji će da idu i imaju para za to 🙂

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UFO whistleblower gives evidence at Congress hearing


US lawmakers will hear first-hand accounts of UFO sightings from former members of the military

A key witness is David Grusch, an ex-intelligence officer who claims the US government has "intact and partially intact" alien vehicles

Grusch has alleged that information on unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP) is being illegally withheld from Congress

Another witness is retired navy commander David Fravor, who says he chased a UFO while flying over the Pacific Ocean in 2004

The hearing will explore what the US government knows about UAPs and if there are any implications for national security or a need for more transparency

Još će da ispadne da mi analprobujemo njih 🙂 

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2 hours ago, Dule_smor said:

11k po danu, pa to je dzabe, ali zaista, pa samo troskovi lansiranja po tezini coveka su desetostruko veci, kako im se isplati onda

možda samo smeštaj što se kaže, a ne i prevoz? 🙂 ipak kaže koja je cena po danu, meni to ne deluje da podrazumeva i odlazak i povratak 🙂

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NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara marked their first spacewalk this month with a tool bag floating through space.

During the hours-long mission, a tool bag gave them the slip and was “lost,” NASA said, with flight controllers spotting it using the ISS’ external cameras. Fortunately, the tools were not required for the remainder of their tasks.

According to EarthSky, a website tracking cosmic events, the tool bag is currently orbiting Earth ahead of the ISS, and can potentially be spotted from Earth with a pair of binoculars during the next few months until it disintegrates in our planet’s atmosphere.


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Možda Drale nije osvojio kosmos (još uvek) ali će biti ponosan na naše!

Теодора и Стефан – први Срби на лету Европске свемирске агенције
У условима попут оних у свемиру, докторанди Теодора и Стефан, радили су на леку који би био прва помоћ астронаутима, у случају да се повреде током експедиција.

„Засадили смо ћелије фибробласта, то су ћелије које су иначе у великој мери одговорне у процесу зарастања рана, тако да се пратио њихов биолошки одговор као и својства тог материјала најпре у лабораторијским условима, а затим и у бестежинском стању током параболичног лета, јер је било неопходно испитати да ли одсуство гравитације утиче на динамику зарастања рана”, рекла је докторанд Теодора Вићентић са Института за хемију, технологију и металургију.


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Ako se ispostavi da je tačno da prebacimo u neki ozbiljniji topik 🙂



We are on the brink of an announcement that will change the world forever. Two rival teams of astronomers are racing to make the first confirmed detection of an extraterrestrial civilization, according to a British professor.

Professor Simon Holland, a documentary producer for NASA-funded projects, including one that identifies Earth-threatening asteroids, reveals that two rival groups of astronomers are racing to publish the first confirmed evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization.

NASA utilizes technology that can predict the likelihood of an asteroid hitting Earth. and the ability to send a laser signal reaching a spacecraft 290 miles away.  NASA is also working on ways to destroy asteroids, but it could result in a human-made meteor shower. 

Speaking to the Mirror UK, he said: "We have found a non-human extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy, and people don't know about it."

i Mark je tu 🙂


According to Simon, a contact within Mark Zuckerberg's Breakthrough Listen, a privately-funded initiative searching for evidence of civilizations beyond Earth, provided him with the information.

i zli Kinezi 🙂


Simon warns that they risk being outpaced in the race. He revealed: "This is breaking news, as of yesterday, but the Chinese might be pipping them to the post, with their, FAST [Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope] program. It's the largest telescope in the world since Arecibo."

The coordinates of the target object, known as BLC-1, are allegedly known to the Chinese and both teams are vying to be the first to make the highly prestigious announcement.


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Drale u osvajanju kosmosa dobija i nove saborce, Orbana i Trampa! Orbana pre svega ofc!

Tramp i Orban udružuju snage: Svemirska tehnologija kao novi most mađarsko-američke saradnje

Novoizabrani predsednik SAD Donald Tramp i mađarski premijer Viktor Orban razgovarali su o inicijativi za razvoj mađarske svemirske industrije i mogućnostima za globalnu tehnološku saradnju tokom sastanka u rezidenciji Mar-a-Lago.

Sastanku su prisustvovali i mađarski ministar spoljnih poslova i trgovine Peter Sijarto, predsednik 4iG Grupe Gellert Jasai, osnivač i izvršni direktor kompanija Tesla i SpaceX Ilon Mask, kao i Majk Volc, budući savetnik za nacionalnu bezbednost u Trampovoj administraciji.


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