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Jel ima neki statisticar u okolini? Treba ortaku pomoc :D Deluje mi lako za nekoga ko poznaje materiju, pa da pitam!


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 Each month thousands of job apllications arrive at a software company.

To select candidates the firm uses a test in the first appliance-round.

The applicants with a test-score belonging to the top 20.9% will pass onto the second round.
The scores on the test are normal distributed with an average of 140 points and a "standard deviation" of 25 points.
--- Calculate the minimum score that is necessary to be allowed to go onto the second round.

Ako je pak komplikovano, ne zamarajte se :D
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  On 12/1/2014 at 7:54 PM, Shomi~ said:


Jel ima neki statisticar u okolini? Treba ortaku pomoc :D Deluje mi lako za nekoga ko poznaje materiju, pa da pitam!


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 Each month thousands of job apllications arrive at a software company.

To select candidates the firm uses a test in the first appliance-round.

The applicants with a test-score belonging to the top 20.9% will pass onto the second round.
The scores on the test are normal distributed with an average of 140 points and a "standard deviation" of 25 points.
--- Calculate the minimum score that is necessary to be allowed to go onto the second round.

Ako je pak komplikovano, ne zamarajte se :D


U ekselu: =NORMINV(1-0,209;140;25) = 160,2

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  On 12/2/2014 at 2:23 AM, Beli Eurokrem said:

videh se veceras s devojkom koju znam 10 godina, a s kojom nikad nisam imao blizak kontakt i nadjosmo se neobavezno na kuvanom vinu. To kuvano vino se multipliciralo po 5 puta, 4 sata se ispricasmo, skontasmo se nikad bolje, zatreskah se ja u nju, zatreska se ona u mene i et. mozda onaj sharepoint u Svici i nije toliko gotivan koliko mi se jutros cinio : )

To je zbog vina, vidim ja ostajes u firmi i dalje :D

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trebalo je da parkiram jutros tu "oko bibera"


pola sata sam trazio mesto oko b92, zgrade gde zivi mikijeva baba (!), i onda krenuo, od opstine nbgd pa do hajata, ceo taj deo prosao, pa oko arene. Pola sata u kolima, NIJEDNO parking mesto, Screw you guys, i am going home,

Jednom rečju, katastrofa i teksas

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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nema nikad nigde mesta oko 8-9 ujutru a bogami ni poslepodne do 5. onda vec mozes da nabodes par slobodnih mesta


prosle nedelje kad sam poslepodne dolazio oko 3 tamo sam se parkirao na travnati deo kod begram (vip servisa), bio kasnio na sljaku jer sam trazio mesto 15minuta u krug

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  On 12/1/2014 at 2:41 PM, Debeli said:

Vidimo se za tri meseca kada ne budem imao da platim račun! :D


  Ivan_ said:

gruja novi alen

  Ivan said:

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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