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Njuz (nije njuz)

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Tako se za muzičko-dramski nastup u novogodišnjoj noći traži domaći rok bend koji nastupa duže od 20 godina i ima najmanje pet izdatih albuma. Međutim, pride mora da ima pevača ili pevačicu sa iskustvom voditelja i koji je još glumio u najmanje dva domaća filma. Da li vam možda neko pada na pamet?

Sledeći zahtev je još "detaljniji". Naime, traži se solo pevač, i to isključivo muški vokal, koji nastupa duže od 15 godina i ima najmanje tri izdata albuma s preko deset pesama. Ali to nije sve. U 2016. godini morao je da ima održana najmanje dva solistička koncerta sa preko 15.000 posetilaca i u poslednje dve godine najmanje deset humanitarnih nastupa. Pored toga morao je da učestvuje kao mentor ili član žirija u najmanje dve sezone regionalno popularnog talent šoua i da glumi u domaćem filmu! Nedostaje samo da odrede poželjan bračni status!

Da bi opština uzela u obzir domaći hip-hop bend, on mora da ima čak osam članova i minimum 15 godina staža. Takođe, i tri albuma i jedan samostalni koncert u poslednjih pet godina sa preko 15.000 posetilaca na svakom koncertu.

Pre nekoliko dana u javnosti se pojavila vest da će na Novom Beogradu pevati - Vlado Georgiev. I stvarno, tenderski uslovi kao da su pisani za njega. Deo je postave novog filma "Stado", imao je silne humanitarne koncerte (za Isidoru Bjelicu), član je žirija u "Tvoje lice zvuči poznato"...

Da bi dobio posao na repriznoj večeri, alternativni rok bend "mora da postoji najmanje deset godina, da ima četiri izdata albuma, da je dobitnik prestižne evropske muzičke nagrade u poslednjih pet godina, s najmanje dva samostalna koncerta u 2016. na kojima je bilo preko 5.000 posetilaca".


Možemo da igramo asocijacije i pogađamo ko ispunjava koji od zahteva :)

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to sam i ja odmah skapirao da su oni, kapiram nema ko drugi.

a ovaj rok bend je naravno van gog, ne samo da sviraju od kad postoje za novu godinu na trgu, već su i jedini da ja znam dobili "evropsku nagradu" odnosno MTV award onomad. Imaju i one "30 godina" koncerte samostalne ovih dana, tako da eto ima i to.

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Istina je verovatno između.

Ovaj brat je full Hilandar, Otadžbina, Srpska desnica, tako da verovatno nije baš fino rekao "odložite instrumente", nego im je jebao milosnu majku. Ali je svakako car

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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80 percent of all written paragraphs, including this one, feature the word "the." This word is the most commonly used word in the English language. So why doesn't "the" have its own symbol? 

The Australian restaurateur Paul Mathis has proposed we make language more efficient by employing the symbol Ћ - which is the combination of the letters "T" and "h" - in place of the word "the."

Let's give it a try. Here is how the above two paragraphs would read:

80 percent of all written paragraphs, including this one, feature Ћ word "Ћ." This word is Ћ most commonly used word in Ћ English language. So why doesn't "Ћ" have its own symbol? 

Ћ Australian restaurateur Paul Mathis has proposed we make language more efficient by employing Ћ symbol Ћ - which is Ћ combination of Ћ letters "T" and "h" - in place of Ћ word "Ћ."+

malo matoro, al' sad naleteh :)



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Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Nekadašnji zvaničnik Saveta Či okruga na Tajvanu je preminuo, a na večni počinak ga je ispratilo 50 striptizeta, koje su u povorci stajale na nekoliko desetina džipova.


Povorka u kojoj su bile striptizete na džipovima, kao i drugi ljudi koji su prisustvovali sahrani, je oko dva sata prolazila ulicom Žongženg, dok inače traje oko desetak minuta. Bila je toliko velika da je izazvala saobraćani zastoj u širem području.

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ili možda jeste Njuz, nemam pojma :)

A woman makes a replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper with her belly button lint.

Laura Bell of Roscommon, Michigan has been collecting the lint from her belly button in order to create a 14-foot-long, 4-foot tall reproduction of da Vinci’s masterpiece The Last Supper.



It has taken Bell close to 27 years to amass the quantity of lint necessary to produce this work of art. Over the years, she has developed a methodic and border line obsessive compulsive system of jarring and cataloguing the lint by color and size. Her collection consists of over 20 shades of every imaginable color. And her largest individual lint deposit is recorded at 52.7mm in diameter. That’s just over 2 inches!

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Unsurprisingly, the FBI also has a number of paid informants. Some of these informants apparently work at Best Buy -- Geek Squad by day, government informants by… well, also by day.

According to court records, Geek Squad technician John "Trey" Westphal, an FBI informant, reported he accidentally located on Rettenmaier's computer an image of "a fully nude, white prepubescent female on her hands and knees on a bed, with a brown choker-type collar around her neck." Westphal notified his boss, Justin Meade, also an FBI informant, who alerted colleague Randall Ratliff, another FBI informant at Best Buy, as well as the FBI. Claiming the image met the definition of child pornography and was tied to a series of illicit pictures known as the "Jenny" shots, agent Tracey Riley seized the hard drive.

Not necessarily a problem, considering companies performing computer/electronic device repair are legally required to report discovered child porn to law enforcement. The difference here is the paycheck. This Geek Squad member had been paid $500 for digging around in customers' computers and reporting his findings to the FBI. That changes the motivation from legal obligation to a chance to earn extra cash by digging around in files not essential to the repair work at hand


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Meet the husbands who fly first class – while their wives travel in economy

“John finds economy unbearable,” economy-class wife Michelle Sedgemore told Samantha Brick and Maureen Brookbanks, writing for the Daily Mail. “He doesn't like the chatter, hates that too many people are in close proximity and can't bear being crammed into his seat.” When they both flew in economy to the Maldives in 2001, it was a “disaster”: “John didn't stop moaning and grumbling. I had to have a few glasses of wine to try to drown out his whingeing.”


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