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Mass Effect 3


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Pa koliko sam ja pročitao juče, jesu izvalili i to još 2007 su developeri mass effecta to spominjali negde po svojim forumima, ima negde na bioware forumu ako vas ne mrzi da tražite, mene mrzi, taj neki post iz 2009/ 10 u kome je sve lepo objašnjeno. Da je Mass Effect reimaginacija Star Controla i da je to neka vrsta poluomaža celoj stvari. A i ono, svi ti scenariji se generalno recikliraju, pa ni to nije nešto sad novo.


Novi - Take Earth Back trejler što je prikazan juče premijerno u TWD


Edited by CheighLee


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ljudovi, rek'o da se oprobam sa nekim RPG-om i ajde mass effect, verovatno laptop moze da fura na max. Skinuo Proper-Reloaded torrent i izgleda da je keygen zastareo:/ Torrent je iz 2008 jebiga. Jel zna neko sta bi mogao tu da uradim? Nebi nista skidao do kraja meseca, jer imam limit od 60gb mesecno:/

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ljudovi, rek'o da se oprobam sa nekim RPG-om i ajde mass effect, verovatno laptop moze da fura na max. Skinuo Proper-Reloaded torrent i izgleda da je keygen zastareo:/ Torrent je iz 2008 jebiga. Jel zna neko sta bi mogao tu da uradim? Nebi nista skidao do kraja meseca, jer imam limit od 60gb mesecno:/

Ako misliš na ME1, obavezno traži noviji crack, sa starijim verzijama ima slučajeva da ne možeš dalje od prvog ulaska u galaxy map.

BTW, ME je hell of a game, ali nije baš RPG...

Edited by milanche


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Ako misliš na ME1, obavezno traži noviji crack, sa starijim verzijama ima slučajeva da ne možeš dalje od prvog ulaska u galaxy map.

BTW, ME je hell of a game, ali nije baš RPG...

Jeste vi neki nubovi?

Prvo, za igru od pre nekoliko godina obavezno se skine poslednji PEČ sa odgovarajućim krekom, a ne da igraš bagovitu verziju 1.0

Drugo, keygen samo izbaci broj i to je to, kako može da zastari?

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It became clear they had given the idea at least some thought. “It’s daunting, but the neat thing is it would lend itself to a different type of game play. It’s fun to think about. I imagine people think it would be just like Mass Effect as it is… but there’s lots of people there. It’s really interesting, I don’t know. It’s a tough one.”

“The possibility space, that’s a term that I heard Will Wright say about ten years ago, and it really struck me,” Muzyka continued, pointing out that most Bioware properties could work as MMOs. “When you deliver a game, and you deliver it for a player, you have to capture what they think is the possibility space. You need to let them do everything they think they should do, and you can’t block them from doing anything they think they should be able to do. You have to nail all the features and content that should be in that possibility space.“ He paused for a moment.

“Mass Effect is a big possibility space.”

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