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Mass Effect 3


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odigrah demo

sta je bre ovo lepim se na svakih 2 metra za cover, nije bilo tako u prethodna dva dela

ne mozes da trcis normalno

igroa sam i multiplayer koji je obican survival, wave za wavom stize i sa ovako bangavim kontrolama nimalo to ne deluje izazovno nit zanimljivo, tacno se vidi da je konzola u pitanju - pa ako hocete izazov igrajte sa dzojpedom tkao je zmaisljena igra

kontrola misem opet bangava za jedan tps/fps

i dalje ne mogu da prezalim zasto je ovo tps, pola ekrana ti zazume shepardova bulja ili ledjaa ti sharash mishem okolo kao u fpsu

anyway sve je svedeno na space, to je taster koji se najvise koristi za sve moguce opcije





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Prave, mada skoro nisam ništa o tome čuo, nakon ComicCon-a:

For movie fans, it’s no secret that the annual San Diego Comic-Con is the place to be but in recent years, we’re seeing a big push from the video games industry as well. How fitting then, that what may be our most anticipated video game movie adaptation also was treated to a little presentation there earlier this summer.

In the first ever Comic-Con panel from Legendary Pictures, Mass Effect was one of four early-in-production high concept films discussed and it was there where fans got their first glimmer of hope that BioWare’s own sci-fi epic could be the property that turns the tide of the video game movie genre.

After waiting hours to get into the room for this panel, very little was actually revealed. Mass Effect game producer Casey Hudson came on stage with screenwriter Mark Protosevich, but there was no official news or media relating to the film. Instead, they spoke of how Legendary was the right home for such a property and that the filmmakers are and will continue to work intimately with BioWare to ensure the film is all it should be.

Fans were happy to hear them acknowledge that video game movies are a problematic genre with a consistent track record of sucky films, and Protosevich was able spread more happiness by saying that his script will be “following and honoring the story” of the series. According to a FAQ posted by Legendary however, that might not be the case.

In an August-dated posting on the official Legendary Pictures site, one that some outlets are claiming just showed up, some Twitter questions that were supposed to be asked during the presentation were missed due to timing so they’ve been posted online.

Q: Will it just be an adaptation of the first game, second game, or a completely new story?

A: It will be a completely new story

Q: How are you going to address the element of ‘choice’ that the players have in the game?

A: A movie narrative is different than gameplay. There won’t be a choice aspect to this film, just a normal film narrative.

Q: Will it be a trilogy?

A: We are really focused on making this a great movie, so we’ll see where it takes us. We have to get the first one right to know whether there will be more.

Q: Will Seth Green portray Joker (that character he voiced in the game?)

A: No.

Q: Will the movie be focused on Sheppard?

A: Yes.

Q: If the movie is focused on Sheppard, will it be the male Sheppard or the female Sheppard?

A: Male.

Q: Can you give any hints to potential casting?

A: No. Stay tuned.

Q: Will BioWare allow plot / character changes?

A: Yes, we are working closely with BioWare on the development of this project.

Q: Would you consider Daft Punk to do the soundtrack?

A: We love Daft Punk, but it’s too early to say who will produce the soundtrack.

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Da li si zaista ocekivao nesto drugacije G!!!? Dvojka se predje tako sto drzis napred i drkas space i levi mis, ovo samo sa space. Sto ne naprave lepo animirani film i zavrse s pricom..

mda al space ovo space ono ... jebte zajebavali smo se pre nekoliko godina da ce igre biti takve da ce se prelaziti sa jednim tasterom, kad ono medjutim....

naravno u demou kao i u 2. delu odabir razlicitih opcija u dijalogu daje isti rezultat :))

problem je sto je borba bangavija nego u drugom delu umesto da su nju ispolirali jer je sve ostalo sranjkasto (mada ko zna mozda ce biti moguca gej threesome romansa!)





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Ne znam, ja kad sam u demou stigao do onog vel'kog robota, bio sam u fazonu "oh, shieee." ... i onda sam ga ubio neočekivano lako, i onda je bila drugačija intonacija u "oh, shiiiet :(" koje jesledilo.

Nadam se da će biti malo veći izazov, a manje interaktivni film.


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Problem je sto su hard tezinu ok odradili jedino u kecu. U dvojci kad povecas tezinu, jedina promena je da neprijatelji imaju vise helta a tvoji meci manje damage. I onda ponavljas isto sranje duplo vise vremena. I onda dodjem do zakljucka bolje preci na normal i cutati.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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zajebavali smo se pre nekoliko godina da ce igre biti takve da ce se prelaziti sa jednim tasterom, kad ono medjutim....

Nema ništa loše u tome!

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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