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Zamisli da tebi neko kaže "prestani da piješ"


nigga pls


Doktore, je l mozes da mi kazes da li postoji neki pregled/provera/stagod koji utvrdjuje da li se unosi dovoljno kalcijuma u organizam? Znaci da li fali organizmu kalcijum i d vitamin ili ne, da li je to onaj pregled putem krvi?


metabolizam kalcijuma je kompleksan, trebalo bi proveriti u laboratoriji jonizovani kalcijum, vitamin d i paratiroidni hormon makar

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dule, jarl imaju neki antibiotici koji su otporni na alkohol? rekla mi mara da tebe pitam (nhf etc)

ima, shamargile

pitaj rekija da ti završi!

stanko, to ti je trip samo :>

realno, previše blejiš u zatvorenom i na kompu i to je to

a još si i glupi cigan.

Edited by алфа

Um caruje, Dundo Maroje!


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Derealizacija je specifični poremećaj doživljavanja sopstvene ličnosti i okoline i psihopatološki fenomen kada bolesnik ima osjećaj da se okolina promjenila, da nije više ista kao i ranije. Spoljašnji svijet izgleda mu nekako drugačiji, promjenjen, izvitoperen, nepravilnih oblika predmeta. A i ljudi su se nekako promjenili, postali su čudni, neobični, ali ne zna razlog zbog čega se to desilo. Ponekad ima utisak da gleda kao kroz mutnu vodu, zavjesu, kao što je slučaj u napadu akutnog paničnog poremećaja.


uz pomoc brata gugla


mislim da nije to to, NISAM LUD ALO!1

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The advice that you shouldn’t drink alcohol while taking antibiotics does hold true for a small group of anti-infective drugs including metronidazole (Flagyl, Metronide or Metrogyl), tinidazole (Fasigyn or Simplotan) and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Bactrim, Co-trimoxazole). These drugs block one of the major pathways that metabolise alcohol and cause a rapid build up of nasties called acetaldehydes, which are responsible for many of the unpleasant physical effects of hangovers. With these drugs on board, you can be red-faced, fainting and vomiting after as little as one glass of beer.


For nearly all other types of antibiotics there is no clear evidence of harm from modest alcohol intake. A comprehensive but readable summary of alcohol and medication interference can be found here.


But this doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to drink to excess when you’re in the grip of an infection, as the sedative and nauseating effects of the alcohol are likely to increase if you are unwell.





Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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