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Game of Thrones - zvanični topik o TV seriji i knjigama

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Još ga nisu castovali, jer se lik ne pojavljuje u prvoj knjizi, a nisu u startu znali da će snimati više od jedne sezone. Ja lično "vidim" Kolina Farela dok čitam knjigu, pošto odgovara po godinama (mid-tridesete)

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Zna li se ko će glumiti Stanisa?

Z on TV

June 1, 2011

HBO confirms: Vin Diesel casted for roll of Stannis Baratheon

HBO's highly praised show 'Game of Thrones' has gained one more famous star for season two.HBO announced that Vin Diesel shall play Stannis Baratheon.Vin Diesel mostly known for his portray of escaped convict Riddick,also known for his love of fantasy books and games has said that he is honored to play Stannis.


Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Lol, jebi se, taman sam se ponadao :))))

U prvi mah pomislih, wft, Vin Dizel. Al kad zamislim onu ćelu i onaj njegov glas, u nekom warrior outfitu, perkfetno bi legao :)

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Uuuu Mark Strong, on je realno car. Još samo da nađu neko mesto za Alana Rikmena i ja ću biti srećan!

On bi bio idealan za ulogu lorda Valder Freja

težak spojler

Domaćin Crvene svadbe kada su pobili Starkove i prišili glavu jezovuka na Robovo telo.

btw @Stanis

Strong mi deluje kao mnogo bolji izbor. Stanis teba da bude krupan, ali ne kao jebeni Konan već poput Šon Bina. I ne bi trebalo da bude dopadljiv - on jeste hrabar i pravedan, ali je prilično hladan i nepristupačan. Ser Alister Torn iz Noćne Straže mi je baš taj tip glumca.


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