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Ma kakvo grudvanje, popio sam neku rakiju domacu da se ugrejem i sad mi je do jaja, iako ne volim rakiju. I prehladu sam odjebao rakijom.

Evo i pesme. Ojsa!

@miksa: treba ih imati nekoliko da bi se skapirala shema, posto su jelte sve iste. Skoro sam bas devojci odrzao predavanje o postovanju i gle cuda priznala je sve i nastavila da guta...

Edited by TheJack

There are people who almost never smile but are almost always happy.

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Stigao sam kući nekako putem japanskih sanki marke Honda, uz izbegavanje bilo kakvih većih nagiba. Bukvalno ako je mala uzbrdica a nije očišćena ulica, ćao. I to još kao imam nove gume, doduše letnje.

Od sutra corsa all the way!

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e kako smarate Misketa...

pusti te bre coveka, pa sta... ima nas koji smo sise i koji pate kad ih neko ostavi jer nemamo dovoljno samopouzdanja...

jebg.. i to ce se jednom promeniti, ali mi to sami moramo da skapiramo a ne da nam to neko nabija na nos :P

Mikseta...ne Misketa

step in my transporter , so I can teleport ya,all around my heavenly body..

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Helmut Seifert, 47, an ethnic German originally from Russia, was enraged when he heard his 17-year-old daughter was having a relationship with Phillip Genscher, 57.

He went to police in the town of Bielefeld where he lives but officers said they were powerless to intervene.

"The man then recruited two work colleagues at his factory and then went to the house of the victim," said police.

"The man was forced to remove his trousers and, fully conscious, he was castrated. The severed testicles were taken away by the perpetrator."

The man was close to bleeding to death but managed to call police. His life was saved but he remains a eunuch for life.

Seifert pleaded guilty and will be on trial for attempted murder next year. But he has remained silent on who his accomplices were.

He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him - so I did.

"I saw it as my duty as a father."

i još jedan:

An Italian hospital director sent a memo to doctors and nurses asking them not to snort cocaine while on duty, the ANSA news agency reported Saturday.

Giuseppe Di Maria now faces possible disciplinary action following the memo sent to medical staff at the Santa Catarina Novella di Galatina Hospital near Lecce in southern Italy.

The memo was sent after Di Maria received anonymous tip-offs about the practice at the hospital, the report said.

Social services chiefs have opened an internal inquiry into the affair and also referred it to the local prosecutor's office.

Director of social affairs Guido Scoditti said he had no choice but to pass the matter on to the authorities.

"The director of the hospital has certainly made an error, he should not have sent this memo, he should have informed me directly.

"The alleged consumption of cocaine in a hospital environment should certainly not be dealt with in this way," he said.

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Blejao u kraju u kaficu sa nekim ortacima,i dok smo se zezali,dodje neka likusha koja ima ABNORMALNU SISURDACHU da igra bilijar sa nekim rtd bajom,i onda se pricha tu zavrshava ,nas 5 koji 45 minuta blejimo u te SISURDACHE koje su naravno maximalno izrazhene velikim dekolteom.... VOLIM JE <3 nemam sliku,nisam slikao,nisam imao kada :D Sad mogu nasmejan u krevet da je sanjam... laku noc.



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... mnogo...

мислим да је Вуди рад да ти га утера. самопоуздање, наравно.

Лалетове вести ме баш орасположише.


мада мислим да само хирурзи шмрчу коку.


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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