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pozic vozic

usto, idem da kupim mx518!


I've seen your fairground hair,

your seaside eyes

Your vampire tooth, your little truth

Your tiny lies

I know your trembling hand, your guilty prize

Your sleeping limbs, your foreign hymns

Your midnight cries

So dry your eyes

And turn your head away

Now there's nothing more to say

Now you're gone away

I know your trail of tears, your slip of hand

Your monkey paw, your monkey claw

And your monkey hand

I've seen your trick of blood, your trap of fire

Your ancient wound, your scarlet moon

And your jailhouse smile

So dry your eyes

And turn your head away

Now there's nothing more to say

Now you're gone away

I'll miss your urchin smile, your orphan tears

Your shining prize, your tiny cries

Your little fears

I'll miss your fairground hair, your seaside eyes

Your vampire tooth, your little truth

And your tiny lies

So dry your eyes

And turn your head away

Now there's nothing more to say

Now you're gone away

Edited by rejven
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то је већ договорено! Пекар се обавезао да сними изведбу са целим оркестром на некој свадби.



Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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stvar je u tome sto je retard zvonio na interfon, i dok sam se probudio i otvorio on je vec bio otisao, i pogledam posle 2 minuta on jos bleji u kolima preko ulice, dok sam strcao on ode...a nije verovatno ni usao u zgradu tako da nije mogao da ostavi ono, retard

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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