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HoN prcajte!

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his Friday we have a great patch coming to HoN with a full Rampage rework, new hero Gladiator, Report A Player functionality, new item, and a bunch of balance tweaks. To celebrate this excellent patch we are giving all old, non purchased beta accounts a Free2Play weekend. Starting Friday at noon EST and ending Sunday 11:59pm EST anyone can login with their old beta account and enjoy HoN once again.

Forum neprikladan za signaturu!


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da li je bekdorovanje kaznjivo, nesto pominjase da od skoro jeste ? Bilo bi lepo da postoji report dugme za to, pun mi kurac warbeastova sa pazlboxevima koji bekdoruju.

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Pa neka stave da kula i ostale gradjevine ne moze da se udari dok je krip prvi ne drmne, i gotovo, neka krip stakuje neki debuff na kuli koji ce omoguciti igracima da biju istu.. :D naravno tipa od poslednjeg udarca kripa debuff istice posle 5-6 sekundi i cao.. :D

Edited by Coyote


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HoN Fans-

You can now play Heroes of Newerth for FREE! Come join us for a Free To Play Week starting Monday, August 2nd at 1:00 PM EST and ending on Monday, August 9th at 1:00 PM EST. Set up your free account and download the client here. It's fast and easy to do. You'll be playing HoN again in just minutes! And, for FREE.

Come see what you've been missing. You will have access to the full game and all 68 heroes, including the newest hero, Doctor Repulsor. You will be able to see all game replays, but no cumulative stats will be available for F2P accounts.

See you in-game!

Edited by Johnn1e
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U 5 ujutru? Koji ti nick siso, mislio sam da si prestao da igrash :/

Igram po malo ali ne na svom accountu vetj koristim ortakov. Dodjem do 1700+ onda on sjebe skor na -1600 i tako u krug. Kul je! =)

A shto se tiche vremena, pa bash je to i bio problem... shto sam za tih par nedelja bio online u svako doba dana i notji i ni jednom nisam video da ima preko 15-16k ljudi online. :(

Jebiga, mozda mi se online users count sjeb'o ili samo nisam imao sretje.

Iskreno se nadam da tje ova free-week promocija doneti HoNu neki solidan broj novih igracha. HoN ftw! =)

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najbezbolnije je preko kartice (moneybookers/paypal)

mene je hon izasao oko 31eur. jbga, moras preko reseller-a pa tu uzmu neke pare dodatno =/

People don't stop playing because they get old, they get old because they stop playing.

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