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Ah lol kakva noc

Sunshine koncert fenomenalan

Carola do jaja

Sprc do jaja

Sve do jaja!

Jedino sto nisam spavao uopste, igrao tf2 dva sata i sad idem na fax na ispit HAEAHEAHEAEHAEHAE

jedva gledam na oci, kad se pojavim profi sa podochnjacima... bice veselo :D


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Life sucks. Oko 5:30 shvatim da mi se jako spava, sav sretjan legnem u fazonu "ALA TJU DA SE NASPAVAM, KONACHNO" i probudim se u 8:30... jel je to okej da vas ja pitam? Nije! :(

Pa, nije...ali radi nesto po ceo dan, izmori se i onda idi da legnes u 12, da vidis kako ces da se budis u isto 8:30, ali svez i nasmejan:D

QUOTE (Kojot @ Apr 21 2009, 03:24)

relnao pametna devojka se ili iskenaj pre sexa ili se izklistira tusem i namaze pomadom

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Last Rite of Christ

Dolorous chants followed the rite of Eucharist

The sun had vanished on the last day of Christ

Spoiled blood and mouldered flesh

The wine and bread he had offered

But the savant of heaven

Betrayed by Iscariot

And followed by

The command of crucifixion

Demonic whispers

Infested the saviour's thoughts

Back in gethsemane's morbid garden

Prayers faded unheard

With the funeral wind

Only a cerement embraced

The naked corpse

For his flesh was mouldered

Before the dawn of the third day...

Олимпијске игре на РУРу

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Last Rite of Christ

Dolorous chants followed the rite of Eucharist

The sun had vanished on the last day of Christ

Spoiled blood and mouldered flesh

The wine and bread he had offered

But the savant of heaven

Betrayed by Iscariot

And followed by

The command of crucifixion

Demonic whispers

Infested the saviour's thoughts

Back in gethsemane's morbid garden

Prayers faded unheard

With the funeral wind

Only a cerement embraced

The naked corpse

For his flesh was mouldered

Before the dawn of the third day...

O mother, I am sick of love,

I cannot laugh nor lift my head,

My bitter dreams have broken me,

I would my love were dead.

"Drink of the draught I brew for thee,

Thou shalt have quiet in its stead."

Where is the silver in the rain,

Where is the music in the sea,

Where is the bird that sang all day

To break my heart with melody?

"The night thou badst Love fly away,

He hid them all from thee."

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i na kraju odem na otvaranje stikaPla i bude kul na kraju - iako sam bio trezan kao djavo.

a sad rad rad rad a zeleo bih da sam ovde


brandstack.com/users/portfolio/logos/gligorov \\ behance.net/gligorov

99designs.com/people/gligorov \\ twitter.com/MarkoGligorov \\ upstack.com/

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dobro jutro!

imam 2 sata da izblejim,jedem,sredim se,pa picim na rodjendan,sve vise ulazim u semu,nadam se da cu uskoro poceti da radim...

moracu posle podne bar malo da ucim,pisem radove,a uvece cu zvati drugare da dodju,prazna mi gajba,pa da malo izblejimo...


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coka laže da se drogira

- aj se bijemo

- ma jok, ja ću da bijem tebe

- i to što kažeš, inače bih ja pobedio sigurno

- pa jedino ako bih ti vezala i ruke i noge, pa onda da se bijemo

- pa čime onda da te udaram?! *WINK*

- <nije shvatila>


- <shvatila je>

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