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If you do a bad job you'll be locked in here with the cockroaches for two weeks without food or water.

Pinchers of Peril... saved by my Pinchers of Peril!

And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here.


.: l@w
.: co-founder of kouteki

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U istoj radnji sam ortacima kupio te chibi priveske Armstronga, Alphonsa i Hughesa, bas su slatki. :D A bila je slicna figura ovoj, s tim sto nije imao kaput, i umesto da lupa dlanovima, pravi sebi onaj mach na ruci... 15 minuta sam se premisljao koji da uzmem. :D

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Eh sad, ne znam bas tacnu adresu, ali krenes iz Citadel parka ka Graciji i Guelju ulicom de Sant Joan (ona sto se odma nastavlja na onu trifumfalnu kapiju ili sta vec) i jbg u nekom trenutku sa leve strane imas naredjane 3-4 jedan do drugog fantasy/anime shopova svaki veci od prethodnog. Ako ides tom stranom ulice ne mozes da promasis. Jes da ima da se pici tom ulicom, ali mislim da je negde na pola...

Ne pokusavaj da pitas ljude na ulici (osim ako ne govoris spanski), nece te nista razumeti.

Edited by Sinistral
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