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The X
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Everything posted by ZeRoQL

  1. Imaju mic :) i jako je dobar! :)
  2. Zhe tech my computah! I slika odma iznad monitora, za moju inspiraciju
  3. a4tech hs-800 :) http://www.itsvet.com/proizvod/a4-tech-hs-...adphones/40/424 800din mislim da je, odlichne su!
  4. A CTF mape? to si zaboravio?:) ima on dosta da uchi :)
  5. Hahahah a tek ovo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_5e3ECXHgg
  6. jaoo sad si me podcetio da skinem Lion king! :D
  7. hehehe sjajno, kao iz crtaca nekog :)
  8. Here we go again! Ja bi dao malo supporta ovom ceveku, jer stalno pomaze i trudi se da odrzi ovoaj mali serbian community-u (q3 > ut).To sto ljudi misle da su turniri namesteni, neka misle! sve je curaptirano! ne samo turniri.Tako da sch4 nemoj se tripujesh.Opet navodish javljacu se ovom onom kad si vec zaboravio da glavnog sexy quake manijaka navedesh gore iliti snagu i jos par njih[8D].Ja cu ovo gledati kao da se nije ni desilo, jer garant neko hoce da sjebe ovo sto se mi trudimo da odrzimo u zivotu, a sch4 je slab kad se tice mind rejpovanja cim ga neko na serveru spamuje, da je ono ovakvo ili onakvo, on kad tad popusti i pukne, kao i sad.Mada nebitno, organizovacemo jos turnira OnLine dok ja i moj m8 f1gee(OMG) ne otvorimo jedan zanimiljivi club, gde cemo oraganizovati dugo ocekivani LAN turnir, gde cemo se svi skupiti i druziti . btw. Uskoro cemo zavrsiti Quake Overdose 2 Quadrilogy, iliti prvi Serbian community quake 3 movie koji je HD 720p tako da stay tuned!
  9. E ovako treba mi pomoc oko igraone, jel neko zna koji software je najpouzdaniji i tako to.Davno nisam bio u BG i poznatim igroanicama pa ne znam koji je sad sistem za vreme i placanje.Ja sam nasao http://www.antamedia.co.yu/cafe/ ali ko zna dal taj valja...
  10. http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1611203 http://www.eswc.com/register/new/3?discipline_id=5
  11. Zato sad prave QuakeLive i ja mislim da je perfektan!
  12. Quakelive TIPS! Console: * To open: ctrl + alt + ~, and then once you've done that set com_allowconsole 1 so you dont need ctrl-alt next time * Typing the beginning of a command and pressing TAB will autocomplete, or show all the commands that start with those letters. * Pressing the up and down arrows on your keyboard will scroll through text already typed into the console. * Pressing page up and page down will skip entire pages, combine these with ctrl to go to the very top or bottom of the console. Important commands: * cg_kickscale 0 -- this makes it so your screen doesn't shake when you get hit. * cg_bob 0 -- this makes it so your screen stays stable while running, jumping, falling etc... * cg_noprojectiletrail 1 -- this removes smoke from rockets and grenades * cg_leveltimerdirection -- 1 makes the timer (or game clock) count down (default), 0 makes it count up * cg_truelightning -- 1 makes the lightning beam perfectly stiff, 0 makes it loose, u can set the amount of stiffness to any value between 0 and 1 * cg_scalePlayersModelsToBB -- a value of 0 makes models slightly bigger at the expense of accuracy to the hitbox * cg_newWeaponBar -- 1 shows them constantly on the left + ammo values (new), 0 shows weapons above health and armor when switching (old) * cg_switchOnEmpty -- 1 makes you switch to the next gun automatically when you run out of ammo * clan "clantag" -- will add "clantag" to the beginning of your name. * ui_clantagpos "0" -- tag at beginning of name - set to 1 for tag at end * cl_currentserveraddress -- gives the ip address of the server Models: If you want a quieter model/teammates, but bright and noisy enemies, try these settings: * seta model "bitterman" * seta cg_forceTeamModel "bitterman" * seta cg_forceEnemyModel "keel/bright" (model/skin) /bright skins will currently only work for visor, crash, keel and tankjr Every model also has /red and /blue (for their red and blue coloured outfits) You don't have to specify a skin, e.g. cg_forceTeamModel "bitterman", doing this will give the model the default outfit. Change your models to your personal preference! New binds: * readyup -- a certain amount of people need to ready up before the game starts... * dropflag -- drops the flag you're carrying (to give it to a teammate in certain situations) * dropweapon -- drops your current weapon (to give it to a teammate in certain situations) Demo folders: * XP - %appdata%\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\demos copy to run command or addressbar in explorer. * Vista - %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\demos * You will need to get into Folder Options/View and make sure you have "Show hidden files and folders" checked. * While you are there, uncheck: "Hide extensions for known file types". Play demos by pulling down the console and typing the demo name ie: /demo demo0000 CFG folder: ...\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\ Once you have things set up the way you want, and your binds the way you want them, write a config: /writeconfig myconfig Then if your settings get lost somehow, you can /exec myconfig and it will restore them. Colors for /name, /clan, /say etc. ^1 - Red ^2 - Green ^3 - Yellow ^4 - Blue ^5 - Cyan ^6 - Magenta ^7 - White ^^0 - Black //black letters will be preceded by the extra ^ e.g. /name "^3John ^1Doe" will make the name "John Doe" (with John being yellow, Doe being red
  13. Osetices kako ti krv brze tece zilama hahahahahahahahaa
  14. Kombi!? necemo stati! treba dovuci ove moje lazyass kvejkere iz zr + navijachice + hrana!
  15. LOL bre! Hahahha yep! Neverujem! pix or didn't happend!
  16. hahahhaahahahhaahahahaahhaha FAIL! :DDHAHAHHAAHA
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