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Everything posted by ZeRoQL
E mare ja bi ti dao cd-key ali sam dao vec raletu, jedino ako on hoce da ti da na test. btw ovako nesto izgleda QuakeLive http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...live_videogames
The three day GameGune 2008 Quake 3 tournament has came to a well deserved end, with the Polish wonder boy Av3k taking the first place and RazerJ second. Both earning 3000 and 2000 euros respectively. The boy wonder Maciek 'av3k' Krzykowski made himself an "easy" path for the victory as he defeated his opponents in the upper bracket. In the Grand Final he met the Chinese super rocket Zhibo 'RazerJ' Fan. This wasn't their first match-up in the tournament as they both had the honour to meet each other in the winner bracket finals, but the not-so-young anymore Pole took the upper hand and secured him the easy part of Grand Final with a 2:1 victory. But when it came to the Final match of the tournament, RazerJ surely made an impression that he will win it. He destroyed his opponent in the first set of BO3 with 16:5 on ZTN3Tourney1 and 21:11 on pro-Q3DM6. However things changed in the second set. The first game of this set could be one of tournaments must see as the first map lasted for 4 scoreless Overtimes. In the end Av3k broke the silent spree and won the map with the score 8:7 (ZTN3Tourney1). In the second map Av3k seemed to have gone berserk as he didn't want to give his opponent a single frag and even kept him on a negative score for a while. And only when it was sure that the Pole has secured himself a win, RazerJ got 5 frags and finished the game with 4:22 (pro-Q3DM6). Evo rezultata sa turnira: 1st: serious/Av3k - €3.000 2nd: <RazerJ> - €2.000 3rd: fox*LLL -€1.000 4th: 4K^noctis - €600 5th: mouz.cooller - €400 6th: excello.spart1e 7th: EG.czm 8th: fnatic.Vo0 E ovako grupe su : Group A: 1. Fox 2. noctis 3. geo 4. Krysa 5. Terry 6. Apaje » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Round 1: :: Fox 1:1 noctis hub3aeroq3 21:22 ztn3tourney1 11:10 :: Krysa 1:1 geo ztn3tourney1 21:4 pro-nodm9 9:23 :: terry 2:0 Apaje ztn3tourney1 19:7 ztn3tourney1 27:9 Round 2: :: Fox 2:0 geo ztn3tourney1 40:6 hub3aeroq3 18:3 :: noctis 2:0 Apaje ztn3tourney1 44:2 pro-q3dm6 31:0 :: terry 0:2 Krysa ztn3tourney1 14:29 ztn3tourney1 6:32 Round 3: :: Fox 2:0 Krysa hub3aeroq3 29:23 pro-tourney4 26:6 :: geo 2:0 Apaje ztn3tourney1 35:10 pro-nodm9 44:4 :: noctis 2:0 terry ztn3tourney1 25:5 ztn3tourney1 35:1 Round 4: :: noctis 2:0 Krysa ztn3tourney1 23:14 hub3aeroq3 44:16 :: Fox 2:0 Apaje pro-q3tourney4 59:-1 ztn3tourney1 48:0 :: geo 2:0 terry hub3aeroq3 60:20 ztn3tourney1 27:21 Round 5: :: Krysa 2:0 Apaje ztn3tourney1 31:2 pro-q3tourney4 44:8 :: Fox 2:0 terry hub3aeroq3 69:6 ztn3tourney1 40:9 :: noctis 2:0 geo hub3aeroq3 33:9 pro-nodm9 39:9 Group B: 1. av3k 2. czm 3. Phoenix 4. timmy 5. GUArd (GUard couldn't make it to the event) » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Round 1: :: timmy 0:2 Phoenix pro-nodm9 15:30 pro-nodm9 15:29 Round 2: :: timmy 0:2 av3k hub3aeroq3 11:33 ztn3tourney1 4:20 Round 3: :: Phoenix 1:1 av3k ztn3tourney1 13:11 ztn3tourney 8:21 Round something: :: czm 2:0 Phoenix pro-q3tourney4 27:10 pro-q3dm6 9:8 :: av3k 2:0 czm hub3aeroq3 27:22 ztn3tourney1 19:12 Round something else: :: czm 2:0 timmy pro-q3tourney4 44:21 ztn3tourney1 29:5 Group C: 1. RazerJ 2. Vo0 3. nike 4. pozi 5. draven 6. AllteR » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Round 1: :: Vo0 2:0 draven hub3aeroq3 41:17 pro-q3dm6 18-11 :: RazerJ 2:0 Nike ztn3tourney1 5:2 pro-q3tourney4 17:3 :: AllteR 0:2 pozi ztn3tourney1 16:17 pro-q3dm6 12:19 Round 2: :: Vo0 2:0 pozi pro-nodm9 19:7 pro-q3dm6 16:15 :: RazerJ 2:0 draven pro-q3tourney4 44:16 pro-q3dm6 30:22 :: AllteR 0:2 Nike ztn3tourney1 7:24 ztn3tourney1 1:36 Round 3: :: draven 1:1 AllteR ztn3tourney1 35:14 pro-q3dm6 21:23 :: RazerJ 2:0 Vo0 ztn3tourney1 5:2 pro-nodm9 8:4 :: Nike 2:0 Pozi ztn3tourney1 24:2 pro-q3tourney4 19:5 Round funky (4/5): :: RazerJ 2:0 pozi pro-q3tourney4 35:5 ztn3tourney1 24:2 :: Nike 0:2 Vo0 ztn3tourney1 4:6 hub3aeroq3 15:27 :: draven 1:1 pozi ztn3tourney1 28:9 pro-q3dm6 15:21 :: RazerJ 2:0 AllteR ztn3tourney1 36:11 pro-nodm9 36:-3 Group D: 1. spart1e 2. Cooller 3. Sl1p 4. Doce 5. break (break couldn't make it to the event) » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Round 1: :: Cooller 2:0 Sl1p hub3aeroq3 28:16 pro-q3dm6 31:4 :: Spart1e 2:0 dOce pro-q3dm6 22:8 pro-q3dm6 24:12 Round 2: :: Cooller 0:2 Spart1e pro-q3dm6 6:20 pro-nodm9 13:14 :: dOce 0:2 Sl1p ztn3tourney1 14:22 pro-q3dm6 11:23 Round 3: :: Cooller 2:0 dOce ztn3tourney1 18:10 ztn3tourney1 24:13 :: Spart1e 2:0 Sl1p hub3aeroq3 46:9 pro-q3dm6 29:5 DEMOS: Grupa A, B, C ne zapakovani GameGune 2008 Group A demo pack GameGune 2008 Group B demo pack GameGune 2008 Group C demo pack Pogledajte obavezno demoe :)
"Finish Him!!" The Emperor of Outworld is out for more than blood as Sub Zero and Liu Kang fight to the death. http://fliiby.com/file/52566/2rzk7bdhz8.html
Napises ime prezime tvoj mail i dal si expert u testiranju :) i onda cimash coreya, nika, ob1-a, sch4, ili koga vec, ja sam ispucao svoje inajvtove...
Evo trailer http://fliiby.com/file/51957/g6ih0ph4u5.html ajd corey salji ljudima cd-keyove ;)
odlichan server browser za q3 dok ASE ne radi http://www.bdamage.se/download.php?view.8
to zbog f1gee-a sto te odrao ?:))))
ofc da ima :)
Ma usrali su nesto, beta pre ove kao final bete je radila savrseno.QL ti je quake 3 iz browsera sa nekim malim promenama, tipa sve mape su modifikovane, ubacheni neki modeli i tako to.Veske to vremenom se ispravi, imao sam i ja taj problem da se resio sam od sebe.
Ti ako nisi dobio 3 key-a onda stvarno, daj proveri taj tvoj mail, a i svejedno sad ce biti free ako vec nije.
Quake Nations Cup (by silu) - Colosseum
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Ajd skidajte :) sergio i ja smo u njemu kao i ostali fox i kompanija :P -
Quake Overdose 2 - second editon
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Neda mi zena btw cim nabavim novi broj iscimacu te! -
SBB TDM 2v2 Online cpma CUP
ZeRoQL replied to <qcg>sch4's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
nista od ove ideje -
Legie ima sponzore, a ja nemam zato on ide fox, noctis, czm, cypher mada videcemo...
When u see it, you will shit brix! ZOMG!!!
Quake Overdose 2 - second editon
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Evo novi mirror http://www.quakeunity.com/file=2715 Pa silenceped nece skoro, a quake overdose cim svi budu poslali fragove za sad imam 100 frgz tacno -
SBB TDM 2v2 Online cpma CUP
ZeRoQL replied to <qcg>sch4's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Bash me zanima dal ce se skupiti 8 timova [lol] Ja kolko se secam nekada je bilo oko 50 timova u srbiji, bese to 2002 ? pazi sad ... ccc -
Quake Overdose 2 - second editon
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
We shell see!!!! 720p ima da bude Corey tako da ne moze da bude lose!!! jos 50FPS smooth ce sve da bidne... -
SBB TDM 2v2 Online cpma CUP
ZeRoQL replied to <qcg>sch4's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Sta nema zainteresovanih? cccccc ode scena u qrac -
Quake Overdose 2 - second editon
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Ma iscimao me Sil da mu namestim trailer za njegov filmic koji ce se raditi posle quake overdose-a ako skupi njegove fragove, Silenceped iliti fragged by Silencep Al me tripujete za kvalitet ubicu vas nekom je bolji prvi a nekom drugi kvalitet trailera -
Quake Overdose 2 - second editon
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Evo namestio sam nesto u medjuvremenu Silenceped DOWNLOAD -