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Everything posted by ZeRoQL
I whana ride him! :D
(18:04:59) (@Legie) TEAM BELGIUM SIGNED UP ----> LAST SLOT FOR NATIONS CUP 2009 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ovako stoje stvari http://quakequickcup.com/?page=nations_teams
Mortal Kombat - Defenders of the Realm The characters and their backstories are mostly continuous with the movies Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, although there are some minor differences. This includes what the characters looked like in Mortal Kombat 3 the arcade game. The series takes place in Ninja country after the events of the first movie and the plot has very little to do with the plot of any of the games including fighting monkeys. Perhaps the most notable aspect of the show was that it provided the debut appearance of Quan Chi Ninja's, a key character in the MK series who was the villain of Mortal Kombat 4 and part of the Deadly Ninjas . The show was focused on a group of warriors assembled by Raiden Ninjas to defend Earthrealm from invader ninjas from various other dimensions that entered through portals. The assembled warriors included Liu Kang, Kurtis Stryker, Sonya Blade, Jax, Kitana, and Sub-Zero, with Nightwolf functioning mostly as tech support. The warriors operated out of a hidden base from where Nightwolf and Raiden monitored portal openings; the warriors would fly dragon-shaped jets to deal with disturbances. Shao Kahn was something of an arch-villain throughout the series, being responsible for allowing other realms to invade Earthrealm. The finale involved Kitana leading a rebellion from Outworld against her step-father, Shao Kahn. 1. Kombat Begins Again http://fliiby.com/file/121477/ooyxo0lccl.html http://fliiby.com/file/121535/a0i4yo1fgl.html 2. Sting of the Scorpion http://fliiby.com/file/121598/6gnr3vz7vo.html http://fliiby.com/file/121599/dvciftlxsw.html 3. Acid Tongue http://fliiby.com/file/121600/5fd41x57qj.html http://fliiby.com/file/121602/uy5jxcdtey.html 4. Skin Deep http://fliiby.com/file/121603/lyncem9o36.html http://fliiby.com/file/121604/28v2kh7azo.html 5. Old Friends Never Die http://fliiby.com/file/121609/byrjrp0dfw.html http://fliiby.com/file/121611/gy1gvd9ler.html 6. Familiar Red http://fliiby.com/file/121625/r7nuryk120.html http://fliiby.com/file/121627/0mkyr1q3rm.html 7. Fall from Grace http://fliiby.com/file/121627/0mkyr1q3rm.html http://fliiby.com/file/121628/vcf9m48yti.html 8. The Secret of Quan Chi http://fliiby.com/file/121819/nlwqtilbwf.html http://fliiby.com/file/121822/any4wowrny.html 9. Resurrection http://fliiby.com/file/121821/f42mauep9d.html http://fliiby.com/file/121820/ebp8s7my9l.html 10. Swords of Ilkan http://fliiby.com/file/121823/1niua2i5l3.html http://fliiby.com/file/121824/gjqn59tf20.html 11. Amends http://fliiby.com/file/122116/kl2dgwn4gc.html http://fliiby.com/file/121825/6jpa08wngo.html 12. Abandoned http://fliiby.com/file/122117/lregthgscv.html http://fliiby.com/file/122133/cl8cgkdabe.html 13. Overthrown http://fliiby.com/file/122126/khmajstytl.html http://fliiby.com/file/122122/vvwfu222dm.html E daaa! za malo da zaboravim ;)))) USKORO! Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe - Mortal Monday - The Joker http://fliiby.com/file/122151/v0cc0v0aah.html MK VS DC - Scorpion VS The Flash - 100% Pure Gameplay - High Quality Available http://fliiby.com/file/122152/z6emzfhkfg.html
Obavezno pogledajte :) da vam digne adrenalin ;) http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1633214#pid1633214
sch4 ja radim care ( 2 posla ), i neigram se po ceo dan sa strancima... steta sto nemozesh da coachujesh :( Maaa Kik1 ribo sve je isto, uzmesh rail i bockash :) Sve se moze kad se hoce, pa trebalo bi decembra da krene sve...
Niko je zauzet :) sch4 isto, jedino ti ili neki novi dobrotvorac :) kori?:D
Eh jbg :D moramo novog coach-a da nadjemo, NIKO / SLY :D ko se javlja
hahahaa :D lichi jbt :D ali ja imam bolje cvike ali sad payback! :D sch4 like http://www.smog.pl/wideo/21304/taniec_z_fr...i_na_parkiecie/
QQC - National CUP 2008/2009 Prijavljene ekipe za sada: France - l1nkin, Kirua, unity, strenx, slx, AppleSeed Slovakia - JoCKo, ed3n, VaSHo, duFo, Mato, pqb, zy0tic, mufin Belarus - keep3r, cypher, miidi, taran2L, suicidal, ice Russia - zzz, anopich, k1llmas, que?tion, hack3r, limon, ash, fragment Spain - SuPRiMo, Dabra, tokeh, Centinela, Sl1p, Allter, pizo, phoenix Iceland - Paradx, Reyn1r, Link, diddy Ukraine - Extreme, Ghost, Shadow, Vendigo, Saverok Serbia - ZeRoQL, Remedy, F1gee, Snaga, Kik1, Raven, Sergio, Vuduu, Sch4 Czech Republic - eJo, Krysa, Smasher, Legie, Zubb, Angry, ttnek, shebin Denmark - GEKKO, PsY, Claes, amOKchen, rhz, jbt, Lotau, nemo United Kingdom - Disrepute, deus, vor, rax, style, 2gd, ddk, nvc, lth, wrock MOD - CPMA 1.46 download MAPE - Morate da skinete uz mod download Ovo skinite da koristite umesto quake3.exe, ulazi odma u cpma mod i radi jos neke stvari tipa Some of fixed features: * bots can’t be kicked using the devmap command * legacy cack like joystick/midi support only pollutes configs if enabled * bugs with losing sound fixed * com_soundmegs is fixed. Now you don’t need to set it as 32 Mb or higher. You can set 8 Mb or 10 Mb and use com_hunkmegs the same way. * r_fastsky doesn’t close the portals (needs more testing) * r_noportals isn’t a cheat command anymore * there’s no models with MD4 format * roqs now are linked with s_volume * unlimited time for pak download from a server is fixed * fixed ALL the dropped sound issues in snd_dma download Ventrilo i ventriloMIX ( za komunikaciju ) SBB ventrilo je pao tako da koristimo madjarski ventrilo server IP: enigmaonline.hu port: 3784 download VENTRILOMIX download Iiiii ammmm to bi bilo to... ja sam ugovorio sa slovencima i islandjanima da vezbamo :)
DA :))) i vuduu :)
Evo TEAM SERBIA za National CUp ZeRoQL (capitan) * name: Djordje Simonovic * email: zeroql23@gmail.com * team : QCG Remedy (player) * name: Emil Esov * email: * team : Che F1gee (player) * name: Srdjan Kovacevic * email: f1gee@live.com * team : QCG Snaga (player) * name: Dragan Rajkov * email: quakesnaga@yahoo.com * team : No Clan Kik1 (player) * name: Aleksandar Grbovic * email: * team : The Fuse Raven (player) * name: Jovan Stojcevic * email: raven_che@hotmail.com * team : Che Sergio (player) * name: Srdjan Maljukanovic * email: maljukanovic@gmail.com * team : UneQualled Sch4 (coach) * name: Predrag Pecev * email: sch4_1984@yahoo.com * team : QCG
Ok, ali moze neko da objasni k1kiju koji se mod igra, posto je bio away dosta :)
Remedy Raven F1gee Snaga Zeroql oce jos neko?
reko figi da oce, i remedy valjda
Since the Euro Open Cup is now well running, I had enough time to finish the preparations for yet another big tourney - no other than QUAKE 3 TDM NATIONS CUP itself. The whole thing should start within 3 weeks, although this may change if some things would take me more time than expected. In order to make this NC even better than the last time, I've decided to make a few changes: -The number of maximum teams per country is now restricted to ONE -The number of maximum players per team is now restricted to 7 + 1 (team captain) -I have now granted access to logs for almost all of the eurpean servers, therefore I will check the logs after each game in order to prevent smurfing (fakenicking) -I will no longer tolerate game rescheduling because of absence. Each team gets one "Wild card" that can be used for this purpose, but only once in the whole tourney. How to register your country: Choose your team captain. If -for some reason- you won't come to an agreement, the cup admins will pick one of the candidates for you. As a team captain, choose up to 7 players that will represent your country and send the list (including yourself) to nationscup@quakequickcup.com. I ask you to select only those players, who are willing to play and have enough time for the tournament. The list should contain each player's real name, nickname, clan and his/her email adress. Check #quakequickcup for more info srouce Dakle javite se ko oce da igra :)
© bud light
serveri su umrli kao i scena q3 ovde :/
ESWC Masters of Athens SEEDS & GROUPS
ZeRoQL replied to Corey's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
to se zove sergio still :) -
Quake Overdose 2 - Quadrilogy -
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Izgleda svima se svideo filmic sem jednoj osobi :/ -
Quake Overdose 2 - Quadrilogy -
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
Evo koga mrzi da skida, moze pogledati ovde http://www.sourceradio.com/modules.php?nam...tch&id=1271 -
Quake Overdose 2 - Quadrilogy -
ZeRoQL replied to ZeRoQL's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
<3 <3 <3 -
http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1622063 After Slovakia zy0tic and his Slovak community movie, it's now Serbia zeroql's turn to grant us with his new movie from the Serbian Quake 3 community. It's called Quake Overdose 2 Quadrilogy and runs for a bit less than 10 minutes. Frags were all made in DM and TDM while the editing is quite classic. * Here are a few notes from the author Quake Overdose 2 Quadrilogy is the first HD Serbian Quake community video. I started this project about 2 months ago. The idea was to make a frag movie with the most active Serbian quake players. The inspiration for this project mostly came from my friend C3LLUX who made "PLACEBO 2", which is one of the best and funniest quake movies i have seen. I've put in plenty of hard work to collect the demos and pick the frags, this task alone took me about one month to complete because Serbian players are becoming more inactive or being lazyassez! I picked most of my frags from tournaments between 2002 and 2008. The frags that were picked are what I consider to be legendary frags by Serbian players that I wish to share with you 8). I made this movie with the help of my very good friend Mr. Predrag (a.k.a sch4). I appreciate and thank sch4 for all the hard work he has put into this project. He took half of all the demos and watched them day and night burning the midnight oil until his eyes started to bleed .. and then some. All in the quest of finding and supplying you with great frags. He also did a wonderful job putting in a nice After effect logo for the intro and the autorun feature for the movie. This movie features a couple of international players such as, XGO, EVIILI and Anak1n. As most of you already know Anak1n is from the great clan EYEBALLERS. He's a Swedish player who is Serbian by blood. XGO and EVIILI are Serbians as well but they live in Slovenia. There are a lot of old school players in this movie so you will see some old goldies and sick frags at the back of your optic nerves! I would like to give special thanks to these people who have helped me tremendously through this project; Sch4 for helping me make this movie Silu for inspiration and helping Niko for keeping Serbian quake servers alive Dragan Vasicin (winer of QuakeCon wallpaper contest) for making us Wallpaper for movie Sa1Nt for the future whine! proZac for uploading first mirror ;) And all players who send their demos :) All Tournaments in Serbia LAN/OnLine: http://www.team-qcg.com/turniri.htm * Featuring Anakin, Atroc1ty, Corey, Demonoid, duke, eviili, f1gee, Gioblin, Kik1, mudvayne, 4oveRale, Raven*che ReMeDy, rmb, saikloun, sch4, sergio, Shaolin, sly*zomb1e, snejk, snaga, steamroller, steVe, tiger21 vuduu ,xgo, z4pher, zeroql & zuloom * Movie File - Trailer 25MB http://www.quakeunity.com/file=2750 * Movie File - 720p xvid (quakeoverdose2.720p.xvid.rar) 661MB http://files.filefront.com/quakeoverdose27...;/fileinfo.html Evo jos par http://www.gamerztube.cz/wXxtPO6F1/quake-overdose-2/ http://www.gamepark.cz/quake3quake_overdose_2_46669.htm RAPIDSHARE http://rapidshare.com/files/152626136/quak...id.rar.001.html http://rapidshare.com/files/152656960/quak...id.rar.002.html http://rapidshare.com/files/152790948/quak...id.rar.003.html http://rapidshare.com/files/152818410/quak...id.rar.004.html http://rapidshare.com/files/152841535/quak...id.rar.005.html http://rapidshare.com/files/152758524/quak...id.rar.006.html http://rapidshare.com/files/152696267/quak...id.rar.007.html I jos ... http://www.quake.cz/?q4=home&iD=1386 i ako moze ovo u Important Topics
ESWC Masters of Athens SEEDS & GROUPS
ZeRoQL replied to Corey's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
CYPHER ce jiba pokidati xD -
ESWC Masters of Athens SEEDS & GROUPS
ZeRoQL replied to Corey's topic in FPS - QuakeLive, Unreal Tournament...
toxjq!!! :D