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oddball last won the day on December 8

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About oddball

  • Birthday 09/11/1979


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  • Klan/Tim:
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    Jamaica :)))

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  1. s tim što nam je u najavi poskupljenje putarina. ponovo
  2. lol. valjda ima u gradu, makar na nekoj periferiji ili se ja tripujem?
  3. Mozda je nekome pitanje glupo ali juce sam skontao da kafici ne rade posle ovog vremena, bar ove sto sam ja gledao. Znam za klubove i aftere, ali me zanima da li ima neki kafic ili restoran u BGD-u da radi posle 1?
  4. zato sto su Lakiju bili hitno potrebni polovni delovi za kola
  5. oddball


    once you see it, you cannot unsee it
  6. sve jasno Laki, napisao sam u mailu sta i kako, cekam da mi tvoji jave :)
  7. stvarno sto kaze @deK!sa sve one koje su mi se svidele na keca su rasprodate :) Milane moracemo da se cujemo po ovom pitanju :D btw sta ovo tacno znaci: Specijalni RUR kroj – gejmerski stil! :)
  8. ako nisi kupio dosad kad stignem da je odigram prenecu utiske. ortak se odusevio i toplo mi je preporucio. jutros sam uzeo, a kad cu stici da je odigram, jbg...
  9. pa i nije neka kometa... https://www.rt.com/russia/608661-russia-siberia-asteroid/
  10. @Dule_smor evo je ova tvoja kometa! Asteroid to hit Russia today A one-meter-long asteroid is expected to enter Earth’s atmosphere over Yakutia and create a bright flash that will be visible for up to 700km A one-meter-long asteroid is expected to enter Earth’s atmosphere over Yakutia, Russia, on Tuesday around 7:00 p.m. Moscow time, according to scientists. The atmospheric entry is anticipated to produce a bright flash in the sky that will be visible up to 700km away. The asteroid’s trajectory suggests it will enter the atmosphere between the settlement of Olekminsky and the city of Lensk in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), according to researchers from the Ural Federal University have confirmed. Local scientists are actively tracking its path and plan to monitor its entry closely. While the asteroid is relatively small and poses no threat, its descent through the atmosphere will be a rare example of a visual phenomenon. Similar events have occurred in the past, including the widely known Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013, which caused damage and injuries due to the shockwave created by its explosion.
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