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Hot girls + Risky Business

A FAIL that should normally be a WIN.


Best mascot dance ever!


Stephen Fry and zoologist Mark Carwardine meet the kakapo - a fat, flightless and very randy rare parrot who has his way with a BBC cameraman.


Compilation of top viral videos of all time


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dakle,ovaj je napredan,komunikativan,i druzeljubiv(da tako prevedem tvoje reci) i zato ga ne volis? Oh da,i ima gay glas...

a jedno je kad je neko takav,a drugo kada neko na silu se trudi da bude takav zbog evropejskih stavova,ne znam da li me kapiras,znam par takvih ljudi i idu mi na kurcobial !

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The Known Universe by American Museum of Natural History

The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world's most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe, at the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan through May 2010.

You're all gonna die. Then you'll be dead for way longer than you're alive; like, that's mostly what you're ever gonna be. You're just dead people that didn't die yet...

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diskaveri <3

Gledam po ceo dan ovo na discovery-u i ne moze da mi dosadi :D

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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diskaveri <3

Sve je to lepo, samo da nisu ubacili onog ćelavog koji sa osmehom ispaljuje neku raketu. Јеbem mu mater, pa pesma je u fazonu "kako je divan ovaj svet", i oni ubace RAT/UBIJANJE u klip, jebeni američki retardi... kontam ja da je to zbog emisije tog lika, dakle upoznat sam sa tim, čisto da ne krene neko da mi objašnjava kako šta.

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Sve je to lepo, samo da nisu ubacili onog ćelavog koji sa osmehom ispaljuje neku raketu. Јеbem mu mater, pa pesma je u fazonu "kako je divan ovaj svet", i oni ubace RAT/UBIJANJE u klip, jebeni američki retardi... kontam ja da je to zbog emisije tog lika, dakle upoznat sam sa tim, čisto da ne krene neko da mi objašnjava kako šta.

Totalno se slazem sa tobom...Uopste nisu trebali njega da ubace..mnogo me nervira retard

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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